Military Technology

Chapter 1693 It’s just a good meal, don’t be embarrassed!

The research results were quickly compiled and posted on the company's official website. In addition to being released on the company's official website, it is also posted on the company's various social platform accounts.

Once this scientific research result was announced, it quickly attracted attention and was quoted and reprinted by many media. This article has even been reprinted by many domestic and foreign research magazines.

Although this is just a seemingly ordinary research result, it is inconspicuous among the results of many lunar exploration projects. However, this research result has created many firsts.

First of all, this scientific research result may be the fastest to produce scientific research results among all lunar probes so far, and even among all extraterrestrial probes.

Secondly, the experimental cabin or laboratory equipment carried by the "Wangshu" intelligent lunar surface inspection vehicle this time is very advanced and can conduct in-depth analysis and observation of the collected samples of lunar soil and lunar rocks. The effect The effect is the same as in the laboratory on the ground. Therefore, using this laboratory, they can observe the detailed composition of lunar soil and rocks for the first time, which is much more convenient than retrieving samples from 380,000 kilometers away for research.

Finally, what everyone is naturally concerned about is the ancient Qihai crater where the "Wangshu" intelligent lunar surface patrol rover landed this time. Therefore, the state when the moon was first formed may be preserved here, and the state when the solar system was first formed may even be preserved here. Through the study of these, we can explore the mysteries of the formation of the moon, earth, and even the solar system.

It is precisely because of this that this scientific research result is so attractive.

And this scientific research result did not disappoint everyone. It gave scientists, ordinary space and moon enthusiasts, and ordinary people a big surprise.

This time, this scientific research result not only disclosed several high-magnification high-definition microscopic photos of lunar soil components, but also announced the composition and proportions of the lunar soil samples.

It even announced the temperature and humidity of the lunar soil, which was very accurate. These data have very important scientific research value for studying and intuitively understanding the lunar surface and even the soil, which made everyone excited.

Of course, Wu Hao and the others did not release such scientific research results in vain. They naturally had their own plans.

On the one hand, the outside world currently has many doubts about their landing on the moon and even the performance of this "Wangshu" intelligent lunar surface inspection vehicle and this lunar exploration mission. In the perception of these people, it seems that Wu Hao and others are just a private technology company. Are the detectors they develop really reliable? Previously, no one believed that their probe could land on the moon. After landing on the moon, these people turned to doubt the performance of their "Wangshu" intelligent lunar surface patrol and exploration vehicle.

Wu Hao and the others were too lazy to argue with these people, but in order to dispel the prejudice and negative voices from the outside world, Wu Hao and the others planned to silence these people through the release of this scientific research result.

On the other hand, this is of course a display of strength. To put it bluntly, it is to flex their muscles and show the outside world their advanced technology in this area, as well as the excellent performance of this "Wangshu" intelligent lunar surface patrol and exploration vehicle. .

The main reason for doing this is for publicity. On the one hand, it will enhance the brand influence of Haoyu Aerospace and lay the foundation for subsequent listings. On the other hand, just seek cooperation. This "Wangshu" intelligent lunar surface patrol and exploration vehicle will eventually make a profit. How to make a profit, of course, requires cooperation with other institutions and enterprises, so as to make profits.

In fact, this "Wangshu" intelligent lunar surface patrol and exploration vehicle has already made some profits and recovered a lot of costs.

Before launch, they cooperated with other aerospace research institutions. They provided relevant sponsorship funds to Wu Hao and others, while Wu Hao and others provided relevant payloads, installed their relevant detection equipment, or It is said to realize the sharing of certain device data information and so on.

In addition, there are some simple commercial or charity sponsorships. In this regard, Wu Hao and the others have probably raised tens of millions of funds. Compared with the cost of this project, these tens of millions are not much, but they are definitely a lot. After all, it is better than nothing.

Finally, there are some cooperation projects that have been received recently, especially after landing. Among them, the largest and most easily profitable commercial project is advertising for a game company.

According to the requirements of this game company, Wu Hao and his team's "Wangshu" intelligent lunar surface patrol and exploration vehicle need to write a few words on the moon in a marching way, which is actually the way of letters, and then take a few pictures Taking photos and recording a video to publish, they were able to earn over 80 million in advertising fees.

This can be said to be the first commercial on the moon, so it attracted extra attention. After the photos and related videos of these lines were released, thanks to the marketing of this game company, they quickly spread throughout the Internet and were picked up by netizens. well known to us.

Regarding the first real-life advertisement on the moon, netizens also had mixed reviews.

I think it's good. Creative netizens think that this advertisement is very creative. Find Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan. com It’s really cool to think about writing ads on the moon. It’s a good idea. Moreover, this kind of advertisement can be regarded as a form of sponsorship for the project of "Wangshu" intelligent lunar surface patrol vehicle, so everyone thinks it is good.

For Wu Hao and others accepting such commercials, these netizens also thought that it was just right and not a criticism. Moreover, this "Wangshu" intelligent lunar surface patrol and exploration vehicle has consumed a lot of financial resources. Haoyu Technology has invested hugely, so naturally it has to find ways to make money. Therefore, not only are we not opposed to this way of making money, but we also hope for more, so that we can support the development of this project and Haoyu Aerospace’s next projects.

Some netizens who objected believed that this kind of scientific research project should be purer and should be taken more seriously. It is so unserious and random to write random advertisements on the moon like this.

On the other hand, some netizens believe that such scientific research projects are very popular among teenagers, and such advertisements will inevitably influence teenagers, even teenagers who are addicted to tea, and lead them into the abyss of the game, which will be online for a while.

Wu Hao and the others did not respond to the mixed opinions and comments from netizens. They didn't bother to pay attention to those people who came online. This is just a private commercial scientific research and exploration project, not an official project. Why are they doing it so seriously? This relaxation of making money through advertising doesn’t affect anything, so why can’t we do it?

The customer is willing, and Wu Hao and the others are also happy to hear it. What problems do you have with me if you and I are willing to do it?

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