Military Technology

Chapter 1711 Small satellite space on-orbit satellite (spacecraft) maintenance technology

In addition, in other projects, you also have many highlights and things worth learning from. For example, your modularization into a universal satellite platform is a very good idea. We also have similar projects, but they are far less free than what you are doing.

Our technical experts believe that this set of technologies can be used not only on small and medium-sized satellites, but also on large satellite platforms, spacecraft, and detectors. This not only saves money, but also facilitates maintenance.

Especially large satellite platforms and spacecraft are too expensive. A large satellite platform weighs more than ten tons and costs billions, billions or even tens of billions, but it faces collapse because of a small fault. , or even retire early. If this highly liberalized modular design is adopted, on-orbit maintenance can be achieved and its working life can be continued to be extended. "

Modular design was proposed and implemented very early. But this is not the case with high-end products such as satellites. Spacecraft technologies such as satellites are too complex to be suitable for this kind of modular design.

Moreover, the original intention of the modular design is convenience and subsequent maintenance. However, once satellites are launched into space, unless there is something like a space shuttle, it will be difficult to carry out maintenance in space, let alone capture them, bring them back, repair them and launch them again.

The modular universal satellite platform developed by Wu Hao and others is not truly modular, but uses a universal satellite platform plus modular functional components for free combination. That is, adding different functional equipment to a general satellite platform, such as communication, reconnaissance, navigation, and remote sensing functions.

As for the modular design used on large satellites and spacecrafts that Qin Xinghe said, Wu Hao and others conceived another technical method.

That is to say, modular designs are really used on large satellites and spacecrafts. Such large satellites are composed of multiple functional modules, and each functional module is composed of many small functional modules. In this way, it is not only convenient for research, production and manufacturing, but also It is convenient for later on-orbit maintenance and replacement in space.

As for in-orbit space maintenance technology, Wu Hao and others proposed a small satellite in-orbit satellite (spacecraft) maintenance technology.

The so-called small satellite space on-orbit satellite (spacecraft) maintenance technology has to be specially developed for a small satellite maintenance platform. Simply put, it is to install relevant maintenance robotic arms and related parts on a small satellite.

Then launch the small satellite into the orbit of the large satellite or spacecraft that needs maintenance, and use the small satellite's own maneuverability to gradually approach the large satellite or spacecraft that needs maintenance. Then it is adsorbed and connected. The repair robot arm on the small satellite repairs and replaces the damaged parts of the large satellite, thereby repairing the large satellite or spacecraft.

After completing the maintenance tasks, the small satellites actively separated from the large satellites and spacecraft, and then used the last remaining fuel to change orbits and get out of the way. As for small satellites, they will fly into the atmosphere and burn up.

Compared with the traditional method of using space shuttles to capture and repair satellites in space, this small satellite in-orbit satellite (spacecraft) maintenance technology has many advantages.

First of all, the biggest advantage is naturally the maintenance cost. If a traditional space shuttle is used to repair such a large satellite, the cost will be too high. The cost of launching a space shuttle plus the cost of flight losses adds up to hundreds of millions to billions of dollars, which translates into billions. This cost is really too high. If this is really the case, it would be better to launch a new satellite.

More importantly, we do not have a space shuttle. The development price of a space shuttle is too expensive, and the successive accidents have also caused countries to be very cautious about developing space shuttles and dare not try it easily. What's more important is technology. I have to say that Laomi is indeed far ahead in this aspect.

As for this kind of small satellite maintenance platform, the cost is very cheap. It is nothing more than a small satellite plus related maintenance robotic arm parts. The price and cost are very cheap. Plus the cost of rocket launch, especially if it uses Hao Yu Technology's retractable rocket will reduce the cost a lot.

This also means that the entire maintenance cost can be controlled within a very low range, which also makes the maintenance cost of these old and faulty large satellites very beneficial.

Even more than just repairing and caring for these damaged or old large satellites and replacing them with new parts. It can even add fuel to important large satellites that are about to end their working life, and use the propulsion system of small satellites to help these important large satellites raise their orbits, etc.

In this way, the in-orbit operating life of these large satellites can be greatly extended, thereby saving related costs and benefiting all parties.

Secondly, the technology is mature and operable. Since we can control this spacecraft to successfully dock with the space station in space, we naturally have the ability and technology to control one satellite to approach and capture another satellite. Using real-time remote control technology, satellites can be repaired and replaced in orbit. This method is feasible and does not pose any technical problems.

Third, it is safe and reliable. The risk of this kind of maintenance technology is relatively small, because there are no personnel on it, so there is no need to consider this factor, so the risk is relatively small. And even if it gets close or fails to capture, the worst thing is to achieve a collision, causing damage to the small satellite and the large satellite that needs to be repaired. Anyway, the large satellites have been damaged or their lifespan is almost over, so there is not much loss.

Finally, there is the military strategic value of this small satellite space in-orbit satellite (spacecraft) maintenance technology. Being able to repair in-orbit satellites in space means that it can be used to repair important in-orbit satellites of other countries or hostile countries. Satellites conduct in-orbit visits to steal and intercept important intelligence data, or directly hijack and destroy them.

You can even get close to it without anyone noticing, and then implant a Trojan horse virus or something into it.

If you do it right, you can capture and hijack the other party's satellite and then transport it back directly.

It is precisely because of this that the aerospace authorities, the military and other departments are very interested in this technology and have also conducted relevant research.

However, whether this technology is feasible is not only technically problematic, but also cost-effective. You know, if the cost is too high, it's not worth it.

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