Military Technology

Chapter 1718 Is this project profitable?

As usual, the next step is reporters’ questions. Obviously, these reporters are waiting for this session, gearing up one by one and preparing various questions.

Of course, according to relevant conventions, the first question was given to reporter Huang Zhigang sitting in the front row. As a senior reporter from Xinghua News Agency, he is definitely worthy of this first question.

Huang Zhigang finally stood up from the microphone and said: "I would like to ask Director Qin Xinghe what do you think of the rapidly growing Haoyu Technology aerospace business and the thriving domestic private aerospace industry.

In recent years, the rapid development of the private aerospace industry has begun to seize orders and resources from some aerospace industry systems. The two sides will inevitably have some conflicts. How to resolve such conflicts. "

Hearing such questions, Qin Xinghe also became serious. He adjusted his sitting posture while adjusting the microphone and the files on the desktop. In the process, he was also thinking quickly and organizing his words.

“This is a very good question. First of all, we have always given strong support and help to the domestic private aerospace industry.

In fact, these private aerospace companies, including Haoyu Technology, have received our support and help. Including providing them with some technical guidance and helping them solve some legal and procedural problems. We will even allocate relevant flight support funds to them, give them relevant orders, etc.

For example, we have given some private launch vehicle companies many launch mission orders to help them develop.

What I want to emphasize is that both the aerospace industry system and the private aerospace industry are important components of our country’s aerospace power and both are indispensable. We need the mainstay of the aerospace industry system as industry support, and we also need the new look and new vitality brought by the emerging private aerospace industry. Only in this way can our country's aerospace industry develop healthily and rapidly.

It is true that the rapid rise of the private aerospace industry will inevitably affect the relevant interests of the aerospace industry system, which will create some contradictions. But we think this is generally positive. The so-called asking the canal to see if it is clear means that there is a source of living water. Only with a steady infusion of fresh blood can the domestic aerospace industry maintain its firepower and growth.

Without the injection of these fresh forces, it is equivalent to cutting off the water source, and this pool of water will become stagnant and smelly water. This is not what we want.

Therefore, we will continue to support the development of the private aerospace industry, allowing them to play a greater role in the aerospace field and make important contributions to our country's aerospace industry. "

"CCTV reporter Su He, I would like to ask Mr. Wu. As a commercial technology company, why do you want to invest in the aerospace industry? Especially for this kind of scientific research and detection missions, the outside world is not very optimistic, and they even think that you are losing money. What do you want to say about this?" As an old acquaintance of Wu Hao, Su Ho stood up and asked Wu Hao questions.

Wu Hao nodded and smiled when he heard this: "In fact, I have talked about this issue before, including on many occasions. We are a technology company with ideals, ambitions, and pursuits. Naturally, it is impossible to ignore the most popular field of cutting-edge technology. It is also the field of aerospace technology that attracts the most attention.

We are very optimistic about the future development of aerospace technology, and we believe that there is great potential in the commercial aerospace field in the future. Therefore, it is also based on this judgment, as well as our ideals and ambitions, that we decided to invest in the development of the aerospace field.

As for why so much money is invested in such a project that does not seem to be profitable, these are the opinions of the outside world. In our opinion, this is a very promising project.

We all know that the moon is rich in resources, including many resources that we humans are in short supply, such as the famous helium-3. In addition to helium-3, there are also other mineral resources, such as the platinum star core we discovered before that is worth 400 million.

Our experts have made a calculation. As long as we can transport this star core back, we will be able to recoup all our investment in the entire lunar exploration project, and even make a lot of money.

For this reason, our scientists and technical experts have already begun to plan how to transport this platinum star core back to Earth.

Of course, in addition to these rich resources, the moon, as a close neighbor of the earth, has unique advantages. It will serve as a bridgehead for mankind to enter deep space and a gateway to the earth. Its geographical strategic location is very important. It can be said that whoever controls the moon controls the gateway to the earth.

In terms of commercial value, establishing a commercial center that can provide related services in such an important location will definitely make a lot of money.

Therefore, we also have our own overall considerations for the medium and long-term development of the moon. For example, establishing a commercial scientific research station on the moon will be open to scientists from all over the world.

Or build a lunar hotel or even a lunar city on the moon to welcome passengers who are interested in this. As long as everyone is willing to pay part of the cost, they can live on the moon for a period of time, or even have a honeymoon. Find Shuyuan ”


After hearing Wu Hao's words, everyone in the venue laughed.

Mr. Wu, do you really have plans to transport that platinum star core back? How will such a heavy star core be transported back? Do you have any preliminary plans? In addition, is this kind of star core transportation to the earth intended to be sold commercially, or what? Some reporters couldn't wait to ask questions. Obviously, compared to other high-end projects, everyone seems to be more concerned about topics that are closer to real life.

Seeing reporters rushing to ask questions, Wu Hao smiled and replied: "Of course, the total weight of this platinum star core is about two to three tons. The gravity on the moon is relatively small, so it is actually not difficult to transport a load object weighing two to three tons." It's not as big as everyone thinks. And there is a big difference between the transportation of such objects and the transportation of people, so the technical difficulty is relatively simple. We only need to consider how to transport it back to the earth.

In our experts' plan, several thrusters will be launched to the moon, assembled using unmanned vehicles, and then transported back. Seeing reporters rushing to ask questions, Wu Hao smiled and replied: "Of course, the total weight of this platinum star core is about two to three tons. The gravity on the moon is relatively small, so it is actually difficult to transport a load object weighing two to three tons." It's not as big as everyone thinks. Moreover, there is a big difference between the transportation of such objects and the transportation of people, so the technical difficulty is relatively simple. We only need to consider how to transport it back to the earth.

In our experts' plan, several thrusters will be launched to the moon, assembled using unmanned vehicles, and then transported back. "

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