Military Technology

Chapter 1715 Breaking news released

At this time, Shi Zhaoping's voice continued.

"We found these crystal clear materials in the crevices of the valley floor and on the rock walls on both sides. Under the illumination of the searchlight, they appeared very transparent.

Its shape, including some features, was very consistent with the shape of ice on our planet. We then began to sample these materials and put them into transparent sample storage tubes. After sampling the relevant terrain and materials in the Moon Stream Valley, our small exploration robot began to return to the lunar surface.

After more than half an hour, the small detection robot finally returned to the ground with the sample. Although we are already very confident that the crystal clear material we sampled is solid water ice on the moon, we are not sure yet without testing.

Therefore, everyone is very eager to put these sampled materials into the on-board laboratory of our "Wangshu" intelligent lunar surface patrol and exploration vehicle.

However, when taking samples from the small detection robot, something unexpected happened. "

Something unexpected happened.

This made the reporters present, including many experts, stunned. What kind of accident happened?

Shi Zhaoping gave up and then said with a smile: "Everyone, please look at the big screen!"

This is a picture taken by the high-definition surveillance camera on our "Wangshu" intelligent lunar surface patrol and exploration vehicle. Shi Zhaoping introduced to everyone.

"Please watch the video. In the video, the small robotic arm of our "Wangshu" intelligent lunar surface patrol and exploration vehicle is preparing to take out samples from the sample storage box of the small exploration robot and send them to the vehicle-mounted experimental cabin.

Please note that when our small robotic arm took out the sample from the sample storage box and was about to send it to the vehicle-mounted experimental cabin, we found through the transparent storage tube that the sample inside actually melted under the sunlight. By the time it reaches the vehicle-mounted experimental cabin, it should be in liquid form. "


There was an exclamation, followed by various shutter sounds and flashes. This video was shown for the first time, and it really surprised the reporters in the audience.

What else is there to say? This is water, a stone hammer.

"Now, I would like to invite the person in charge of our lunar scientific exploration project, Professor Zhang Qutong, to give you a detailed introduction." At this time, Shi Zhaoping stopped explaining and pushed Zhang Qutong out.

Zhang Qutong, who was mentioned, stood up and gestured to the reporters in the audience. Then he walked to the big screen on one side and pointed a laser pointer at the reporters, including some experts. They introduced.

"The temperature of the moon is quite extreme. In the shadow areas where the sun is not shining, its temperature can reach minus 180 degrees. However, in the areas where the sun is directly shining during the day, it can reach minus 120 degrees. high temperature.

Our samples were taken from the bottom of Yuexi Valley, which is more than fifty meters deep, so there is no sunlight all year round and the temperature is very low, so these substances appear to be solid.

Sorry, we cannot strictly confirm that it is water without testing and analysis.

When the sample is taken out and exposed to sunlight, the temperature rises instantly and the debris in the transparent sample storage tube can quickly melt into liquid, which is why everyone saw this scene.

Although we are now 99% sure that it is water, for the sake of scientific rigor, we must still wait for the test and analysis results.

This process is painful, and my colleagues and I are waiting anxiously.

In the end, the test results were as we expected. The detrital liquid collected from the bottom of Yuexi Valley was water. It is almost the same as the water on the earth, and it is very pure, fully meeting the standards of direct drinking. "

As he spoke, a microscopically enlarged photo was displayed on the big screen, instantly causing a burst of shutter sounds and exclamations.

Immediately afterwards, a burst of warm applause broke out. The applause lasted for a long time and then slowly fell.

Zhang Qutong, as for Zhang Qutong, continued: "In the past, although detectors from various countries have discovered that the moon's North and South Poles and the shadows of some craters contain abundant reserves of solid water. However, this was only a remote sensing detection and has not been directly confirmed. , and no samples were obtained directly.

This time, by sampling, analyzing and testing the solid ice samples at the bottom of the Moon Stream Valley, we confirmed that there is indeed solid ice in the shadow of some Moon Stream Rift Valleys on the moon, and the reserves are still very considerable.

This has very important scientific research value for our study of the formation of the moon, and even the entire lunar geological activities and lunar environment. And it can be said that it has solved an important problem and cleared obstacles for mankind to use lunar resources and settle on the moon in the future.

Next, we will continue to work with our colleagues to continue to detect the lunar surface environment and strive to obtain more valuable detection data and information. We also hope that through our efforts, we can realize mankind’s dream of flying to the moon and settling on the moon. It will be a good start for humans to get out of the earth and explore the universe. "

Bang bang bang bang...

After Zhang Qutong finished speaking, the audience burst into warm applause, which was a recognition and praise for the hard work of this scientific research expert and the team behind him. Find Shuyuan www.

“Now I would like to invite Academician Zou Huanyi, a famous expert from the Institute of Space Science Exploration and Lunar Science of the Academy of Sciences, to give a speech.”

Then, sitting in the middle of the stage, an old man about seventy years old with thinning hair, but still very energetic, stood up and nodded to everyone, then sat down again and spoke with a smile.

We have been paying close attention to the lunar landing exploration journey of this intelligent lunar surface patrol and exploration vehicle "Wangshu". The previous series of discoveries have also made the experts at our institute very excited, because these are very valuable data, which will be of great significance to our study of the moon, exploration of the moon, and subsequent manned landing and settlement of the moon. help.

Not to mention the discovery of water this time. This discovery can be said to have cleared a major obstacle for us to realize human settlement on the moon. Because water is the source of life, without water, it would be difficult for humans and other living things to survive. Not to mention on the desolate moon, water is even more crucial.

With water, we can provide drinking water for astronauts, and we can also use water sources to perform soilless cultivation on the lunar surface in real time to provide food for astronauts.

We can even separate oxygen and hydrogen from water, which are very good rocket fuels and provide a source of fuel for humans to and from the moon.

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