Military Technology

Chapter 1702 Asteroid? Melt it and make a ring!

Of course, this is just a guess, and whether it is correct remains to be verified later. Regardless, this is an important discovery.

At the same time, the news was also announced during a live webcast. An asteroid core worth 400 million yuan, a platinum asteroid, etc. suddenly appeared on the Internet and became a topic of concern to many netizens.

"Oh my god, a ton of platinum, Haoyu Technology is making a lot of money this time."

"It sounds as if this asteroid can really be transported back. You must know that the star core is estimated to weigh two or three tons. How to transport it back from the moon is a problem. Even if it can be transported back, the cost will be It’s huge, even far exceeding the value of this star core, and it’s not cost-effective at all.”

"Can you refine it on the moon and then transport the platinum and gold in it back?"

"It is simply impossible at this stage. Unless humans build a base on the moon in the future and have relevant ore refining equipment, it will be just a pipe dream."

"There is a question. Does the moon belong to mankind? If Haoyu Technology really transports this star core back, who will own it?"

"Of course it belongs to the discoverer and acquirer. The moon belongs to all mankind, but it is also on a first-come, first-served basis. Just like this ocean, theoretically, the fish resources in the ocean beyond the territorial waters are also owned by all mankind. We cannot ask those fishing boats on the high seas to contribute their catch just because the ocean belongs to all humans."

"What a pity. I really hope that Haoyu Technology can transport this asteroid core back and then customize some rings and jewelry. I think many people will like it."

"If it can really be shipped back, processing rings and jewelry is too wasteful. Compared with its economic value, its scientific research value is relatively higher. In addition, if it can be shipped back, this can be regarded as the first time for mankind The precious metal star core was discovered on an alien planet and transported back. Its significance is self-evident. I suggest you put it in a museum and collect tickets."

"Thinking about it, a company as big as Haoyu Technology has no shortage of these 400 million. I think if it can really be transported back, with Wu Hao's nature, I will probably put it in the headquarters park of Haoyu Technology. As a sculptural display.”

"Don't tell me, it's really possible. Haoyu Technology's first unmanned experimental spacecraft is placed in their company campus."

"Not necessarily. With such a large star core and such a high value, it is really a waste to leave it in the open air. Wu Hao himself is a very pragmatic person. I thought that it would either be used for scientific research, or it might actually be used for scientific research. It will be purified and smelted."

"It is definitely impossible to transport such a large star core back directly. If you really want to transport it back, it will probably be melted directly on the spot after retaining some samples."

"I hope it can be shipped back. Then I will save money to buy a ring to propose to my girlfriend."

"Then you probably have to wait again. This dream may not be realized in a short time."

"Haha, don't worry, don't worry, my girlfriend is probably still in my mother-in-law's belly."

On the other side, Wu Hao and the others were also talking about the core of this platinum asteroid. Looking at the various strange ideas of netizens, Zhang Jun said with a smile: "I think this netizen's idea is very good. It is to dissolve and pour platinum ingots on the spot, then load them into the spaceship and transport them back, and then use these platinum to make gold. Turn it into some jewelry souvenirs and then sell them, you can definitely make a lot of money."

It would be a pity to melt it down like this. If it can be transported back, its scientific research value far exceeds its economic value. Yang Fan shook his head and said.

"The problem is whether it can be transported back. How to transport the two to three tons of star core and how much it will cost to transport it back." Zhang Jun shook his head repeatedly: "As I said, just melt it down to make jewelry souvenirs, such as rings, necklaces, pendants, dogs, etc." If the cards and the like are sold with limited numbers and run well, I estimate we can sell them for seven to eight billion. In this way, after deducting shipping costs and related costs, we can still make a profit."

If we really did that, I guess we would be drowned by people spitting stars. If nothing else, these experts alone may want to scold us. Tong Juan said with a wry smile.

We are originally a private commercial aerospace company, not a research institution, so we don’t have to worry so much. If they have the ability, let them find it themselves. We found this star core, then it should belong to us by rights, and we have the final say on what to do with it. Zhang Jun waved his hand and frowned.

When Wu Hao heard Zhang Jun's unreasonable words, he laughed and said: "The future is that you have to transport it back. As long as you don't transport it back, it will become ownerless. In theory, everyone has the right to transport it back." Possess it.”

Seeing Wu Hao speak, Zhang Jun immediately looked at him with a hopeful look on his face and asked: "With our current technical capabilities, are we sure we can transport this molten stone back?"

Hearing Zhang Jun's question, several other people also looked at him. Seeing this, Wu Hao smiled and said: "If it's just a ton of platinum nuggets, we still have the ability to transport them back from the moon. After all, these are platinum nuggets, and the requirements for the transportation environment are low after all. Looking for Shuyuan So it only requires enough thrust, and there is no need to consider other issues. This is very different from manned spacecraft.

The problem with getting it back, though, is not the transportation, but the melting. How to melt the core of this star is the technical problem we have to consider. "

After Wu Hao finished speaking, Yang Fan continued: "It is easy to melt such a star core on the earth, but it is difficult to melt such a large star core on the moon.

At present, the most regrettable way is to use the abundant solar energy resources on the moon and use refractive lenses to focus high temperature to smelt the star core. It's just that the cost of transporting such a set of equipment to the moon is too great to be worth it.

The second method is to use solar energy, but instead of directly focusing on sunlight for smelting, it uses solar energy to generate electricity and then uses an electric arc furnace for smelting. This also requires related equipment. The cost of building an electric arc furnace on the moon is definitely too high and not cost-effective."

Hearing Yang Fan's words, Zhang Jun showed a look of frustration and pain on his face. Even Tong Juan and Zou Xiaodong couldn't help but feel a little disappointed on their faces.

Wu Hao saw this and said with a smile: "Actually, it is not impossible. If our lunar scientific research station is really established, we will definitely need to build an arc furnace. By then, we can completely A platinum star core is transported back for smelting.

Part of it can be directly used in the construction of our lunar scientific research station and lunar city, and the other part can also be transported back via spacecraft. "

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