Military Technology

Chapter 1727 If you want a spoon, no way!

I didn’t expect that you have already thought so far in this regard. Zou Huaiyi, Mr. Zou, who was sitting next to Wu Hao, couldn't help but sigh.

Not only Zou Huaiyi, but also the experts and leaders present. From the inflatable inflatable lunar short- and medium-term commercial scientific research station to the permanent commercial scientific research station on the moon, and then to this permanent commercial scientific research station on the moon, we are really ready to develop step by step.

What's even more terrifying is that such a huge development plan has been implemented in real time from the beginning. For example, the inflatable inflatable space experimental capsule that Wu Hao and his team launched before, as well as the space farm inside, were all used to accumulate advanced technologies for the lunar scientific research station and future lunar cities.

What is even more surprising is the speed of development of Wu Hao and others in various fields, especially in the field of aerospace technology, which can be said to be rapid.

From the initial small launch vehicles that can only produce one or two tons, relying on orders from the aerospace authorities, to the subsequent retractable launch vehicles, their launch costs have dropped significantly, and commercial orders have surged. It can be said that in The commercial launch vehicle sector has gained a firm foothold. Next is the universal satellite platform technology, the inflatable inflatable space experimental cabin technology, and then the medium-sized retractable launch vehicle, manned spacecraft technology, and the "Wangshu" intelligence that made a major discovery this time. The lunar lunar surface patrol and exploration vehicle.

What took decades to achieve in other countries was achieved in less than five years by a private enterprise like Haoyu Technology, which can be described as rapid progress.

Of course, this also proves the rapid progress of our country's aerospace technology and the rapid development of the aerospace industry from another perspective.

After sighing with emotion, everyone returned to the "Wangshu" intelligent lunar surface patrol and exploration vehicle. I saw Zou Huanyi and Mr. Zou said to him: "Xiao Wu, your "Wangshu" intelligent lunar surface patrol and exploration vehicle must have accumulated a lot of detection data in the past few days. These data detection data Can you provide us with a copy, which will be of great help to our research on the lunar environment and lunar formation, as well as our future lunar exploration projects."

Hearing Zou Huanyi's words, other experts and professors also brightened up and hurriedly responded. Indeed, one of the main purposes of these experts and professors coming here is to come here for these materials. Now when we talk about what they care about most, how can we not get excited?

Hearing Zou Huanyi's words and the reactions of these experts and professors, Wu Hao smiled and said lightly: "These detected data are all stored in our database. Of course you and everyone here want to see it, of course there is no problem. But you can’t take pictures or videos, and you can’t take copies away.”

Well, why?

Many experts couldn't help asking anxiously, and some experts said anxiously: "This information is very helpful for our research. We have many major projects that urgently need these data. If they are not allowed to be taken away, what else are we going to study?"

Wu Hao smiled slightly, then did not speak, but looked at Qin Xinghe aside.

Of course Qin Xinghe knew what Wu Hao meant, and then he gave a wry smile, coughed twice at these agitated and anxious experts, and said, "Ahem, these data are the result of Xiao Wu and the others investing a lot of manpower and material resources. It was obtained with financial resources. If everyone takes it away, what will they do?"

We just make a copy, take it away if it doesn’t exist! An expert said something, but no one present responded, apparently understanding the meaning of Qin Xinghe's words.

Yes, these data are very precious, how could they let them take them away for nothing. Not to mention private commercial companies like Haoyu Technology, even other research institutes in the system cannot be so careless.

"Well, Xiao Wu, how do you cooperate in this regard? We are very interested in your next detection plan and are willing to cooperate with you in depth. Zou Huanyi, Mr. Zou said a little embarrassed." He had forgotten this before. Sorry, he spoke directly, but it was a bit too abrupt.

Mr. Zou, we also want to contribute to our country's aerospace industry, but our capabilities are limited. We have invested heavily in this "Wangshu" intelligent lunar surface patrol and exploration vehicle. If we do not recover some of the cost, I am afraid that we will not be able to proceed with a series of subsequent projects.

Wu Hao explained to Zou Huanyi, and then said: "I think we should leave the specific cooperation matters to professionals, and let's not get involved in this.

But don’t worry, everyone, we will give a very preferential price to our domestic scientific research institutes, including some colleges and universities, which is a little bit of our appreciation.

And we also promise that as long as cooperation is established, we will transmit these detected data to everyone in a timely and accurate manner.

In just the past few days, we have accumulated more than 500GB of data information, and I am afraid that there will be a massive amount of data transmitted back in the future.

So before we start cooperation, I'm afraid you have to prepare a huge storage server, otherwise I'm worried that you will all be worried about not being able to store a lot of data. "

Ha ha ha ha……

After hearing what Wu Hao said, I went to Shuyuan www. Everyone present laughed heartily. They are currently worried about the pitiful lack of data, so they are naturally very excited about the massive data in the future and will not refuse anyone who comes.

Then an expert said with a smile: "If such a day comes, I will spend my own money to buy hard drives and save them."

Haha, same thing.

Many experts responded with smiles, obviously imagining that that day would come soon.

Qin Xinghe, who was on the side, smiled when he heard the words: "In this regard, our aerospace authorities will also provide some support and pavement. After all, this is also making a contribution to our country's aerospace industry.

And I think there is a better way of cooperation in this regard. "

Speaking of this, Qin Xinghe said to Wu Hao: "Xiao Wu, I think you can adopt a membership system. After signing a cooperation agreement with a cooperative research institution, you can give them an account so that they can log in to your account freely. Database, search for data in this area and achieve sharing.

In this way, they save money on buying storage servers, and it is more convenient and faster to obtain and search data. As for you, you have also omitted some steps and reduced some investment in this area.

The important thing is that if you do this, you will also attract more members to join, so your income will naturally increase. "

After hearing Qin Xinghe's words, everyone's eyes lit up and they all praised him. This was indeed a great idea.

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