Military Technology

Chapter 1007 Driving into the Crater

These real-time images will be broadcast live to the outside world after simple processing. This also allowed the outside world to see the "Wangshu" intelligent lunar surface patrol and exploration vehicle in progress for the first time in a live broadcast.

Zhijian "Wangshu" intelligent lunar surface patrol rover slowly drove up the slightly raised "crater" on the edge of this small crater, found a pass, and then slowly drove down from here.

The edge of the inner crater is relatively steep, so the "Wangshu" intelligent lunar surface patrol rover does not go directly downward, but adopts a diagonal downward traveling method, as far as possible Control vehicle speed.

Fortunately, the slope was not high, only about twenty or thirty meters, so the "Wangshu" intelligent lunar surface patrol rover quickly descended into the crater.

There is another situation in this crater. Because it is a new impact crater, the dust has not yet settled, so it is relatively soft. Therefore, the "Wangshu" intelligent lunar lunar surface inspection and exploration vehicle travels slowly on it. .

This more than 100-meter-long crater is not the entire platform. It gets deeper towards the center. There is a small bump in the center. It is not known whether it is the core of the asteroid or the rock and soil splashed by the impact of the asteroid.

This is a good location, right here. Zhang Qutong, who has been paying close attention to the progress of the "Wangshu" intelligent lunar surface patrol vehicle, nodded and said after looking at the images and data transmitted back by the high-definition surveillance cameras and various sensors.

Seeing this, other scientific researchers also stared at the image data for a while and nodded in approval.

Then here it is. As Zhang Qutong determined the drilling point, the ground telemetry control center sent instructions. After the "Wangshu" intelligent lunar surface patrol and exploration vehicle began to travel to the designated drilling point, it immediately controlled the robotic arm to replace the drill bit and began drilling.

However, things didn't seem to go as smoothly as they imagined. The drill bit went deep into the ground for a while, and they could see dust rising up, but no pit was found.

No, the soil is too soft. It's like digging a hole in a pile of loose sand, only to be buried by the sand as soon as it is dug. A technical expert stared at the big screen and frowned.

So what to do? Zhang Qutong couldn't help but became worried and asked.

Shi Zhaoping stared at the transmitted surveillance video for a while, then waved his hand and said: "Stop it now, it will be futile to continue like this."

After hearing Shi Zhaoping's words, the ground remote control personnel immediately sent the plan, and the "Wangshu" intelligent lunar surface patrol and exploration vehicle also stopped its drilling mission.

"Since the lunar soil is soft, let's not explore the pit and directly press down the lunar soil and geological environment detector through the mechanical arm." Shi Zhaoping frowned for a while and then came up with a solution.

Is this possible? one expert asked.

Shi Zhaoping said with a smile: "This is the best and most trouble-free way so far. If it still doesn't work, then we can only replace the robotic arm with a shovel, dig the hole bigger, and then remove the lunar soil and geology Environmental detectors were loaded in and filled with soil."

After hearing Shi Zhaoping's words, everyone nodded. Shi Zhaoping's final plan seemed good, but it was too time-consuming and labor-intensive. This was the last option. Of course, there is another option, which is to give up installing detectors here, but this also means that they will take advantage of an excellent opportunity to collect relevant data in such a special terrain environment.

Use manual control instead. Seeing everyone nodding, Shi Zhaoping immediately gave the order.

Under the control of ground personnel, the two robotic arms, one large and one small, on the "Wangshu" intelligent lunar surface patrol and exploration vehicle began to work together.

First, the large robotic arm took out a lunar soil and geological environment detector from the shelf on the vehicle, and then handed it to the small robotic arm to hold it, while the large robotic arm pressed it from the top.

As the large robotic arm gradually exerted force, the lunar soil and geological environment detector was slowly penetrated deeper and deeper into the lunar soil.

After pressing to the appropriate depth, the large robotic arm immediately stopped to complete the task of placing the lunar soil and geological environment detectors.

The next step is to start the lunar soil and geological environment detector. It is not clear whether the detector will be damaged after the pressing just now.

Under the gaze of everyone, as the order was issued, the lunar soil and geological environment detector immediately started to activate. During this period, it first stretched out the solar cell sail and then stretched out the communication antenna. The top of the detector The indicator light also flashed slowly and regularly.

Bang bang bang bang...

There was a burst of warm applause in the Xinyuehu Aerospace Command and Control Hall. Shi Zhaoping, who had always been serious, also had a smile on his face, and then motioned for everyone to continue working.

The next step is to collect lunar soil and lunar rock samples. Compared with the first time, this time, under the advice of experts, the "Wangshu" intelligent lunar surface inspection vehicle did not choose to collect lunar soil at one point. Moon rock samples were collected instead of soil samples from different locations throughout the crater. Including the outside of the crater, the edge of the crater, points inside the crater, and the center of the crater.

After collecting relevant lunar soil and rock samples, the "Wangshu" intelligent lunar surface patrol rover will drive into the center of the crater to find Shuyuan www. They want to detect and collect lunar soil and rock samples located in the bulge in the center of the crater.

At the same time, the lunar soil and geological environment detector that was pressed into the lunar soil dust layer and started working also started working and transmitted back the first set of data.

It can be seen that the lunar soil temperature here has been significantly improved compared to the first one. The soft soil seems to be conducive to temperature maintenance. One research expert said with a smile as he looked at the data.

An expert put forward a different argument than the previous one: "I think this is because it is suddenly softer, which causes the direct sunlight to enter, so the temperature is too high. In contrast, the moon at the previous drilling site The soil is relatively compact and has good insulation against temperature, so the temperature is relatively low.”

After hearing what this expert said, other experts present couldn't help but nodded.

While the experts were discussing, the "Wangshu" intelligent lunar surface patrol rover had already arrived in the middle of the crater and aimed its high-definition optical image sensor and high-definition surveillance camera at the raised brown object.

It doesn't look like lunar soil, but the core of an asteroid. One expert excitedly expressed his opinion.

The texture is very hard, it should be star core, which is really good. Another expert affirmed.

After hearing the words of these two experts, other experts also showed excitement. In their opinion, this is no longer a star core, but a piece of gold, no, it should be a diamond, a priceless treasure.

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