Military Technology

Chapter 1680 Rising from the South China Sea


After the meal, Wu Hao and the others did not disturb Zhou Xiangming and the others again. As launch approaches, they still have a lot of work to do. Therefore, Wu Hao and the others should try not to disturb their work as much as possible. This is the greatest support and affirmation for their work.

Since they chose not to disturb them, Wu Hao and the others simply left the space launch center and went directly outside. A few kilometers away from the launch center is the famous beach beach. It is across the sea from the launch center, so it has become an excellent observation point. A large number of tourists will gather here to watch the rocket launch during each launch mission.

This time was no exception. When Wu Hao and the others arrived, the entire beach was already bustling with people coming and going. There are rows of camping tents propped up on the beach, various stalls and vendors, and a dazzling array of souvenirs, delicacies and snacks. It is obvious that a kind of aerospace tourism economic circle has been formed here.

Because there were too many people and considering safety factors, they did not join in the fun. There was no way. If they were recognized by others, they would definitely attract a crowd of onlookers. It was really unsafe with so many people. This is not only for their sake, but also for the sake of so many tourists. If there is any unsafe stampede accident, that is what none of them want to see.

But now that we are all in the South China Sea, we definitely want to go for a walk on the beach and play in the water. Since you can't go to such open beaches, you can only go to those closed beaches. There are many of these on the Nanhai seaside, and they are not difficult to find.

What's more, like them, someone has already arranged it. It is a beach of a star hotel. It is very beautiful, very clean and there are relatively few people. Lin Wei and the others seemed a little excited. They took off their shoes one by one and started running on the beach and playing in the water. As for Wu Hao and the others, they were relatively less active.

But how could a few girls let them go and quickly dragged them up. Wu Hao and the others had no choice but to put down their bags and start having fun on the beach.

As for those who tried to get close to them, or who wanted to pick up their equipment to take pictures, they were stopped by alert security personnel. There is no need to expose such a scene, otherwise it will be on the cover of some entertainment news.

Because the launch window was in the early morning of the next day, Wu Hao and the others did not check into a star-rated hotel. Instead, they hurried back to the Nanhai Space Launch Center after enjoying a seafood snack. As the launch approached, the entire Nanhai Space Launch Center was under martial law. Without a pass, they would not be able to enter or even get close.

Although it was already late at night, the entire launch site was already brightly lit, and personnel were already on guard duty throughout the site. Wu Hao and the others could already feel the tense atmosphere.

In view of this situation, Wu Hao and the others did not wander around the factory area, but returned to the guest house. But before that, they also completed one thing, which was to treat everyone to a late-night snack, which was still seafood, but the taste was relatively bland. Because the launch mission is approaching, all personnel need to pay special attention to their diet. Some heavy oils and spicy foods cannot be eaten to prevent physical discomfort, which may affect their work due to absence.

At half past five in the morning, Wu Hao and the others got up, freshened up, put on more formal clothes, and then came to the restaurant. Just have some breakfast, there is not much room for choice, it is steamed buns and porridge, and then everyone gets on the shuttle bus to the launch command and control center.

Under the guidance of the staff, they passed through various checkpoints, entered the launch command and control hall, and took their seats in the guest seats. After Zhou Xiangming, Chen Jinghong and the others said hello to Wu Hao and the others, they immediately got busy.

Wu Hao and the others were sitting there quietly watching the various data screens on the big screen in front of them, waiting for the launch time to arrive.

"One hour to prepare!"

As the countdown entered one hour, a high-pitched male voice came from the lobby broadcast, which also cheered up Wu Hao, the others, and the reporters who were allowed in.

The atmosphere at the scene began to become solemn. In the last hour before launch, all the staff were attentive and watching the data on the screen closely.

In the entire command and control hall, except for various broadcasts from time to time, there was no sound at all, and the silence was a bit uncomfortable.

As for Wu Hao and the others, they had experienced this many times, so they were not surprised. They quietly watched the data changes on the big screen and listened to the broadcast on the radio. As for Lin Wei and the other girls, they started chatting uncontrollably in low voices.

"Thirty minutes to prepare, the swing pole is released!"

Following this command, there were several "beep-beep-beep" sounds, and several swing rods surrounding Jianmu-7 immediately opened and separated from the rocket.

"The swing rod is detached."

"Ten minutes into preparation."

"Five minutes to prepare!"

"three minutes!"

"One minute to prepare!"

"Thirty seconds!"

"Ten, nine, eight..."

“Three, two, one, ignite, take off!

"take off!"

As the countdown ended, I saw huge flames ejected from the tail of the Jianmu-7 rocket on the big screen. Look for the book These flames were mixed with huge water vapor. The rocket was lifted up slowly, and it was installed on the big screen. The camera on the launch tower also felt the vibrations from the rocket launch.

Wu Hao and others in the launch command and control hall a few kilometers away also felt the huge roar from the rocket launch. This is the roaring sound of the rocket's flames. This sound is enough to tear the air and cause vibrations to be felt for several kilometers.

"Make a procedural turn!"

The rocket began to adjust its angle and slowly lifted off. The people who had been waiting all night several kilometers away finally got their wish and cheered when they saw the scene of the rocket launching.


The huge roar of the rocket came, accompanied by vibrations, making all the onlookers deeply feel the energy of this behemoth.

The shock of this kind of launch can only be truly experienced by visiting the scene in person. The tourists couldn't help but show excited expressions and jumped for joy.

"The base ground measurement and control station reported that the rocket tracking is normal and the telemetry signal is normal."

In the launch command and control hall, everyone is working in an orderly manner, and various data and information are constantly updated and broadcast. Such launch missions have been carried out many times here, so a launch team with excellent quality and skills has been trained, so everyone responded very calmly, calmly and professionally.

Through the high-definition surveillance camera on the rocket, Wu Hao and the others were able to clearly see the first-person view of the rocket on the big screen. I saw the rocket starting to rise slowly, getting further and further away from the ground.

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