Military Technology

Warm congratulations on the successful launch of my country's first solar exploration satellite

At 18:51 on October 14, 2021, the Long March-2D carrier rocket was ignited and lifted off at the Taiyuan Satellite Launch Center, successfully sending 11 satellites including the Solar Exploration Science and Technology Experiment Satellite into the predetermined orbit. The launch mission was a complete success.

The Xihe solar exploration satellite weighs 510kg and operates in a morning and evening sun-synchronous orbit with an orbital altitude of 517km. It will realize the world's first full-sun Hα band spectral imaging observation, and apply maglev control in orbit for the first time to achieve ultra-high pointing accuracy and ultra-high stability of the satellite. Its successful launch is of great significance to the development of my country's space science exploration and satellite technology, marking that our country has officially entered the "solar exploration era."

"Military Industry Science and Technology" warmly congratulates the successful launch of my country's first solar exploration satellite "Xihe". It is now in hand. Please wait a moment.

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