Military Technology

Chapter 1726 Future Moon Bubble City

“Such glass lunar cabins are independent of each other, with a glass corridor in the middle. Each of the two sections of the corridor has an airlock door. The airlock door is usually open, but can be closed for isolation in emergencies and when needed.

Multiple glass lunar warehouses form a complete ground scientific research station building, and the number of glass lunar warehouses can be increased according to the number of people staying in the scientific research station, thereby increasing the carrying capacity of the scientific research station. "

After hearing Wu Hao's introduction, the experts had a basic understanding of the design concept of the permanent lunar commercial scientific research station in Wu Hao's blueprint. It has to be said that this plan is undoubtedly the most imaginative and beautiful among the space agencies of various countries and some commercial companies.

And from the current point of view, the construction of a permanent lunar commercial scientific research station should be considered the lowest cost. If it were announced, it would undoubtedly cause many aerospace agencies and commercial companies to follow suit and imitate it.

How big can "this glass dome" be built? Some experts were curious.

Hearing this question, Wu Hao smiled and said: "The gravity on the moon is about one-sixth of that on the earth. In other words, as big as this kind of glass protective cover can be built on the earth, theoretically it can be built on the moon. six times.

Of course, this is only theoretical. Although the gravity on the moon is relatively low, the relevant conditions are definitely not as good as those on the earth. It is impossible for us to transport all very large machines to the moon.

Therefore, we believe that this kind of large glass dome can also be called a glass bubble protective cover building. According to current technical limitations, the maximum diameter can be about 500 meters. Beyond this scale, the resources consumed and construction difficulty will definitely increase. It has increased significantly, and the use and maintenance costs will also increase exponentially. "

"Five hundred meters, can it be built so big?" All the experts and leaders couldn't help but exclaimed.

Qin Xinghe, who was sitting nearby and had been an audience, couldn't help but said: "Such a large size can completely accommodate a small city inside."

"You're right." Wu Hao smiled and nodded, then slid the transparent folding tablet placed on the table, and a bird's-eye view rendering appeared on the big screen.

When everyone saw this picture, they were all stunned at first, and then they all exclaimed and started talking.

In this picture, there are three huge glass bubble protective covers. Inside the glass bubble protective covers are various very sci-fi urban buildings. These three glass bubble shields form a Z-shaped section, with only visible glass corridors forming between them. In addition, there is a large circle facing the edge of the three glass bubble protective covers, enclosing the three glass bubble protective covers. This is a pipeline maglev train, which will serve as the exterior of the city with these three glass bubble protective covers. The main ring road carries the rapid route-changing traffic of these three cities in the bubble.

Moreover, the three glass bubble protective covers are also different. The first glass bubble protective cover is a single-row urban area. There are various buildings in it, which are divided into three floors. Each floor is decorated with various The platform structure is a bit like a sky garden community. This is obviously a living area, with roads, light rails, even traffic lights and zebra crossings, sports fields, shopping malls, etc.

As for the second glass bubble protective cover, there are not so many buildings. It is also divided into several floors three-dimensionally. There are some low buildings and some factories. Obviously, this should be a scientific research work area. . The top should be the scientific research area, with many research institutes and laboratories, and the bottom is the production and manufacturing area, distributed in many factories.

The third glass bubble protective cover is also divided into grassroots layers, but this one is actually filled with large areas of farmland and forest. It is obvious that this is an agricultural area.

The most common thing among these three glass bubble protective covers is that there is a giant sky-supporting pillar at the center. It supports the dome of the central glass bubble protective cover and disperses the power above the dome. And this pillar is more like a prototype high-rise building, or a hanging garden, with many plants and flowers growing on it.

"This is the prototype of the lunar city design we envisioned. It is developed and improved using the construction technology of the previous scientific research station. Each glass bubble protective cover is about 550 meters in diameter and 160 meters high. meters, made of 700,000 pieces of glass.

A bubble like this can accommodate 100,000 to 150,000 residents. Such three bubble protective covers can form a complete urban system that can accommodate 300,000 residents to live here permanently and be self-sufficient. It can be said that It's a small lunar immigrant city. "

I am afraid that the construction cost of such a lunar city is undoubtedly an astronomical figure. Some experts lamented.

Wu Hao nodded with a smile and said: "Of course, not to mention the moon, it would probably cost a lot to build a small city or community of 300,000 people on the earth, let alone on the moon.

Of course, if we rely solely on manpower, the cost will definitely be unbearable, so the main construction force of this lunar city will be robots, who will be responsible for the construction. Including the processing of all building materials, finding the bookstore and the final construction and welding processes.

In this way, the construction cost will be greatly reduced. Because the relevant resources are all on the moon, there is no need to continue investing heavily in anything.

And as the number of such lunar cities increases in the future, the cost will naturally become lower and lower. "

In fact, Wu Hao did not tell the truth here. The initial construction will certainly reduce the cost, but subsequent construction may not necessarily reduce the cost. Because by then various contractors and various services will come one after another.

In the early stage, these resources and building materials may need to be mined by yourself, refined and processed by yourself, constructed by yourself, etc. All of this must be done by yourself, which can be said to be very time-consuming. But because the resources are mined by ourselves, the energy is solar energy, and the labor force is robots, the cost is relatively low.

But if in the later stage, you want to invest in so much equipment, then you can only find relevant service providers. These smart businessmen will naturally see business opportunities and then provide high-quality services for these projects.

For example, providing high-quality related ores and even refined raw materials can also help you build these lunar cities and so on. Although it is more convenient to build and saves time and effort, the cost will definitely increase.

But by then, it's probably Wu Hao and his friends who will most likely be providing services for these projects. Who allowed them to have the technology in this area and seize the opportunity?

So now, it is naturally impossible for Wu Hao to tell these things. Who would ruin his job and have trouble with money.

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