Military Technology

Chapter 1716 “Insignificant” achievements

Next, I would like to invite Director Qin Xinghe of our aerospace department to speak. As the aerospace authority, Qin Xinghe naturally put his speech behind and gave a leadership speech.

Qin Xinghe nodded to Wu Hao and Academician Zou Huanyi who were sitting next to him. Then, while adjusting the distance of the microphone, he opened the speech he had prepared long ago, and then preached to reporters all over the world.

"I am very happy to be invited to this lunar exploration results press conference, and I am also very happy to witness the release of this major lunar ground exploration result. This discovery will definitely leave a mark in the history of human space exploration and lunar exploration. of a sum.

The discovery of water also means that our idea of ​​humans settling on the moon has important conditions to support it. It also means that this human fantasy for thousands of years will eventually become a reality.

Our country has always been committed to the peaceful use of space. As early as thousands of years ago, our ancestors had many fantasies and yearnings for the moon, so many legends about the moon have been left behind.

Our ancestors had a lot of guesses about what was on the moon. Some said that the moon was actually a fairy palace with many immortal immortals living on it. Some legends say that there is a laurel tree, Wu Gang, a jade rabbit, a golden toad, and Chang'e, the first person to land on the moon in ancient and modern mythology, flying up from our world, etc.

However, due to limitations of technology, for thousands of years, we have not been able to come into contact with this planet that is just out of reach due to its size.

In the past hundred years, human technology has made great progress, which has also made it possible to land on the moon. From Armstrong's landing on the moon to our launching probes to the front and back of the moon, to today, our domestic private enterprises are also able to launch their own advanced commercial probes to the moon. These achievements are inseparable from the decades of hard work and hard work of our country’s scientific researchers in the aerospace field, and they are also inseparable from our D’s insistence on correct leadership and support in this field.


After finishing these scene words, Qin Xinghe continued: "This discovery is very important. It will play a great role in promoting our subsequent lunar projects. Whether it is the next manned lunar landing project or the future The discovery of water at lunar scientific research stations is very important.

Our aerospace authorities will continue to support domestic private aerospace companies to continue to develop and grow and strive to achieve more brilliant results.

We will also continue to promote and strengthen support for private aerospace companies and strive to allow them to participate in more important projects.

In addition, we will also cooperate with outstanding private aerospace companies to jointly promote the development of a series of space exploration projects.

As an outstanding representative of domestic private aerospace enterprises, Haoyu Technology should also devote itself to a series of major domestic aerospace projects, assume relevant obligations and responsibilities for the development of our country's aerospace industry, and jointly help mankind get out of the earth and explore Make brilliant contributions to the journey of the universe. "

Bang bang bang bang...

Under a round of applause, it was Wu Hao's turn at last. As the chairman and general manager of Haoyu Technology, he should also express something at such an important results conference.

So when he spoke, Wu Hao did not unfold the manuscript, but adjusted the microphone, and then smiled at everyone and said: "The previous experts and leaders said it very well. They have said everything that needs to be said. , I won’t repeat it here.

As a high-tech company, Haoyu Technology has been committed to the exploration and development of cutting-edge technology.

As for aerospace technology, it has always been the most advanced and most concerned important field among mankind's cutting-edge technologies. It can be said that in this field, the most cutting-edge and advanced technologies of mankind have been brought together.

As a technology company with ideals, ambitions and pursuits, we are also actively investing in this field and hope to develop.

Thanks to the hard work of our colleagues in the aerospace field, we have finally achieved some results in the past few years. Although these achievements are still somewhat insignificant in comparison, they have gradually come to light and shine. "


Whether it was the expert leaders sitting on the stage or the reporters sitting below the stage, the muscles on their faces couldn't help but twitch after hearing his words. Such achievements are called insignificant. How can you let other people, no, other countries, live? At present, there are not many countries in the world that have the ability to enter the aerospace field, only about a dozen, and there are also only a handful of companies that have the ability to enter the aerospace field. Among these, the comprehensive strength of Haoyu Aerospace is definitely among the best. It is even stronger than some countries, but you, Wu Hao, call such achievements insignificant, how can it be tolerated.

"This time, the "Wangshu" intelligent lunar surface patrol and exploration vehicle has concentrated the most advanced and cutting-edge technology in the history of our company. It can be said that we have put all our bottom-of-the-box technologies on this vehicle. It has been put into use. Therefore, we are very looking forward to its performance.

Because in it, we have not only invested in our advanced and cutting-edge technology, but also invested a lot of manpower and material resources. Looking for Book Garden, we have also invested in all employees in our company for the universe and for us. The infinite yearning and curiosity close to the moon.

So we hope it can land on the moon smoothly and make some surprising discoveries. And these expectations finally became a reality today. Our "Wangshu" intelligent lunar surface patrol rover not only successfully landed on the moon, but also made so many important discoveries.

It’s worth it. Our previous efforts, hard work, and the ridicule we endured in this area are all worth it. Here, on behalf of the company and myself, I would like to say thank you to all the scientific research technicians and ordinary staff who participated in the entire lunar exploration project and aerospace project. Thank you all for your hard work and efforts. Without your efforts, there would be no Today’s press conference.

Today, although we are sitting here, the most worthy of gratitude, the most worthy of attention, and the most worthy of praise are actually you behind the scenes. Thank you!

Next, we will continue to invest and develop in the field of aerospace technology and strive to achieve more and better results in various fields, so as to live up to the expectations and support of the outside people and leaders.

We will also continue to develop in the field of space exploration along the direction we have set. Moon exploration is just the beginning. I believe that humans will definitely go further in the future. "

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