Military Technology

Chapter 1679 Eager to welcome victory, also preparing to face failure

When they came to the restaurant, Wu Hao and the others ordered a few of the very special dishes here on the recommendation of the staff, and also specially ordered the very famous success bag here.

Then everyone found a separate private room, sat down, and tried the steamed buns while waiting for the food to be served. There are two types of steamed buns: meat and vegetarian. The meat buns include pork vermicelli, pork buns, beef buns, seafood buns, etc. The vegetarian buns include mapo tofu, leek and egg, cabbage, mushrooms, etc.

Wu Hao tasted one and it tasted pretty good. Of course, it's not delicious, it just tastes like ordinary steamed buns. It’s just that everyone gave it a special meaning and a nice name.

Soon, the meals they ordered were served one after another, all of which were specialties, including Sichuan and Sichuan flavors, as well as Nanhai flavors, such as coconut chicken, seafood, etc. Overall, not bad.

The staff did not accompany them on site during meal time, and Wu Hao and the others were proud to have a time to talk among themselves.

Wu Hao finished the local specialty chicken rice in the small bowl, then picked up a paper towel and wiped his mouth. Then while drinking the soup, he smiled at Zhou Xiangming and asked: "How are you, are you getting used to being in Nanhai for so many days? "

Seeing Wu Hao's inquiry, Zhou Xiangming put down his chopsticks and immediately responded: "Fortunately, I was a little uncomfortable with the hot and humid climate when I first came here. Maybe traveling and vacationing are okay, but actually working is not that good. Fortunately, working The conditions are relatively good, better than the Northwest Space Launch Center. After all, it was built relatively late, the infrastructure is relatively complete, and it is closer to the city, so overall it is not bad.

Another thing, these days everyone's attention is also focused on our Jianmu-7 and "Wangshu" intelligent lunar surface patrol and exploration vehicles. As for other things, there is no time to take care of them, and there is no need to talk about adaptation. adapted.

Just a few days ago, our rocket and the "Wangshu" intelligent lunar surface patrol rover combination discovered a problem during inspection, and we immediately began to solve the problem. For three whole days, we just squinted for two hours while eating, and everyone got through the rest of the time. "

What's the problem? Yang Fan asked.

There are still some problems in the compatibility between the two systems, especially the compatibility with the launch system. There is not much room for change at the launch site in this regard, so we can only solve it ourselves. Zhou Xiangming explained: "Fortunately, the problem is not complicated, and it has been properly solved with our efforts. It will not affect the safety of the rocket and lunar rover, nor will it affect this launch."

After hearing Zhou Xiangming's words, Wu Hao and the others nodded. They will not continue to intervene in the technical aspect. Although they also understand this aspect, since the other party is responsible, they must trust the other party and there is no need to inquire deeply.

What are your expectations for this launch mission? Wu Hao suddenly asked such a question. This question seems relatively simple, even unnecessary, because for Zhou Xiangming and others, such a question is a scoring question. As the project leader, he naturally hopes that the project will be a complete success.

However, Zhou Xiangming also knew the profound meaning of Wu Hao's question, so he did not respond with those high-sounding standard answers. Instead, after thinking about it, he smiled bitterly at Wu Hao and shook his head: "To be honest, we are not completely sure that this mission will meet our expectations and be a complete success."

Alas, space exploration missions, especially those of extraterrestrial planets, are inherently high-risk projects. Faced with such a project, who can be completely sure that it will be successful? Wu Hao smiled and waved his hand. Obviously, what Zhou Xiangming said was not the answer he wanted to hear.

Hearing Wu Hao's words, Zhou Xiangming nodded and said: "That's right. This mission is very difficult. It can be said to challenge the limits of human technological strength. Currently, the top leaders of the countries that have the independent ability to land on the moon can be counted. Sending such a large intelligent lunar surface patrol and exploration vehicle to the moon like ours, and using aerial crane technology, is unprecedented, and it will also face huge challenges for us.

Secondly, the moon seems to be very close to us, only 380,000 kilometers away, which can be said to be very short in astronomical distance. But not everyone can achieve this distance. The probe needs to make multiple orbit changes to achieve precise orbit changes from the earth to the moon. Any error in this will lead to the failure of the entire mission.

So, if you ask me to express my position now, I really can’t say it, and I can’t promise anything. I can only do my best, and the rest can only be left to God. "

Wu Hao nodded with a smile, then poured a cup of tea for Zhou Xiangming, and then said with relief: "Don't have too much pressure, let alone unnecessary burdens, we just try our best. In this regard, we will never force ourselves. Scientists and technical researchers have come to do things that we cannot do on our own. Moreover, it is not that we cannot afford to lose. Since we are here, we are well prepared. While welcoming victory, we are also always ready to face the challenge. fail."

Speaking of this, Wu Hao spread his hands and smiled at everyone: "No problem, let's come back next year."


Zhang Jun and the others laughed when they heard this and looked for Shuyuan www. They also knew that Wu Hao was trying to relieve Zhou Xiangming's pressure, and they responded one by one.

As for Zhou Xiangming, he couldn't help but be moved after hearing what Wu Hao and the others said. His nose became sore and his eyes became red. The scientific research and technical expert who was originally very rational is now as emotional as a child. Wu Hao and the others could also feel the pressure on Zhou Xiangming's shoulders. There was nothing they could do about it. Whether it was Wu Hao, the others or the outside world, the expectations for them were too great. Everyone hoped that their mission would be successful, but all this hope turned into pressure on Zhou Xiangming and the others.

Okay, okay, let's not say these depressing words. I believe we will definitely succeed this time. Come on, this success guarantees us some more. Wu Hao greeted everyone.

Seeing this, everyone immediately picked up a bun and started eating it one by one. Although this is just a good wish and expectation, everyone also hopes that this success package can bring them good luck and make this mission a success.

And for Zhou Xiangming and others, before the battle, it is better to give them hope and encouragement so that they can easily go into battle, rather than pouring cold water on them and making them feel even more stressed.

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