Military Technology

Chapter 1689 Dream 1 finally comes true

Zhou Xiangming is right. The more complex the equipment, the more likely it is to malfunction, not to mention the "Wangshu" intelligent lunar surface patrol and exploration vehicle that gathers cutting-edge technology. Coupled with the complex environment on the moon, no one can guarantee that the vehicle will not malfunction during work.

Wu Hao and the others were not dissatisfied with this answer. Because they also know that this lunar exploration project has condensed all the efforts of all scientific research and technical personnel. No one is more eager for success than them, and no one is more eager for this "Wangshu" intelligent lunar surface patrol and exploration vehicle than them. Able to achieve brilliant results.

Because of Zhou Xiangming's conservative answer, Wu Hao and the others nodded and didn't press for anything more.

Now the "Wangshu" intelligent lunar surface patrol and exploration vehicle has successfully landed, and all work is being carried out in an orderly manner. Naturally, Wu Hao and the others could not stay here forever, so they left here after some encouragement.

It was already late at night, and Wu Hao and the others did not go home directly. Instead, they found a food stall to sit down, and then ordered some skewers and beer. For them, today is also their big day. Once upon a time, how could they imagine that today, a few years later, they would send their own lunar exploration rover to the moon.

This can be said to be their phased goal. Now that it has been successfully achieved, such a happy event must be carefully understood.

The food stalls were quite busy at night, so Wu Hao and the others found a relatively remote place to sit down. In addition, they were all properly disguised, so no one noticed them.

Within a short time, a lot of skewers, chicken wings and fresh beer were brought to the table, and Wu Hao and the others immediately started drinking. The beer in the food stalls is draft beer in large barrels, with a barrel of about ten liters. This draft beer is specially shipped from the brewery and is available in every food stall. It is very popular with citizens throughout the summer.

Each person poured a cup from the big cup. Wu Hao smiled, raised the cup and smiled at Zhang Jun and the others: "Come on, let's do one first. Congratulations on the smooth landing of our lunar rover on the moon. The dream we once longed for has finally come true." Achieved."

cheers! Zhang Jun and the others raised their glasses and clinked them at Wu Hao, then raised their heads and drank. After drinking half of this drink, everyone put down their glasses.

Zhang Jun took the lead in picking up a skewer and started to smoke it impatiently. While eating, he praised: "Not to mention, the kebabs from the roadside food stalls are much more fragrant than the ones we grill ourselves."

Hearing Zhang Jun's words, Wu Hao smiled and took a mutton skewer, took a bite, then nodded slightly and said: "Of course, the skewers of this kind of food stall must pay attention to the taste. The taste wins. Affordability is the capital they use to defeat their opponents and make money. If the taste is not good, not many people will patronize this place no matter how affordable it is.

In order to pursue delicious taste, a lot of seasonings must have been used in the development process of these skewers, so they taste good. Heavy oil, salt, etc. are not so healthy.

As for our skewers, the ingredients are relatively simple and we pay attention to health, so the taste will definitely be different. But in terms of the meat quality of this barbecue, it is definitely not as good as ours. "

"Of course, the meat we use is hundreds or thousands of kilograms, and this food stall can only use it for you. It would be good if they can guarantee you that the ingredients are real. As for the quality of the meat, don't worry. Too many demands." Zou Xiaodong said with a smile.

Holy shit, tell me, is this meat real? Zhang Jun looked at the bracelet on his hand carefully while asking several people.

Seeing the sudden change in Zhang Jun's face, Wu Hao smiled and comforted: "Don't worry, a store with such a good business will not cheat because of such a small profit. This will only damage their own sign. Don't worry." Eat it. Although it’s not as good as the meat we use, it’s still pretty good. I tasted it and it’s still quite fresh.”

Seeing what he said, Zhang Jun felt relieved, then picked up a bunch of Kao Wuhua and said with a smile: "This Kao Wuhua is really good, not boring at all."

It's not bad, and the meat-wrapped liver here is also good. Yang Fan introduced with a smile.

Meat-wrapped liver is one of the representatives of Xijiang meat skewers. However, in recent years, it has also been introduced, absorbed and improved by mainland barbecue restaurants, resulting in this kind of small bamboo stick meat-wrapped liver, which tastes very good.

Why are you eating those? Eat this while it's hot. Roast the kidneys. Eat more of this, it's a great supplement. Speaking of this, Zhang Jun joked to Zou Xiaodong who was about to extend his hand: "You are still single now, so don't make love, otherwise you won't be able to sleep when you go back."

Get lost, I have a use for you. After saying that, Zou Xiaodong was not weak enough to take two skewers of roasted kidneys from the plate, and then shouted to the boss: "Boss, here are ten more skewers of roasted kidneys, ten grilled oysters, and one plate of roasted leeks."

Okay, ready soon, wait a moment! The waiter over there responded briskly after hearing this, and then began to record it in a small notebook.

Haha, look for Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyua. ccom Wu Hao and Zhang Jun laughed heartily when they heard this. Although Zou Xiaodong doesn't have a girlfriend, he never lacks women. With his good looks, coupled with Haoyu Technology's executives, directors, and considerable net worth, women basically took the initiative to get close to him. So I don't know who this guy will find to exercise tonight. Wu Hao and the others can't help but feel a little bit jealous or envious in their hearts.

Men must have such thoughts, and there is nothing wrong with that. If you don’t even have such thoughts, then you are not a man. But the key point is to be able to restrain yourself and suppress your desires. Of course Wu Hao would have such thoughts, otherwise he would not be a man.

If he thinks about it, if he is willing, many women will come one after another, or even come in a swarm. Including the women around him, as long as he says a word, they are within reach.

However, now he cherishes his feathers very much and keeps himself clean. He is not a gentleman, but for him now, he can't do this kind of thing. He couldn't guarantee what the future would be like, but he could still restrain himself now.

In addition, at this stage, his main energy is devoted to his career and scientific research work, and he has no time to think about other things, let alone provoking other women.

In the end, it was also because of Lin Wei. Lin Wei's performance is not bad. She also has her own job, but she also takes care of her home very well after work. Therefore, Wu Hao loves Lin Wei very much and is in this love. He doesn't want to do anything to regret Lin Wei.

Some may say this is hypocritical, but at this stage he really thinks so.

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