Military Technology

Chapter 1710 An attempt in a new field

But since Qin Xinghe said so, Wu Hao naturally had to respond: "Okay, no problem. We will pay attention to this in the future."

Seeing Wu Hao's correct attitude, Qin Xinghe also smiled happily. Looking at Wu Hao, he said with a smile: "Although all parties have some opinions about you, your strength is undoubted. You are not only the flag-bearer in domestic civil and commercial aerospace, but also many commercial aerospace companies around the world. The best among them.

Whether it is the chief or our bureau, they still speak highly of your achievements. We also hope that you can guard against arrogance and impetuosity, develop steadily, step by step, and strive to become a great commercial aerospace technology company in the world of mankind. left a brilliant mark in space exploration. "

You can rest assured that although we have made some achievements in the past two years. But these achievements were only achieved with the care of the bureau, the chief, and all aspects. Compared with foreign advanced levels, there is still a long way to go. Therefore, we have always had a very clear understanding of this. We will never be arrogant, arrogant, deviate from our true intentions, and give up on our ideals. Wu Hao put away his smile and said to Qin Xinghe in the video, standing at attention.

After hearing what he said, Qin Xinghe nodded and said with a smile: "It is not easy for you to have a clear understanding. This is very important. You must persist.

At present, you have achieved very good results in various fields, and we are also paying attention to it. And we are also studying the possibility of cooperation with you in more fields. "

Speaking of this, Qin Xinghe asked: "I heard that a few days ago, you reached a cooperation with the astronomical research institution in Yangcheng and will develop a Jupiter detector for them?"

You are quite well informed. We have not publicized this matter much. Wu Hao said with a smile.

"Oh, how big do you think this circle is? That little news has spread a long time ago. Besides, such a big thing has spread throughout the circle. I heard that many research institutions are interested." Qin Xinghe glanced at him and smiled. He joked.

Hearing Qin Xinghe's teasing tone, Wu Hao laughed, and then nodded generously and admitted: "Yes, we have reached a cooperation agreement with them to develop a Jupiter detection satellite for them. According to the other party's needs, this The initial weight of the satellite has reached two tons, and it uses solar cell panels and radioisotope thermoelectric cells to power it. In addition to chemical fuel propellant for acceleration, we also installed a 500 mN Hall variable propulsion device.

This 500 mN Hall variable thruster will be used as the main thruster of the Jupiter probe for deep space exploration missions. As for the traditional chemical fuel thruster, it is only used for acceleration and attitude control, which greatly improves the performance of the Jupiter probe. It will extend the working life of the Jupiter detection satellite, allowing it to fly farther and detect more.

According to their idea, the Jupiter exploration satellite will fly to Venus and use Venus's gravity field to use the relaxation of the gravitational slingshot to accelerate, and then come back to orbit the Earth, continue to use the Earth to accelerate, and then go straight to Jupiter. The entire flight time will be much faster than that of previous detection satellites. It may be twice as fast as the previous detection satellites that used this method to fly to Jupiter.

I chatted with their chief designer of the project. In addition to detecting Jupiter, they plan to detect several satellites of Jupiter, especially those satellites that we humans are more concerned about. This is a very interesting project. project. "

Haha, after hearing Wu Hao's words, Qin Xinghe looked at him and said with a smile: "Actually, they have approached us many times for this project, but this project has some overlap with our related planetary exploration projects. In addition to our current The main focus was on the manned moon landing, lunar scientific research station, and Mars sampling return project, so we really did not have the experience and resources to launch such a project, so we rejected this project after careful discussion and decision-making.

Unexpectedly, they refused to give up and actually planned to raise their own funds to start the project. "

Speaking of this, Qin Xinghe glanced at him and then laughed: "This is good, it can not only satisfy their strong research will, but also do not consume resources in the system, it can be said to be the best of both worlds.

And this is also a brand-new attempt. Research institutions place orders on behalf of the requirements, and commercial companies are responsible for developing equipment to help launch. If this new method of cooperation can succeed, it will greatly promote the progress of research and exploration in our country's aerospace industry and even astronomy and cosmos. This is a good thing, we are very happy to see it, and we can even provide some help within our ability. . "

Thank you, thank you for your leadership's concern, we will definitely work hard to deliver a good answer. Wu Hao was overjoyed when he heard this and immediately promised.

Haha, Qin Xinghe waved his hand and said with a smile: "This is your strength, you deserve it. If your "Wangshu" intelligent lunar surface patrol and exploration vehicle had not performed so brilliantly, how could it be possible? To attract such a project, look for Shuyuan It’s impossible for others to believe that you have such strength, right?”

Speaking of this, Qin Xinghe looked at him and said: "From your launch vehicle, especially the recyclable technology of the launch vehicle, to the modular universal satellite platform, the expandable inflatable experimental space capsule, the manned spacecraft project, and this The achievements you have made with the "Wangshu" intelligent lunar surface patrol and exploration vehicle have really amazed everyone, and they have also allowed us to see the potential of private forces in the development of the aerospace field.

Therefore, we are also studying and discussing, and are preparing to actively relax restrictions and allow outstanding private enterprises like you to join in the development process of some of our major projects.

For example, our heavy-lift launch vehicle project can completely draw on the mature technology of your Jianmu series rockets. It's like the semi-solid foam propellant used in rockets, it's very good. And your launch vehicle flight control, upper stage fields, and recyclable technology are all worthy of our reference and learning.

In addition, in other projects, you also have many highlights and things worth learning from. For example, your modularization into a universal satellite platform is a very good idea. We also have similar projects, but they are far less free than what you are doing.

Our technical experts believe that this set of technologies can be used not only on small and medium-sized satellites, but also on large satellite platforms, spacecraft, and detectors. This not only saves money, but also facilitates maintenance.

Especially large satellite platforms and spacecraft are too expensive. A large satellite platform weighs more than ten tons and costs billions, billions or even tens of billions, but it faces collapse because of a small fault. , or even retire early. If this highly liberalized modular design is adopted, on-orbit maintenance can be achieved and its working life can be continued to be extended. "

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