Military Technology

Chapter 1690: Grabbing territory on the moon

After clinking a few more glasses, everyone felt comfortable and leaned back on their chairs, enjoying the breeze and chatting.

Zhang Jun asked Wu Hao: "According to this progress, when will our "Wangshu" intelligent lunar surface patrol and exploration vehicle be able to drive near the south pole of the moon."

Wu Hao smiled and shook his head when he heard this: "I'm not sure about this. It depends on the state of travel. The terrain on the moon is very complex, and the driving speeds of vehicles are also different. If you calculate it as an average of ten kilometers per hour, that's 200 kilometers per day. Forty kilometers, if you really hurry, you may be able to reach it in three or four lunar days. But our vehicle is not just racing on the lunar rover, it also has to carry out detection missions, so the speed will naturally be much faster. .

If we want to reach near the south pole of the moon, I think it will take a year or two. "

Does it take so long? Zou Xiaodong was slightly surprised and said: "Didn't it say that on both sides of us are the fastest lunar rovers in history?"

Yang Fan replied with a smile: "One or two years is considered fast enough, and two, three, four, or five years is considered very fast. Do you know how many meters Chang'e 5 has traveled in total in these years?"

Besides, compared to the vast and boundless universe that is measured in light years, two or three years is nothing, it is just a blink of an eye. "

"Arrived near the lunar south pole is not the end of the "Wangshu" intelligent lunar surface patrol rover's detection mission. In fact, this is the progress. When we understand the ice coverage near the lunar south pole, and related geological structure and mineral resources, then the "Wangshu" intelligent lunar surface patrol rover will change direction, follow the edge of the lunar extreme low circle, then drive westward, and cross the twilight line at the appropriate time , reaching the far side of the moon.

Although the far side of the moon is not the first target for site selection of our lunar scientific research stations and lunar cities, the far side of the moon is still very valuable for exploration. On the one hand, we need to detect the rich mineral deposits on the far side of the moon. Logically speaking, the mineral deposits on the back side of the moon are much richer than those on the front side. Because the back side has withstood more meteorite attacks and cosmic rays, the mineral deposits formed are also richer.

In addition, the far side of the moon also has its unique advantages. It can shield the influence of the earth's complex electromagnetic waves, allowing some related experimental projects to be carried out. In addition, the back side of the moon always faces outer space, so it is an excellent place for deep space observation, so it is more suitable for building astronomical telescopes and astronomical observatories.

Finally, if humans go into deep space in the future, the back side of the moon will be very suitable for establishing a space port, thereby assuming the role of a lunar gateway. It will become an important gateway transfer station for humans to go into deep space, and return from deep space to the earth.

Another point is that from a military perspective, the back of the moon is very suitable for establishing a military base. Internally, it can block many direct attacks from the earth. Externally, it can also defend against many threats to the earth from outer space, such as asteroid defense, or alien invasion, etc. "

Speaking of this with a smile, Wu Hao softened his tone and said: "Of course, it is too early to say this now. What we have to do now is to find out the distribution of mineral resources on the front and back of the moon, and when the scientific research stations and lunar cities will be established. Site selection. Before other countries and companies reach out, we will occupy it first.

This is just like when countries competed to establish research stations in Antarctica. Based on the principle of first come, first served, countries are looking for locations with better geographical conditions in Antarctica to establish scientific research stations. As for Lao Mi, he did an even better job. Relying on his own advantages, he established a scientific research station directly on the pole of Antarctica and directly occupied the pole. If other countries want to build scientific research stations in the future, they will have to avoid this location. "

So do we also need to start fighting for the moon's North and South Pole in advance? Zhang Jun asked quickly.

In response, Wu Hao waved his hand and explained: "No need, it is not of much value to us.

We must have one concept in mind, that is, we are a private enterprise and we are conducting a civilian commercial aerospace exploration project, so of course our first priority is to make profits.

We have invested so much in this project, and the money must not be wasted. We have to earn it back. How to make money back is to rely on us to be the first to dig out some valuable projects on the moon and seize the opportunity.

The lunar poles have high scientific research value, but their economic value is relatively average. Rather than spending energy and resources on that, we should grab more mineral resources and occupy more suitable scientific research stations and lunar city sites.

Of course, this is not absolute. If someone has an organization willing to pay a lot of money to let us do it, then why not do it. "

Hehe hehe... After hearing his words, everyone chuckled.

Everyone's laughter fell, and Yang Fan continued what Wu Hao said: "Actually, I prefer to postpone projects such as lunar scientific research stations and lunar cities. At present, our focus is still on the fields of manned spaceflight and launch vehicles. .

Only with strong accumulation in the fields of manned space technology and launch vehicle technology can we promote our lunar scientific research station and lunar city projects. It can be said that the first two have laid a solid foundation for the latter. Only when the foundation is solid can we proceed with the following things. Otherwise, it will be a castle in the air. It looks good but is very dangerous. If you are not careful, it will collapse directly and be destroyed.

The investment in building another lunar scientific research station and lunar city at this stage is really huge, which we cannot afford given our current strength. So at this stage, on the one hand, we are laying the foundation for developing manned space technology and launch vehicle technology, and on the other hand, we are continuing to accumulate strength and strengthen our own strength. Only when our own strength is strong can we support the smooth progress of such a huge project. "

I agreed. Zou Xiaodong nodded and said: "If you take too big a step, it will easily cause delays. It is better to take it one step at a time. This way, although it will be slower, every step will be taken steadily, so that there will be no problems."

After Zou Xiaodong finished speaking, Wu Hao smiled and nodded in approval: "You're right, it is indeed not suitable to start the lunar scientific research station and lunar city projects at this stage. On the one hand, the technology is not mature enough, and there are still many problems that we need to solve, and There are too many technologies that we need to overcome, so this requires a long process.

On the other hand, what you just said is correct. At this stage, relying on our own strength, we definitely cannot support such a huge project.

So at this stage, we are still focusing on some projects suitable for current development. Whether it is a manned space project or a launch vehicle development project, there are great market development prospects.

As for other projects, such as lunar scientific research stations, lunar cities, Mars exploration, and deep space exploration projects, they can be postponed. However, the relevant pre-research work must still continue and cannot be suspended directly just because of the postponement. This is definitely not possible.

Therefore, we still have to work with both hands. On the one hand, we focus on the development of key projects at this stage, and on the other hand, we focus on the pre-research work of various future projects, so as to lay a good foundation for the official launch in the future. "

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