Military Technology

Chapter 1663 Who dares to fight with him on land?

In any case, these hundred acres of rose gardens have been eradicated. Although the people are sorry, there is nothing they can do. The statement from Haoyu Technology clearly explains that these are the experimental fields where they dared to conduct biogenetic engineering experiments. Now that the experiments are over, they should be eradicated.

If it is not produced, it may contaminate the genes of surrounding animals and plants, causing an ecological disaster. On the other hand, this is done in accordance with the procedures stipulated by relevant laws. If they are not eradicated, then they may have violated laws and regulations.

So netizens complained a lot, but there was nothing they could do. People who don’t want this rose garden to be eradicated are also local, because this rose garden has attracted a large number of tourists here. The on-site eradication will undoubtedly destroy a very important local tourism resource. How could they be willing to do so? But there are relevant laws and regulations, plus relevant agreements with local governments. So even if the local government doesn't want to, there is nothing they can do. And compared to this hundreds of acres of rose gardens, the entire northwest R\u0026D center is the most important.

If this affects the Northwest R\u0026D Center and causes its center to be transferred or even relocated, the losses will undoubtedly be huge.

As the public pays attention to this rose garden, the Haoyu Technology Biological and Life Sciences Research Center and the Northwest R\u0026D Center where the R\u0026D center is located have gradually come into the public's sight and become known to everyone.

Many people didn't know until now that there was actually a huge research and development center deep next door in the northwest desert. This R\u0026D center covers a very large area, including living areas, scientific research areas, airports, test areas, space launch sites, logistics support areas, solar and wind power plants, etc.

It can be said that this is a newly built small city in the desert. Its size is probably almost comparable to the area of ​​some county towns, or even larger than the county town, and its preparation is higher. After all, most county towns do not have their own airport runway, and does not have its own space launch site.

However, there are not many people in this northwest R\u0026D center carefully built by Haoyu Technology. In addition to scientific researchers, there are also some logistics support and service personnel, totaling only 10,000 people.

Of these more than 10,000 people, more than 80% to 90% are scientific research and technical personnel, and the rest are logistics support personnel.

Although it is unclear why Haoyu Technology established such a technology research and development center deep next door in such a remote and remote northwest desert. But what is certain is that there is certainly nothing as simple as it seems. Wu Hao and the others spent so much effort and investment to build such a small city, so his plans must be big.

Gradually, as some netizens dug their heels in, relevant news about this R\u0026D center was found out. Except for some public reports, publicity, and some gossip among netizens. The largest source of information actually comes from overseas, and many of them come from military intelligence reports.

For example, overseas intelligence shows that Haoyu Technology is developing a new type of intelligent unmanned attack aircraft at its northwest R\u0026D center. The biggest difference of this attack aircraft is that it can be separated from human control and achieve autonomous control, autonomous takeoff and landing, autonomous flight, autonomous mission execution, autonomous attack, etc.

Moreover, it can not only penetrate enemy territory from long distances to carry out precise strikes, but can also be used to target some air targets. And it was mentioned in a report from a certain country. This smart drone can engage in aerial dogfights with manned fighters and use its own advantages to defeat manned fighters. It is said that Haoyu Technology has achieved very impressive results with this intelligent unmanned attack aircraft in several joint confrontation exercises with the Air Force.

According to relevant news, this intelligent unmanned attack aircraft has begun mass production and has been installed in a small number of trial units, but it has not been announced yet. However, some blurry photos and video screenshots have confirmed the existence of this "shuttle" intelligent unmanned attack aircraft.

According to an article recently disclosed by a certain institute, this "shuttle-type" intelligent unmanned attack aircraft is codenamed "嫇徯".

The name of Fujia intelligent attack drone quickly caused a sensation among netizens, especially military fans. "凫寯", this name is really appropriate and sounds so nice. It is a legendary bird. This bird has a body like a rooster, a face like a human, sharp eyes, and always carries a fighting spirit. The expression, when it appears, there will be a war.

This name also fits this Fuji intelligent attack drone very well, because it often performs the most difficult combat missions. In other words, it is built for war. Its appearance, for example, on the battlefield, will also mean war.

However, these news are fragments. Please check Shuyuan and related information from overseas. From the beginning to the end, neither Haoyu Technology nor the Air Force has disclosed any relevant information about this Fujia intelligent attack drone. Obviously, this smart attack drone is still in a strictly confidential stage. It will be used as a sharp sword hidden in the dark, always ready to pierce the enemy's heart.

It seems that it will not be disclosed in the short term. Perhaps it will wait until the air show can be displayed, or it will be unveiled during the military parade.

In addition to this Fuqua intelligent attack drone, the ones that have attracted the most attention from the outside world are of course the "Iron Man" suit and the "Gundam" robot that Haoyu Technology is developing, which has been rumored for a long time.

The so-called robot suit is naturally the heavy-duty mechanical exoskeleton-assisted protective armor developed by Wu Hao and the others. This can be regarded as Iron Man's suit, which is similar to Iron Man's suit. Of course, although it is not as sci-fi as the Iron Man suit, it is still very advanced and can be said to represent the future technology of human infantry weapons and equipment.

Not only does it have super mobility, it also has excellent protective capabilities. If such a set of heavy-duty mechanical exoskeleton-assisted protective armor can be equipped to troops and worn by infantry, it will change the future land combat pattern. Such a warrior, who is fully armed to the teeth, is regarded as anyone who dares to fight with him on land.

This set of heavy-duty mechanical exoskeleton-assisted protective armor has actually been displayed at multiple exhibitions, but little is known about its specific performance and actual performance. There is only one piece of satellite photography from Lao Mi. In a desert next door, a group of human devices are running in the desert, and their running speed reaches 100 kilometers per hour.

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