Military Technology

Chapter 1701 Asteroid core worth 400 million

Can samples be taken? Zhang Qutong turned around and asked the technician.

Not sure, give it a try? Immediately under the control of technicians, the large intelligent robotic arm of the "Wangshu" intelligent lunar surface patrol and exploration vehicle replaced a professional drill bit, and then aimed at the brown stone to drill.

In order to extract rock samples from inside the lunar rock, technicians specially prepared a professional exploration brick for the "Wangshu" intelligent lunar surface patrol and exploration vehicle, so that it can drill into the lunar rock and extract the lunar rock. the substance inside.

But for the core of this asteroid, it is more difficult for this drill to drill. I saw the drill bit causing rotation and friction on the surface of the star core. After a long time, it drilled in a little bit, and some powdery material was drilled out.

However, the drilling work did not stop, but continued to deepen. It was not until about half an hour of drilling that the drill bit penetrated about 20 centimeters into the core of the star, and the drilling work ended.

Then the big robotic arm retracted, and the small robotic arm began to collect the drilled powdery materials.

Put it into the experimental chamber immediately. Seeing these substances, experts couldn't help but become anxious. They all now want to know the composition of this star core. You must know that the star cores of these asteroids may contain the secrets of the formation of the solar system and even the universe, so everyone is full of expectations for this detection and analysis.

Of course, they were anxious, and everything still had to be carried out according to procedures. After first completing the packaging and labeling of these star core samples, the remaining samples were placed on the experimental platform in the test site. Immediately, the instruments and equipment in the test chamber began to analyze the star core samples on the experimental platform.

The waiting process always makes people anxious, not only the experts, but also the netizens watching the live broadcast channels on the Internet. Netizens are very excited about the discovery of star cores. In particular, it is possible to extract samples of material components inside the star core, which is of very high value for asteroids, the formation of the solar system and even the formation of the universe.

The entire test and analysis results took about forty minutes to complete, and then a magnified photo of a sample of material components in the star core appeared on the big screen.

Because it is drilling, the samples extracted are all fine powder, but this is good, so that the components in these star core samples can be analyzed more clearly.

Photos under the microscope show that the substances in these samples are still very rich. In addition to brown particles, there are also some particles of other colors. The most eye-catching ones are the tiny particles with sparkling silver. Through the element analysis equipment, the analysis and detection data information transmitted by the "Wangshu" intelligent lunar surface patrol and exploration vehicle was quickly displayed on the big screen.

Looking at the element content table in the sample displayed on the big screen, the experts all became excited.

This is a rare platinum asteroid. I wonder why it is so hard to drill. One expert took a breath and said.

Another expert said with emotion: "The platinum asteroid is worthy of the name, its content exceeds 46%. According to the reminder of this star core, it is estimated that more than one ton of platinum can be extracted from it. Just according to one ton According to calculations, the price of platinum has risen rapidly in recent years, about 400 yuan per gram. This ton of platinum is one million grams, multiplied by 400, which is 400 million. If nothing else, just By transporting this star core back, we can recoup the cost of our exploration mission, and even make a lot of money."

It's vulgar, the scientific research value of this star core is far more precious than money. Didn't you see that there are other substances besides platinum?

It’s true that in addition to platinum, there are also 1% gold, 3% copper, 7% titanium iron, and the rest is quartz. The glass composition has even been detected. This should not be considered glass. Its Mohs hardness has reached the level of ruby. This is really a gem.

"Logically speaking, the energy generated by the impact of a star core like this should not just form a small crater that is one to two hundred meters wide and twenty to thirty meters long. Moreover, such a star core should also be drilled into the crater as low as possible. , how can it be exposed on the surface? This is too abnormal."

"It's not normal." The experts couldn't help but nodded after hearing this. It is true that the moon's gravity is small, but it has no atmosphere and there is no problem of frictional deceleration. Therefore, asteroids generally hit the lunar surface directly, which is why there are so many large and small craters on the lunar surface.

In addition, these asteroids fly very fast in space. In addition to being affected by the gravity of the sun, they are also affected by the speed of various planets. Therefore, these asteroids fly very fast in space. In addition, the earth and The influence of the moon's gravity, based on the visual size of the asteroid's core, would never have formed just such a small crater.

The experts frowned and thought for a while, and one expert came up with an idea: "Is it possible that the core of the star was not a direct impact, but a secondary impact? Find Shuyuan "

A secondary impact? Other experts were a little confused.

Yes, could it be part of the splash-out after the impact of other large asteroids? The expert expressed his thoughts.

Experts shook their heads and expressed their objections after hearing this. How is this possible? Even if there are splashing fragments after the meteorite falls on the moon, it should fall at an angle instead of such a regular circular crater.

"Then there is another possibility."

When this expert saw other experts making objections, he was not angry, but immediately came up with another guess: "This asteroid should have been captured by the moon. After flying around the moon for a long time, due to the decrease in speed, In the end, it was affected by the gravity of the moon and finally fell. In this way, it did not fall very fast, so it did not produce much power, and the crater formed was relatively small. This can also explain why this asteroid The reason why the core of the star is exposed on the ground and not drilled into the underground of the crater.”

After hearing this conjecture, many experts thought for a while and then nodded. Although this guess is a bit bold, it is still relatively reasonable. The asteroid was affected by the gravity of the earth and the moon, thus changing its original flight orbit. Due to the relationship between speed and angle, it accidentally cut into the lunar orbit, and was captured by the lunar orbit and began to orbit the lunar orbit. Affected by the gravity of the moon and the earth, the asteroid's flight speed and orbit gradually decreased, and finally hit the moon.

Only in this way can we explain why such a huge meteorite core formed when it hit the moon's surface, and why such a small crater was formed after it hit the moon.

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