Military Technology

Chapter 1667 The new “nemesis” of the desert

, military technology

In addition to the rose garden, netizens also paid attention to another experimental project of the Biological and Life Sciences Research Center, which is the drought-tolerant plant cultivation project. Netizens found relevant papers published by Yang Fang and others, and also found a video of the experiment from nowhere. This is a test video. In the video, you can see that a Haloxylon ammodendron plant emerged from the sand like a bamboo, and it can grow to an adult plant two or three meters high in two or three days.

Before, everyone thought this was some kind of special effect, but after careful analysis, it was discovered that this was not a special effect at all, but a real video. Relevant papers and materials have also verified the authenticity of this video. This video quickly became popular on the Internet and became a topic of concern to many people.

The reason why it attracts so much attention is due to multiple reasons. First of all, let’s talk about the background. Our country has vast desert and Gobi land. It can be said that desertification is very serious and the natural conditions are harsh.

Over the past few years, under the leadership of the state, basically the whole country has been working hard to return farmland to forest, return farmland to grassland, close mountains for afforestation, plant trees, prevent wind and sand, and conserve soil and water.

After these years of hard work, our ecological management work in this area has achieved world-renowned results. We have successfully resisted the expansion of deserts and achieved anti-communist control of deserts. We have transformed some previously uninhabited areas full of yellow sand into It has become an oasis forest with lush water plants and shady trees. We even spent decades successfully conquering a desert and turning a desert wasteland that has been famous for thousands of years into an oasis.

In the past, the sky was full of yellow sand in the north. Under the protection of the Three-North Shelterbelt and the comprehensive management over the years, it has gradually decreased and disappeared.

Such achievements are certainly worthy of pride, but while we are proud, we must not be complacent, let alone relax. Because we are now in a wrestling stage between the desert and us. If we don’t work hard to move forward, we will be hit by the desert and swallow up all our previous efforts.

Moreover, our country has vast desert areas, and the current control area only accounts for a very small part of the increasingly desertified land. Therefore, afforestation, wind prevention, sand fixation, and ecological management have a long way to go. It can be said that this is A start.

In recent years, under the strong advocacy of the country, the people's environmental quality has become higher and higher, and their enthusiasm for investing in environmental protection actions has also become higher and higher. Various environmental protection projects have also emerged in endlessly. In the northwest, afforestation has become a trend.

Through the popularization of some apps, everyone has gradually become clear about the plant and tree species planted in the area next to the northwest desert, such as the most common Haloxylon ammodendron, sea buckthorn, masson pine, salix, and some Populus euphratica, etc.

However, the growth rate of these plants is too slow, and their survival rate is not high. Even Haloxylon ammodendron, which is the easiest to survive, is still like this, and the growth situation is actually not good. Many people have worked hard to save points to plant a Haloxylon ammodendron, hoping with all their hearts that it will grow into a big tree, even a big fir tree. But in fact, when many people actually look at it, these Haloxylon ammodendron grow like a half-dead low weed, which is very disappointing.

As for Masson pine and Salix poplar, their growth rates are too slow. During the seedling period, it is difficult for them to withstand the wind and sand. It is possible that these seedlings were buried after a sandstorm.

Some areas have tried to plant some fast-growing poplar varieties before, including those used in the Sanbei Shelter Forest. However, in recent years, it has been discovered that these fast-growing poplars have various problems.

First of all, this kind of fast-growing poplar tree is relatively short-lived. It basically starts to wither after growing for 20 or 30 years, so it is not suitable for long-term planting. Secondly, fast-growing poplars will produce some lint, which will overflow in spring and cause a series of problems.

For example, in fires, these lint are very light and flammable, floating in the air, just like powder floating in the air. Once there is a little fire, flashover is likely to occur, and even an explosion will occur in a sealed space. This It also causes what we call dust explosions.

Secondly, these lint will gradually accumulate into clumps on the ground. These dry lint are natural ignition materials. When encountering a spark, they will flash and expand rapidly, leaving no time to stop the fire.

Especially in the northern region, there is drought and little rain in spring, often accompanied by northwest winds. Once Mars encounters, entire tracts of forest land may be ignited and burned to the ground, and decades of hard work will be destroyed in one fell swoop.

In addition to being flammable, these lint can also seriously affect human health. It was rarely discovered before. Over the years, the cases of allergic rhinitis and respiratory diseases related to people in these fast-growing poplar areas have increased a lot. Among them, allergic rhinitis has increased exponentially, and it has been confirmed that these lint and another desertification control plant, Artemisia annua, have become the biggest culprits. Find Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan. com

Therefore, in recent years, due to widespread appeals from local people, local governments have begun to change greening tree species and plants, and stopped planting fast-growing poplars and wormwood.

In addition, this kind of fast-growing poplar has poor resistance to diseases and insect pests, and is prone to large-scale pests and diseases, causing a large number of fast-growing poplar forests to die directly. Therefore, the planting of fast-growing poplars has now been discouraged or even banned.

So now, whether in academia or desertification control departments, most people actually hope that an excellent windbreak and sand-fixing afforestation tree will appear. As for the super Haloxylon ammodendron studied by the Haoyu Science and Technology Center for Biological and Life Sciences, many people see hope, and some even call it the "nemesis" of the desert.

In particular, the video went viral on the Internet and was quickly forwarded by many people for viewing and directly sent to relevant departments.

Faced with so many comments from netizens, the official had no choice but to respond.

The official response was also very detailed and specific. They responded that they had contacted the Haoyu Science and Technology Center for Biological and Life Sciences to confirm that the video data was official and that the Super Haloxylon ammodendron in the video really existed.

However, this super Haloxylon ammodendron is still in the experimental stage of breeding, and it was cultivated through genetic engineering. The reason why it grows so quickly is that researchers extracted the moso bamboo gene and implanted it into Haloxylon ammodendron, which allowed Haloxylon ammodendron to possess It grows at the same speed as moso bamboo, so it grows so quickly. It can grow from breaking ground to a plant two to three meters high in one or two days.

Although the performance of this super Haloxylon ammodendron is very good, it is a genetically modified new plant, because it is not yet certain whether its safety is reliable.

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