Military Technology

Chapter 1735 One million for a commercial space tourism trip

one million?

Upon hearing this number, everyone present was stunned for a moment, then nodded, and then shook their heads.

How can I say this price? It’s cheap. It’s really cheap. A trip to space now costs tens of millions of dollars, or even hundreds of millions of dollars. When converted, it's several hundred million. Now, Wu Hao directly said that they would reduce the cost of a single-person space trip to about one million, which is only about 100,000 U.S. dollars when converted into U.S. dollars. This is ten minutes cheaper than the Karman line made by several companies in Lao Mi. The cost of a short pseudo-space trip of a few dozen minutes is even lower.

Of course, this may be related to exchange rate costs, but more importantly, it comes from Wu Hao's full confidence and cost control in reusable aerospace technology.

Such a price can certainly satisfy many people's dream of a space trip. After all, for many people, spending one million for a space trip is not much. There are many such middle-class groups in China, so there is a huge potential market for this ship.

However, the reason why everyone is shaking their heads is that the cost of one million is probably an obstacle that is prohibitive for most people. After all, for many people, their entire net worth is less than one million. Even if they had it, no one would be able to ignore it and spend all their money on a space trip for a few days and then become a pauper.

For most people, there doesn’t seem to be much difference between a one-million-dollar space flight ticket and a space flight ticket worth tens of millions of dollars. They can’t afford it anyway.

The only difference may make many people more uncomfortable, regretful, and even painful. After all, for these eager people, although their dreams are closer to them, they are still out of reach.

Of course, everyone present also knows that the price has probably hit the bottom and there is no room for decline. Although it has been said that the dream of flying into space has been wiped out for a large number of people, there are still many people who will have the opportunity to take a trip to space.

The price is not expensive, but I’m afraid many people can’t afford it. As for me, if I want to achieve it, I’m afraid the little salary I have saved will have to go into it. One expert said with a wry smile.

Another expert continued his words and laughed: "You just jumped in. After a lifetime of studying the universe and a lifetime of spaceflight, it would be a pity if you have never been to space."

Yes, if there is such an opportunity, one million is one million. If I am willing, even if it is just for a day, let me experience what it is like to be weightless and let me look at the earth through the hanging window. another expert lamented.

Money is no problem, I still have some money, but I don’t know how old we are, so I can’t wait to get it. An old expert with some gray hair said with a sigh.

After hearing the expert's words, everyone immediately looked at Wu Hao.

Seeing everyone looking at him, Wu Hao smiled and replied: "You are in good health, there must be no problem.

We initially plan to complete the first commercial manned mission within two years and send three passengers to space for three days. A complete space tourism industry chain will be established within five years to provide periodic space tourism projects. The initial plan is to send 60 to 80 tourists to space every year.

Reduce the price of space tourism to about one million yuan within ten years. Of course, this is a goal. Whether it can be achieved is still uncertain. After all, we don’t know exactly what price costs will be like in the future. "

Ten years, I still don’t know if I can live to ten years. The gray-haired expert shook his head with a wry smile.

Another expert next to him patted his arm and said with a smile: "Okay, don't sigh. Do we old guys really have the conditions to go to space? Let's not talk about other things. Can our current physical fitness be able to withstand the 56 G overload when the rocket ascends, and the impact when landing?"

The words of this expert undoubtedly poured cold water on everyone's head. Indeed, with their age and physical fitness, can they really bear it? Everyone asked themselves in their hearts, and then shook their heads, and their dreams were shattered.

Seeing the gloomy expressions on the faces of the experts and leaders, Wu Hao glanced helplessly at the expert who spoke, then smiled and high-fived: "Haha, actually we have also taken this issue into consideration. In the future If you want to engage in commercial space tourism projects, you will have to deal with ordinary people, and their physical qualities will definitely not be as good as those of trained astronauts.

Moreover, these travelers may not have that much time and experience to conduct professional training for several months or even half a year.

Therefore, this requires that our manned spacecraft must be comfortable enough, only in this way can it meet the needs of passengers.

How to make the riding experience more comfortable? First, the overload must be small. Only in this way can more people accept it. In addition, everything including vibration, buffering, sound insulation, and safety must be perfect. Only in this way can we attract more tourists. "

Oh, according to what you said, hope is kindled in our hearts again. An expert who was familiar with Wu Haoxiang said with a laugh, which also changed the atmosphere in the hall.

If you send these passengers directly into space without basic training, the risk is too high. If you encounter any problems, you will be really anxious. Some experts warned.

Wu Hao replied with a smile: "Actually, it's not that there is no training at all. Passengers who want to go to space must still receive some training, but this training must be basic training and cannot be as detailed as that of astronauts.

Therefore, we compressed the cycle to one month, and conducted a series of relevant training and knowledge and skills training within one month before launch to deal with possible emergencies.

Of course, under normal circumstances, we are equipped with professional astronauts to accompany each such spacecraft. In most cases, these professional astronauts are responsible for all problems. Unless these astronauts are all disabled, there is a chance, but the possibility is slim, very small. "

I heard that you are also planning to build a commercial space station for this space tourism project? Zou Huanyi asked Wu Hao at this time.

Yes, we plan to build an international commercial space station. In addition to accepting some commercial scientific research missions, we will also accept some passengers to stay on this international commercial space station for a short period of time.

In fact, many companies have already proposed their own ideas for such a commercial space station, and many have begun to implement it. We plan to build such a commercial space station in two to three years.


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