Military Technology

Chapter 1673 Can this be called a

As for the first flight of the Jianmu-7 rocket, coupled with this intelligent lunar surface inspection and exploration vehicle, both the major media and ordinary people are paying great attention to it.

Many media and bloggers also made a special trip to the Nanhai Space Launch Site to prepare for a live broadcast. Even CCTV has set up machines and is preparing to broadcast the entire event.

Relevant community forums and various communication groups on the Internet are full of news about the first flight of the Jianmu-7 rocket and this intelligent lunar surface patrol and exploration vehicle.

It’s amazing. In just a few years, Haoyu Technology is already preparing to land on the moon.

Indeed, Haoyu Technology has developed very rapidly in the aerospace field in recent years. From the initial launch of small rockets, it is now able to launch medium-sized launch vehicles. The 18-ton low-Earth orbit carrying capacity can be said to have surpassed us and other countries except Laomi.

It cannot be said that Europe’s launch vehicle technology is also very good. However, based on the current relevant parameters of the Jianmu-7 rocket, it can be considered to be on par with the latest European launch vehicles in terms of carrying capacity. Of course, the Jianmu-7 rocket has a unique advantage, that is, its core first-stage rocket and fairing can be recycled, which can significantly reduce launch costs every day, which is unmatched by most rockets. of.

When talking about rocket recyclable technology, we have to take out the Falcon rocket for comparison. In terms of specific parameters, Jianmu-7 is still slightly behind the Falcon rocket.

There is no way, Musk has the resources and there are too many choices. As for Wu Hao and the others, they started from scratch and had to do everything themselves. It is remarkable that they can develop to this point in a few years.

After all, it is not a copycat. Look at the current Jianmu-7, it is simply a replica of the Falcon Rocket. Isn't it a bit unethical for Wu Hao to do this?

What does it mean to be unauthentic? Did Wu Hao and the others steal or rob Musk’s technology? This is called reasonable reference, drawing on and absorbing the excellent experience of predecessors and making use of it. This is basically the case for all enterprises.

That’s right, tens of thousands of links and related technologies went into the development and design of rockets. You’d think anyone could copy them well. They have three pots, and despite the efforts of the whole country, they have not produced any results.

This person simply doesn’t understand what copycat imitation is. A copycat is taking someone else’s product, copying it one to one, and then making modifications. Falcon Rockets, please steal them over and let Wu Hao and the others copy them.

If he could steal one back and hand it over directly to the country without giving it to Haoyu Technology, he would have done a great job, and the Touching Person of the Year would be his.

Although the Jianmu-7 rocket and the Falcon rocket are very similar in appearance and form, they are actually very different. The Jianmu series rockets have always used Haoyu Technology’s original semi-solid foam propulsion fuel. It is said that this semi-solid foam propulsion fuel has a higher energy density than traditional liquid oxygen kerosene and can produce greater thrust. Therefore, the reminders of Jianmu series rockets are relatively small, but the relative carrying capacity is relatively large. The current semi-solid foam propulsion fuel can be said to be world-leading.

I have also heard about this semi-solid foam propellant. It is said that because it is in a semi-solid foam state, it can be stored for a long time, and it can be stored for several months or years without any problem. I heard that official related rockets are already trialling this semi-solid foam propulsion fuel, and the reviews are very high.

Not only the launch vehicle, I heard that Dongwu may also use this semi-solid foam propulsion fuel. In this way, the preparation time before the Dong5 launch can be greatly reduced, and the fuel refueling step can be omitted. The Dong-5 can completely adopt the combat readiness duty method. Each Dong-5 can be filled with semi-solid foam propulsion fuel for several months for combat readiness duty, and then replaced on a rotating basis.

Haha, these are just speculations from the outside world. It is an important weapon of the country, how can we let us know the details?

If we don’t say these things, the group will be gone.

Judging from news reports, this first flight of Jianmu-7 will be very difficult. First, it is a new rocket, which uses a lot of new technologies. It has not yet been tested in actual combat, and its performance is still unknown. Secondly, the Nanhai Space Launch Site was chosen this time. Compared with inland launch sites, coastal launch sites have advantages and disadvantages. The biggest disadvantage is the impact of ocean salt on precision rocket parts. The deep sea breeze mixed with salty water vapor will enter the interior of the rocket and seriously corrode the rocket's precision components and electronic components. There have been rockets before that have malfunctioned and failed to launch due to this reason.

Not only that, this mission is also very difficult. It will accurately send the payload to the Earth-Moon transfer orbit, and the control of accuracy is very strict. Although the entire process is carried out by the Nanhai Space Launch Site, it also tests the performance of the rocket.

You are talking about the launch phase and the landing phase. This time, the ocean rocket landing platform is used. To put it bluntly, it means landing on the ship. The ocean is rough, so how to stabilize the platform and accurately receive the core first-stage rocket for landing requires more stringent technical requirements. In this regard, the official does not have much experience, and the scientific research team has to do everything by themselves.

When it comes to rocket recyclability technology, Haoyu Technology’s performance in this regard is indeed outstanding. In addition to the initial Jianmu-1 rocket that is not recyclable, the core stages and fairings of the next few rockets can be recycled, which can be said to be stinginess to the extreme.

There is no way. Private commercial rocket companies have to rely on their strength to get orders, and their worldliness doesn't work at all. Moreover, Wu Hao and the others are facing aerospace technology, so they must increase the competitiveness of their products. Only in this way can they defeat powerful opponents. Among all the performance of launch vehicles, the cost of launch has always been a concern of all customers. In recent years, Haoyu Technology has taken advantage of ultra-low launch costs to grab a lot of orders from Aerospace Technology.

This aspect is indeed very impressive. I heard that Haoyu Technology has reduced the cost of satellite launches to near-Earth launches to 10,000 per kilogram.

Nowadays, some domestic commercial satellite launch missions have basically been taken care of by Haoyu Space. In addition to commercial satellites, some official satellites have also begun to use Haoyu Space rockets. There is no way, the launch cost advantage lies here, they cannot help but weigh the pros and cons.

Aerospace technology is indeed relatively rigid and rigid, a common problem among state-owned enterprises. In this regard, they are far less flexible than private enterprises. So for this phenomenon, I am happy to see its results. We must have such a fierce catfish in it, so as to stimulate the healthy and rapid development of the aerospace technology industry.

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