Military Technology

Chapter 1734 Ordinary people’s “flying dream”

Although this relay-type manned lunar landing plan is relatively cumbersome, it can indeed reduce the cost of lunar landing transportation. However, there is a premise for this, that is, it must land on the moon multiple times. This relay-type manned lunar landing program, whether it is your manned spacecraft, the Earth-moon transfer spacecraft, or the lunar lander, is very costly in itself. In order to achieve long-term reusability, manufacturing The cost will naturally be very high.

Therefore, if it is only used once, the cost will definitely be high, so its advantage lies in long-term operation and reducing single transportation costs through multiple tasks. Zou Huanyi, Mr. Zou analyzed.

Wu Hao nodded and said with a smile: "You are right, the single operation cost of this relay manned lunar landing technology solution is very high, and from this aspect it is not comparable to those direct lunar landing solutions.

However, as time increases and the number of missions performed increases, the advantages of this relay-type manned lunar landing technology solution will gradually become apparent, and the cost will be significantly reduced.

In this way, the basic conditions for long-term operation of commercial scientific research stations on the moon will be achieved. "

After hearing what the two of them said, Qin Xinghe, who was beside Wu Hao, looked at the model on the platform and said with a smile: "Your relay-type manned lunar landing technology plan is very important for our manned lunar landing plan and the International Lunar Science and Technology. The construction and operation ideas of the test station are still very useful for reference.

Once this relay-type manned lunar landing technical solution is successful, it will facilitate the construction and subsequent operations of your subsequent lunar scientific research stations and save transportation costs to the greatest extent. "

Speaking of this, Qin Xinghe thought for a while and then said: "Well, Xiao Wu, give me your technical plan for relay manned lunar landing and the relevant design and construction plan of your lunar commercial scientific research station, etc." Prepare a copy and I will take it back to study and discuss it with the experts and leaders in the bureau.

Don't worry, I won't ask you for nothing. If your plan is feasible, then in a series of subsequent projects, we will also invite you to join it, and even hand over some related tasks directly to you. "

Hearing Qin Xinghe drawing cakes here, Wu Hao smiled and said, "Okay, I'll have someone prepare it for you and then hand it over to you."

With that said, Wu Hao looked at Shen Ning who had been following him. Shen Ning understood and made arrangements immediately.

Hearing Wu Hao's answer, Qin Xinghe showed a satisfied look and said with a smile: "Okay, you also need to prepare. When the time comes, come to the capital and talk about your grand plan with the experts and leaders in person. plan.

In the future, the moon will be a center of competition for space agencies and aerospace companies from various countries. Nowadays, all countries are actively implementing their own projects such as moon landing, long-term lunar residency, and lunar resource utilization. This is a trend and a trend. If we fall behind, we will be left far behind, and we may even lose our place on the moon in the future.

The rich resources on the moon will have nothing to do with us. We will have to watch other countries and companies occupy these precious resources. At that time, if we wanted to get it, we would have to pay a high price to buy it. Even some precious resources may not be sold to us. For example, helium-3, even if we want to buy it, they can't just sell it to us directly.

Therefore, our lunar exploration plan is urgent. As the saying goes, it is better to ask for others than to ask for yourself. What others have belongs to others, and only what we ourselves own is our own. If we don’t want to be controlled by others, we must be self-reliant.

At present, our country has been actively developing and implementing projects such as manned lunar landing and medium- and long-term lunar residency. We have achieved relevant phased results and are moving toward the goals we have set in mind. The dream I had when I looked up at the moon, moving forward with the beautiful legend.

In this process, we believe that civil society is also an important force that cannot be ignored. Letting private aerospace companies join in will help stimulate and promote the development of the entire domestic aerospace industry.

And in some fields, civilian aerospace power also has its own advantages. For example, in terms of cost control, we are not as good as you. "


Hearing Qin Xinghe's joke, everyone present laughed.

Qin Xinghe, on the other hand, patted Wu Hao on the shoulder and continued with a smile: "What's the matter with being stingy? As long as it is used in the right place, it is also very good. In terms of cost control, it is indeed necessary to deduct it. Only in this way can we Able to reduce costs to a minimum.

Only in this way can we ordinary people's dreams of space travel and moon landing tourism have a chance to be realized.

This is also the biggest gap between the official aerospace system and your private aerospace companies. Judging from your development in the past few years, in the commercial aerospace field, you are indeed doing better than us.

If we work hard, we hope to be able to travel in space in our lifetime. I heard that you are all starting to plan to sell tickets for seven-day space tours to outsiders. "

Ha ha ha ha……

Hearing this question, everyone present laughed and looked at Wu Hao, waiting for his answer. This question seems a bit funny, even a bit far-fetched. However, as astronauts, no matter experts, leaders or staff, no one has a dream of flying.

It's just that it's not easy to realize my dream of flying into space, so I can only rely on astronauts. Now, they have another hope, which is the commercial manned space project carried out by Wu Hao and his Haoyu Aerospace Co., Ltd.

If they can really reduce the cost of manned spaceflight to a very low level, then in the future they will only need to spend a little money to realize their lifelong dream of flying. So for this question, everyone is looking forward to Wu Hao’s answer.

Faced with everyone's expectant gazes, Wu Hao nodded with a smile and replied with a smile: "I'm not too sure about the details, it should be a marketing campaign organized by Haoyu Aerospace.

But when it comes to space commercial tourism projects, we do have this plan. That is, through our efforts, we can greatly reduce the cost of space travel, so that many ordinary people can also have the opportunity to travel in space. It is not impossible to even land on the moon and spend their honeymoon in a moon hotel in the future. "

Hearing his words, everyone smiled. Zou Huanyi said with a smile: "If you want ordinary people to travel in space, I'm afraid your ticket must be cheap enough so that most people can afford it."

Wu Hao smiled and nodded: "We have a vision to reduce the tickets for a single space trip to about one million in the future. This will satisfy many people's space travel dreams."


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