Military Technology

Chapter 1664 Mobile “Killing Machine”

Everyone has imagined a lot of human-made devices that can run a hundred kilometers per hour. Some say they are aliens, and some say they are humanoid robots. However, in the end, after comparison and analysis, everyone thinks that the most likely one is the intelligent machine developed by Haoyu Technology. Exoskeleton helps protect armor, and it is the only one that best meets the relevant conditions.

Although everyone knows less about this intelligent mechanical exoskeleton power-assisted protective armor, everyone knows more about the low-end version or lightweight version of this intelligent mechanical exoskeleton power-assisted protective armor system. . Because these low-profile and lightweight versions have already appeared at the air show and were displayed on site. Its performance is also impressive and eye-catching.

According to relevant reports, the related lightweight and low-profile mechanical exoskeleton assist systems have also been sold to some countries in West Asia, and have performed well on the battlefield, and have received additional orders.

It is said that a certain rogue country has obtained several lightweight exoskeleton assistance systems through secret channels and begun secret research. On the black market in West Asia, such a lightweight mechanical exoskeleton assistance system has been sold for millions and tens of millions of dollars. There are many customers who have purchased it, and it is said that these customers are from some Western and Asian countries. See It seems that all countries want to obtain this mechanical exoskeleton assist system and conduct research and imitation to create their own mechanical exoskeleton products.

However, since it was a foreign trade version, Wu Hao and the others naturally had reservations, otherwise it would not have passed the review. These things are definitely quite different from the final version installed by our army.

What's more, Wu Hao and the others also master some key core technologies, such as the motor nerve bioelectrical signal capture, analysis and control system for human-machine control. Another example is Wu Hao's new lithium batteries and super solid-state battery products. This is seriously related to the battery life and standby time of these exoskeleton systems, and the sales of their latest battery technology and battery products have always been strictly controlled.

Moreover, super solid-state batteries have also been included in key strategic technology products and are subject to strict control and are prohibited from export. Therefore, even if other countries obtain these export versions of mechanical exoskeleton systems, it will not have much impact on them. Influence.

Not to mention the military, this lightweight mechanical exoskeleton system has also been used in the medical field. It is specially used to help Anxi paralyzed patients stand up again, and has achieved good results. The most eye-catching one was helping a princess from a certain country in West Asia to stand up again and appear in front of the camera.

As for the mysterious intelligent mechanical exoskeleton-assisted protective armor, its performance is still a mystery to the outside world. However, it seems that no one is willing to test this, unless they want to pay a heavy price to touch the tiger's butt.

In addition to this intelligent mechanical exoskeleton to assist in protective armor, netizens are more concerned about another weapon and equipment from this northwest research and development center, which is the legendary Gundam, or mecha.

No one knows the specific information. Only a tourist who was traveling through the desert accidentally shot a very blurry short video. In the video, there was a very tall figure, about two or three meters in height, and a humanoid robot rushing towards a target about two to three hundred meters away. The dunes flash by. When the tourist drove to take a closer look, he was stopped by the security personnel of Haoyu Technology. And asked him to hand over the shooting equipment and delete the shooting content inside. Fortunately, his mechanism quickly uploaded a piece of content, and other things were deleted.

The tourist posted the video online and insisted that what he saw was a two to three meter tall humanoid robot. According to this tourist's description, netizens have endless speculations. Some people think that this tall figure should be a large humanoid mecha. They believe that since Haoyu Technology has developed an intelligent mechanical exoskeleton to assist in protective armor, there should not be much problem in developing such a large humanoid mecha.

As for another group of people, they built what should be a tall humanoid robot. It is impossible for people to drive inside, and methods such as intelligent autonomy and remote control should be used.

In any case, this short video of more than ten seconds and the humanoid robot in this video have aroused the interest of many people, especially some overseas military institutions, which have aroused strong interest.

They firmly believe that this should be the mecha robot codenamed "Xingtian" developed by Haoyu Technology.

There is currently no information disclosed about this "Xingtian" humanoid robot and it is kept strictly confidential. Even within Haoyu Technology, there are only a handful of people who know about this project. It is an important project carried out secretly by Haoyu Technology.

Some overseas countries also learned a little bit of news through very complicated channels. But no one knows exactly what it is.

But the only thing that is certain is that Haoyu Technology is indeed researching mechas that only appear in movies and TV series. And judging from the short video accidentally shot by tourists, this mecha code-named Xingtian should have been successfully developed and tested, and the test results are very good.

Judging from the short video, this two- to three-meter-tall Xingtian mecha should be heavy ground support equipment specially built by Haoyu Technology for the army. It should be used in conjunction with intelligent mechanical exoskeletons to assist with protective armor. Find Shuyuan www. zhaoshuyuan. com

The larger the size, the stronger the power, the longer the standby time, the more weapons and equipment it can carry, and the stronger the firepower. And such a ground armored fortress will undoubtedly become a mobile killing machine.

Although it may not be as good as some current ground armored units in plain combat, its combat effectiveness in complex terrain, such as mountains, jungles, and cities, far exceeds that of traditional ground armored units.

More importantly, it is more flexible and easy to deploy. And if mass produced, it will be very cheap. Therefore, many people and countries are unable to sit still regarding this kind of weapons and equipment.

In the past two years alone, dozens of unknown persons have inexplicably broken into the Northwest Research and Development Center. Among them were tourists who entered by mistake, and some who just wanted to find out.

Fortunately, because the research base is relatively closed and isolated, coupled with strong and strict security facilities and well-trained security personnel, these people's conspiracy was foiled. However, how could such a small loss make the other party give up easily, so Wu Hao and the others still had a long way to go in terms of security and confidentiality.

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