Military Technology

Chapter 1713 Value

What is hard interception? What is not mentioned is the use of low-cost small satellites to directly hit the warheads or warheads of incoming strategic missiles, thereby destroying these warheads at high altitudes and protecting territorial security. Even if they cannot be destroyed, the huge impact of these small satellites can be used to change the flight trajectories of these warheads, thereby causing them to deviate from the target of attack and avoid and reduce losses.

As for soft interception, it is to capture and intercept these warheads in space orbit, and then dismantle and destroy these warheads to render them useless. In other words, the small satellite's own propulsion system can be used to forcibly change the flight trajectories of these warheads, thereby changing their attack targets. You can even let them fly from where they came, and then fly to where they want to go.

Of course, this technology or this space strategic interception system is definitely impossible to make public. On the one hand, this is a big killer weapon at the national strategic level, a trump card at the bottom of the box, so it naturally needs to be tightly covered.

On the other hand, now that peaceful development is the mainstay, it is not appropriate for such technology or strategic role to be leaked and affect the peaceful development environment.

In other words, if this technology cannot be displayed, it will not be displayed, otherwise it may cause some controversy and criticism, and may also give the other party time and opportunity to respond. Once the other party knows about it, they will naturally take relevant countermeasures, so it must not be made public unless it is absolutely necessary.

Moreover, in the space field, various countries have signed a development agreement, which prohibits the deployment of weapons in space and prevents an arms race in outer space. If such technologies and ideas are announced, they will inevitably be criticized and targeted, and may even bring about some serious consequences.

Therefore, it is better to keep a low profile regarding the application of this technology in the military field. Although everyone can see it, it's fine as long as you don't admit it. Anyway, everyone knows this kind of thing and does it.

To put it bluntly, this kind of agreement is just a piece of waste paper. You can still abide by it and have some scruples. But once it comes to war, this kind of thing is not even as good as a piece of paper to wipe your butt. Anyone who really follows it is a fool.

Agreements are meant to be torn up, right?

Therefore, it is better to develop this technology under the cloak of a commercial project. I am afraid this is also the purpose of Qin Xinghe and Wu Hao talking so much.

Sure enough, Qin Xinghe smiled at him and said: "This technology was first proposed by you, and you also have the technical accumulation and strength in this area, so we think it is most appropriate to leave this technology to you for development.

Rest assured, we will definitely give the greatest support to such a major technical project, and I believe the same will be true for the military. "

Qin Xinghe made it very clear, that is, this project is quite special, and it is better to leave it to private commercial companies. They and the military will fully support the development of this project. Of course, Wu Hao and the others also had to pay something. For example, relevant information about this technological achievement, as well as a series of subsequent secret cooperations, etc.

Wu Hao did not agree directly, but asked Qin Xinghe: "How much support can the bureau give us?"

Hearing Wu Hao's question, Qin Xinghe smiled, and then said: "The money is naturally not much, and you are not short of money. So to a greater extent, it is policy and other aspects of support, such as personnel. Technically, these are all negotiable.

As for the military, you need to discuss this yourself. However, because of the special situation, all they can give is probably nothing more than financial resources and what they can do. "

Wu Hao smiled and shook his head: "Who said we are not short of money? We are very short of money. Now that our business has grown, we are spending money everywhere. To be honest, the financial pressure is still very high.

The landlord's family has no surplus food either. "

Hearing Wu Hao's last weird words, Qin Xinghe laughed and scolded: "You, please stop crying and complaining to me here.

Our aerospace department belongs to Qingshui Yamen, and the funds approved every year are very limited. It’s very tight to support so many projects, so how can I have any extra money to support you?

Besides, the small amount of funds we approve every year is not as high as your company’s monthly income. I have heard that in the first three quarters of this year alone, your company's revenue reached more than 300 billion, and this does not include your wife's company.

You kid came to me to cry about your poverty. You are looking for the wrong person. "

From what you said, no matter how high the revenue is, the profit is too low and we can barely make ends meet. Wu Hao said with a smile that this revenue report for the first three quarters was not disclosed by Wu Hao and others on their own initiative, but was calculated by relevant agencies based on Wu Hao and his company's operating conditions, tax payment status, etc., which is generally in line with their true operations. Condition. Of course, in fact, Wu Hao's revenue is much higher than this, but it is impossible for them to announce such a thing.

Wu Hao responded with a smile, and then continued: "It is not impossible for us to research this technology, but for such a time-consuming and labor-intensive project, I am afraid that it will be useless if it is researched."

In this regard, you can rest assured that as long as you can develop this technology, we will definitely start long-term abyss cooperation with you. We can also entrust you with the rescue projects of space satellites and spacecrafts in the future. The responsibility of this project I'm afraid it's worth no less than 10 billion, and it will definitely make you a lot of money. Find Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan. com Qin Xinghe immediately spoke to him.

Haha, you are just a white wolf with nothing, you have drawn a big pie. Wu Hao joked with a smile.

Nonsense, I am not the only one to say this kind of thing. It has official endorsement, so what are you afraid of? Qin Xinghe said something, and then continued: "Well, this matter can't be discussed on the phone. Let's talk in person. Do you have time recently? Come to the capital and let's talk in detail. Some things are not suitable here. It says above.”

Hearing Qin Xinghe's words, Wu Hao also remembered the purpose of his call, and then said with a smile: "There is time, but before that, I'm afraid I have to ask you and the bureau leaders to come to Anxi first. "

Oh, what's wrong? Qin Xinghe asked, and then responded: "By the way, are you calling?"

Seeing Qin Xinghe's reaction, Wu Hao smiled and replied: "That's right, tomorrow morning, we will hold a major press conference, and we would like to invite you and the leaders of the bureau to attend."

Big press conference?

Qin Xinghe was stunned for a moment, and then asked excitedly with an expression of surprise on his face: "What, have you made any major discovery?"

Wu Hao nodded, and then said with a smile: "As a result, our "Wangshu" intelligent lunar surface patrol rover discovered solid water at the bottom of a Yuexi valley in the lunar air sea today."


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