Military Technology

Chapter 1668 Super Plant

If it is not safe, that is, if the super Haloxylon ammodendron gene is not stable enough, it will easily leak out and contaminate other nearby animals and plants, thus causing a huge ecological disaster and even bringing danger to humans. Therefore, this super Haloxylon ammodendron cannot be promoted on a large scale until its safety and reliability are determined.

Finally, they also stated that they would actively contact and cooperate with the Haoyu Science and Technology Biological and Life Sciences Research Center to strive to make this super Haloxylon ammodendron take root and sprout in the Gobi desert of northwest China as soon as possible, with a vast greenery.

This kind of response made netizens very satisfied and expressed their understanding and support for the caution of the relevant departments. After all, this is a new variety cultivated by genetic technology. If its safety cannot be confirmed, blind planting, breeding and promotion will very likely lead to ecological disaster. This is definitely not what everyone wants, so it needs to be treated with caution.

As a result, the ball was naturally brought to Wu Hao's side. All netizens gathered on the official website of Haoyu Technology Company, the official social account and the social accounts of Wu Hao and others to ask, hoping to get a response.

Regarding such a question, Wu Hao and the others naturally had no reason to shirk and no need to keep it secret, so they responded very frankly and sincerely.

Moreover, Wu Hao and others also released information about this super Haloxylon ammodendron and the drought-resistant plant cultivation project under their Biological and Life Sciences Research Center.

For the first time, netizens learned about the drought-resistant plant cultivation project of the Biological and Life Sciences Research Center through these videos, photos and texts.

Netizens have never thought that this kind of super Haloxylon ammodendron can actually emerge from the sand within seventeen hours and grow into a new plant with lush branches and leaves. This can only be achieved by moso bamboo shoots. And compared to the growth speed of moso bamboo shoots, the growth speed of this super Haloxylon ammodendron seems to be even faster.

This also made netizens lament that once this super Haloxylon ammodendron is confirmed to be safely promoted and planted, it may not take long to plant a vast Haloxylon ammodendron forest next door in the northwest desert.

In addition to this super Haloxylon ammodendron, the drought-resistant plant research project team led by Yang Fang has also cultivated a super moso bamboo. Simply put, the moso bamboo has the drought-resistant, cold-resistant and salt-alkali genes of Haloxylon ammodendron, allowing the moso bamboo to Grows in the harsh environment next door to the desert.

At present, this kind of super moso bamboo has been cultivated and has been tried to be planted. In the experimental field next to the desert of the Biological and Life Sciences Research Center, there are already about one or two acres of moso bamboo forest. These moso bamboos are growing so lushly that they look nothing like This is grown in the desert. .

People couldn't help but be amazed after seeing this scene. It's really amazing that such a large forest of moso bamboo, which can only grow in the south, can grow in such an arid area. This also allows the public to see the power of genetic technology and its unique charm.

If the cultivation of this kind of super moso bamboo can be promoted, then this arid and desolate northwest region may not become the second Sichuan and Sichuan, and it may not be possible to have some free-range pandas.

In addition, there is a kind of super Pinus sylvestris that has also attracted much attention, because this Super Pinus sylvestris is also a super variety cultivated through genetic engineering. It is also implanted with moso bamboo genes, so it has the ability to grow quickly. And the researchers also implanted some tumbleweed genes into it.

Researchers hope to develop such a Pinus sylvestris variety that is very suitable for large-scale sowing. In this way, the seeds of Pinus sylvestris can be sown by aircraft. This can reduce planting costs, expand green planting areas, and improve efficiency. .

The seeds of these super Pinus sylvestris are sown from airplanes and then fall on the desert next door. If it is a desert, they will be gradually buried by wind and sand. If it is next door, they will also be accompanied by strong winds on the ground. Got stuck in some rock crevices.

They will automatically go dormant, waiting for the right opportunity, and then spread out from the soil, growing into a big tree in a few days.

What's the time? It's raining. It's not always dry in the desert, nor is it completely dry. In fact, it still rains in the desert throughout the year, and sometimes the rainfall is not low.

For example, when we often watch the news, we will see that it rained heavily in the Taklimakan Desert in Western Xinjiang of our country. Floods caused by heavy rains directly submerged the oil fields, causing heavy losses.

This makes people very confused, how come there are heavy rains and floods in this desert.

In the Gobi Desert in the northwest of our country, there is actually a certain amount of rainfall every year, and the rainfall in many areas is quite large. However, because the average evaporation in the areas next to these deserts is too large, the precipitation brought by the rainfall is basically evaporated quickly.

Or it penetrates into the desert underground and travels through underground rivers. The area where the underground river is located will also travel to desert oases one by one.

These super Pinus sylvestris seeds sown in the Gobi desert are waiting for a rainfall. As long as there is rainfall and the temperature is suitable, it will grow rapidly and become a big tree in a few days.

This kind of idea is great, a bit unconstrained, and has a bright future. If it is really realized, then all desert and Gobi areas in our country and even the world can be managed.

However, the research is too difficult and there are too many problems encountered. Seeds need water to germinate, but there is another thing that promotes their growth, and that is nutrients. How to absorb nutrients in such a barren desert is also a big problem. If you want to support such super Pinus sylvestris seeds to quickly grow into a big tree, you need sufficient nutrients. Obviously the barren desert Gobi region cannot meet this condition.

Since the environment cannot be changed, scientific researchers can only start with seeds, Pinus sylvestris itself and genes.

For example, by implanting the genes of some desert plants with lush root systems, the Pinus sylvestris has developed various systems, which will help it absorb water and nutrients from the soil next door to the desert to support its growth.

This means that the seeds of this super Pinus sylvestris will take root quickly when they germinate, and the root system will grow faster than the Yaya seedling trunk.

If you want to achieve such an effect, you must repeatedly experiment, compare and modify, which requires a lot of time and very complicated and repetitive work.

Only those with firm beliefs can endure this loneliness and fight for the dreams in their hearts. Yang Fang is one of the outstanding representatives. She has led her scientific research team to work in this busy desert neighborhood for several years.

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