Military Technology

Chapter 1712 Space Strategic Interception System

As for why a modular design is adopted, it is mainly to facilitate on-orbit maintenance. If the original precision integrated design is adopted, the difficulty of on-orbit maintenance will be greatly increased, and damaged parts will be difficult to replace. However, if a modular design is adopted, this problem can be solved. It can be said that whatever is broken can be replaced.

Now that Qin Xinghe was telling him this matter, it was obviously impossible to just mention it casually. So Wu Hao, who knew what was going on, immediately started asking.

"What, Bureau Qin, does the Bureau have any ideas or plans in this regard?"

Seeing Wu Hao asking, Qin Xinghe looked at him, paused, and then laughed. However, he did not avoid the questions raised by Wu Hao, but smiled and admitted generously: "Yes, we are very optimistic about this technology. We believe that this technology has very broad development prospects in the future aerospace field. It's definitely going a long way.

You know, with the development of aerospace technology in various countries around the world, there are more and more satellites in space orbit. Adding some of the previously eliminated ones, it can now be said that the entire Earth orbit is basically covered and surrounded by these satellites and garbage. , there are fewer and fewer valuable tracks.

It can be said that the value of good satellite orbits now exceeds the value of the satellite itself, and it is a very scarce and precious resource.

The significance of this technology is that it can help us repair important satellites in orbit and extend their working life.

In addition, we can also use this technology to remove obsolete satellites and satellite debris in high-value orbits to free up valuable positions for new satellites.

You should be familiar with Musk’s Starlink plan. "

Speaking of this, Qin Xinghe looked at Wu Hao.

Wu Hao smiled bitterly when he heard this, and then nodded. In the eyes of people in Qin Xinghe's aerospace management department and even the industry, Wu Hao and the others are imitating and replicating the development route of Musk's SPX company, which is why Qin Xinghe said this.

Wu Hao didn't bother to explain this, so he nodded to acknowledge Qin Xinghe's statement. Besides, as long as you pay a little attention to the field of aerospace technology or even global cutting-edge technology trends, who has not heard of the Starlink project. This huge project, which was once considered absurd, has been mostly completed.

Seeing him nod, Qin Xinghe continued: "This foreigner is very clever. In recent years, he has basically occupied most of the low-altitude orbits with this Starlink project, and many of them are valuable orbits.

Now it is impossible for others to launch and use these orbits, unless they purchase these orbits from the other party. I think this Starlink project and the global wireless network are fake, but occupying these orbital resources and selling orbital resources are real.

Otherwise, NASA and the military would still strongly support this project, which obviously has ulterior motives. "

After hearing Qin Xinghe's words, Wu Hao also laughed. Indeed, more and more people have now clearly seen the calculations of Musk, including NASA and the US military. This is a shameless strategic plan to occupy the world's low-altitude orbit resources under the pretext of building a global communication network project.

You must know that the other party occupies these low-Earth orbits not just to stock up and sell goods, but also has other purposes and calculations. These orbital resources are in their hands, which means that if other countries want to launch satellites into such orbits, in addition to paying a large amount of money, they also have to look at the other party's face and situation.

It can even be used as an excuse to suppress and restrict the development of aerospace technology in some countries. This is the real purpose of NASA and the US military to support this seemingly money-losing project so strongly.

Seeing that he had understood the meaning of his words, Qin Xinghe immediately said: "So, we must actively deal with the situation.

We have also been actively developing similar projects in recent years, such as our Hongyan project and so on. In addition, we must also actively look for ways to defeat the enemy.

The space orbit does not belong to them alone, but is shared by all mankind, so we must resolutely say no to such hooliganism. "

Hearing Qin Xinghe's words, Wu Hao laughed and said to himself: You went to the meeting and said you were actively developing such a project, but now you criticize it, this is nothing.

Of course, these were just Wu Hao's inner thoughts, and Qin Xinghe naturally couldn't feel them.

“And your small satellite in-orbit satellite (spacecraft) maintenance technology is a very good way to defeat the enemy.

If we master this technology, it also means that we have the technology to fight or even suppress the opponent. Don't they want to occupy the orbit, but we won't let them do so. Their garbage satellites don’t want to be cleaned up, so let’s pay for them ourselves. But there is one thing. Once it is cleaned up, these tracks will belong to us.

Currently, there are thousands of malfunctioning and scrapped satellites floating in various orbits on the earth, and they are still orbiting. If we just rely on the earth's gravity to clean itself, it may take hundreds of years. These satellites occupy some very valuable orbits.

So if we can master this technology, we can take action against these scrapped and faulty satellites. The commercial and economic value of these tracks alone is a very considerable number, find Shuyuan not to mention the strategic and military value of these tracks, which is immeasurable.

Once a conflict occurs or enters war, this technology can play a very important strategic value. We can promptly repair satellites and spacecraft destroyed by the enemy using high-energy laser weapons or directed energy weapons. We can also quietly approach the enemy's satellites and spacecraft, capture and destroy them, and steal important information. "

At this point, Qin Xinghe changed his tone and said: "A few days ago, when I was discussing with military experts, I came up with a brand new idea. Can we use this technology to build a space strategic interception system in space? .

We know that some strategic missiles are ballistic missiles. After being launched, they need to fly to a fairly high orbit and then fall down to attack the intended target.

This altitude is generally several hundred kilometers away. If we deploy some of these small maintenance satellites in orbit at this altitude, we can conduct on-orbit interception when enemy ballistic missiles are discovered. Take advantage of the super mobility and ultra-low cost of small satellites to intercept incoming enemy ballistic missiles.

This interception can be a hard interception or a soft interception. "

After hearing Qin Xinghe's words, Wu Hao instantly understood the role of the space strategic interception system in Qin Xinghe's mouth, and couldn't help but give a thumbs up. Sure enough, there are specialties in the art industry, and the other party can actually see longer-term development and application fields from this technology.

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