Military Technology

Chapter 1672 The rocket dropped the dumplings

How could Wu Hao and the others not pay attention to such a major event as Jianmu-7's vertical transfer. The morning hadn't started yet, but Zhang Jun and the others ran to Wu Hao's office to wait.

Through the private network, they can directly access the command and control system of the entire Nanhai Space Launch Site. So they can see the entire transfer process very clearly in the office.

Looking at the Jianmu-7 rocket on the screen during vertical transfer, Zhang Jun couldn't help but admired: "It's so beautiful. Compared with the previous Jianmu-1, Jianmu-2, and the improved and upgraded Jianmu-7 rocket from the 2nd, Zhang Jun is so beautiful." It’s not as beautiful as this Jianmu No. 7.”

You are a typical person who likes the new and hates the old, just like many military fans. I was obsessed with 052D at first, then 055, and then 002. Not long after, I changed my mind and started paying attention to 075. But you haven't liked 075 for a long time, and your new girlfriend is attracted to 003. Wu Hao smiled at this guy and started joking.

Haha, this shows that our launch vehicle family is also prosperous like our navy. It’s a dumpling. Zhang Jun waved his hands and said excitedly.

Zou Xiaodong, who was next to him, nodded and said: "I have a point to say, this Jianmu-7 is indeed much more beautiful than the previous rockets. On the one hand, it is due to its very reasonable body structure, and on the other hand, it is the simplicity of our new design. The paint job is really beautiful.”

That's true. Everyone nodded in approval. Compared with the previous rockets, the proportions of this Jianmu-7 are indeed more beautiful, and the painting has also been newly designed, which is indeed good.

Whether it looks good or not is secondary, the important thing is performance. Yang Fan said with a smile: "The Jianmu-7's low-Earth orbit can reach about 18 tons, and the Earth-moon transfer orbit can also reach about seven tons. In terms of the performance parameters of this rocket, it can be said that it has crushed many opponents. It is at the forefront of the world's launch vehicle family.

Apart from the performance, there is also its low launch cost. I heard from Zhou Xiangming and others that they are confident that the cost of launching this rocket into low-Earth orbit can be reduced to less than US$5,000 per kilogram. "

Five thousand US dollars, is this price a loss? Zou Xiaodong frowned slightly.

Yang Fan shook his head: "This is just the launch cost. The specific launch price must be higher than this."

Wu Hao, who knew the inside story, explained with a smile: "Actually, if everything goes well, the launch cost can be further reduced to about 3,000 US dollars. Of course, this is predicated on its safe launch times and recycling The number of times reaches a certain scale. If the number does not increase, the amortized cost will definitely be very high."

Hearing Wu Hao say this, Zhang Jun also put away his smile and said seriously: "The current domestic commercial rocket launch missions have actually become saturated. In addition to us, there are several private launch vehicle companies, and they are actually also Compete with us for orders. In addition to private launch vehicle companies, aerospace companies are also intensifying their competition for and control of task orders.

So in addition to some of our own launch missions, I think we should focus more on the international level. Among our rocket launch missions last year, there were three or four international launch missions alone, and the benefits achieved were also very objective.

Therefore, I suggest that we should invest more resources into the development of overseas commercial rocket and satellite markets. "

Regarding Zhang Jun's suggestion, Yang Fan shook his head and said: "Rocket and satellite projects are no more strictly controlled by relevant departments than other commercial projects. Not to mention overseas, it is our domestic launch mission, which was not strictly subject to approval. And this technology is also It has always been a technical aspect controlled by the state.

Moreover, there are many issues involved, and we cannot cooperate with customers casually based on our own preferences. When it comes to selecting partners, we must also be consistent with the country's footsteps.

In addition, not all countries need satellites and spacecraft. For them, instead of pursuing illusory things, it is better to get something affordable.

Therefore, I am not optimistic about overseas expansion plans. I think that on the one hand, we should continue to strengthen our own strength. Rely on the advantages of high reliability, safety and low cost to compete for orders. On the other hand, the launch vehicle project has never been the focus of our profitability. In other words, we don't expect this project to be profitable at all. Instead of just looking at the three melons and two dates in front of us, we might as well look further ahead. There are countless treasures in the vast universe. "

No matter how many treasures there are, they are not mine, and I can’t even get them. Zhang Jun replied, then looked at a few people and sighed: "You guys, you shouldn't say that you don't know how expensive firewood, rice, oil and salt are. The company's revenue is good, but there are too many places to spend money. Just these few projects , if you count them in detail, that one is not a gold-swallowing beast. Moreover, these gold-swallowing beasts cannot create profits in a short period of time. Even so, you have to continue to raise them.

So now I don’t mind having too much money, the more the better. In this way, when you ask me for scientific research funds again in the future, I won't be so picky. I really want to be generous, but my strength doesn't allow it. "

As for Yang Fan, he obviously didn't take Zhang Jun's complaints seriously. He smiled and said directly: "We are all our brothers. There is no need for you to pretend to be pitiful in front of us. The company's revenue situation is not ours." I don’t know where to put so much money, it’s not allowed to be spent.

More than money, we are working on a great project. This project is far more important than money and far more valuable than money. If we do it well, we will definitely leave our names in history in the future. "

Leave a name in history?

Zhang Jun curled his lips: "I don't care about it. Besides, it was hundreds of years later. Now I just love money. The more the better."

Ha ha ha ha……

Seeing Zhang Jun's philistine greed for money, Wu Hao and the others laughed heartily.

Wu Hao did not let them continue arguing and joking, but asked with a smile: "Is there anyone willing to go with me for this South China Sea launch?"

After hearing what he said, several other people looked over at Shuyuan Zhang Jun even said to him: "I want to go. I haven't been to the South China Sea for a long time. This time we are treating it as a trip."

I also need to go. Yang Fan and Zou Xiaodong spoke in unison.

have to. Wu Hao shook his head: "Okay, let's go together, it's a rare opportunity."

Can I bring my family members? Yang Fan spoke at this time.

Wu Hao and the others looked at Yang Fan after hearing this, but Yang Fan immediately shrank his neck after feeling their gazes: "I, I just want to ask, is this opportunity rare?"

You, after all, are the CTO of such a big company, how come you are treated so submissively by a woman that you even give up the idea of ​​resistance? Zhang Jun looked at Yang Fan and joked helplessly.

hehe. Yang Fan smiled and said, "I can't help it. Who told me to love her? I've fallen into her hands in this life."

Okay, if you want to bring your family members, bring them. Anyway, it’s just a matter of adding a few more people. Wu Hao waved his hand and said.

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