Military Technology

Chapter 1747 The

Has development of this aerospace vehicle begun? An expert at the scene took over the aerospace vehicle model from other experts, looked at it carefully, and asked Wu Hao.

When Wu Hao heard the expert's question, he smiled and shook his head: "It is still in the pre-research stage, and our focus is still on manned spacecraft, commercial space stations, and lunar scientific research stations.

An aerospace vehicle like this can only be put to a later stage. After all, a project like this does not cost a small amount of money. We will not officially launch it easily without full certainty. "

After hearing Wu Hao's words, everyone couldn't help but feel a little disappointed while approving it. The reason for nodding in approval is that Wu Hao is right. The investment in this project is indeed huge. It cannot be launched in a hurry and must be treated with caution. As for why it is regrettable, it is because the experts and leaders present are basically over fifty years old, and many of them are in their sixties or even octogenarians. I don’t know if they will be able to see this airship in their lifetime. The spacecraft's first flight.

After sighing with emotion, everyone's thoughts immediately returned to this aerospace vehicle. An expert, a bald expert, looked at the aerospace vehicle model and immediately asked a new question.

Will the launch cost of this aerospace vehicle really be lower than the single launch of your current Walker reusable spacecraft?

After raising this question, the expert glanced at Wu Hao and then added: "At the beginning of the design of the space shuttle, there was also a plan to control costs, but the cost of each launch was far higher. It’s more than the price of a spacecraft launch.”

I know what you mean. Wu Hao smiled and nodded. This expert also had good intentions, otherwise he would not have raised such a question in front of so many people.

After sorting out his words, Wu Hao continued: "I think our aerospace vehicle and space shuttle are completely products of two eras.

Why do I say this? There are many reasons. I will focus on the key points.

First of all, the background of the times is different, the technologies are different, and the application directions are also different. The design and development ideas and functions of the space shuttle have a very strong Cold War flavor. Its main function at the beginning of its design was to carry out the space arms race, and the tasks it was originally designed to perform also had a strong Cold War hegemony overtones.

The thinking mode and design ideas at the time made the space shuttle look more like a space vehicle carrying out major missions and could be used in war at any time. For this goal, Laomi invested heavily in this project.

Because of the limited technical conditions in that era, the development costs increased and the constraints were also great. The space shuttle was a huge system project, so the investment was naturally huge, and the technologies involved were naturally very complex, and some of them were even complicated. Very immature.

It was precisely because of the constraints of the times that the space shuttle had several serious accidents later on.

As for our aerospace vehicle, its mission or design idea is very clear. It is an aerospace vehicle to transport personnel. Once the goal or direction is clear, it will be relatively easier to design and develop.

And relying on our existing relevant conditions, we are now able to solve many problems that were unsolvable in the past. Where we did not do well in the past, we can now do better and become more outstanding.

Finally, the structures are different and the emission methods are different.

Although our aerospace vehicles have some similarities with the space shuttle, they are also very different. These differences come from all aspects, such as aerodynamic shape, launch and flight mode, recommendation system, control system, etc.

Compared with the complex launch method of the space shuttle, the launch method of our aerospace vehicle is simpler. It is actually an ordinary manned spacecraft launch, but we have simplified it.

The launch vehicle's secondary rocket, fairing, and manned spacecraft inside the fairing were cut off. We only retained the first stage rocket and booster parts.

The first-stage rocket and booster can be recycled and reused, and the same is true for this aerospace plane. In this way, we can reduce its launch operation cost and single-person transportation cost to a very low price, and realize a million-dollar space travel, or even lower-priced ship tickets, no, it should be said that air tickets are also available. of. "

After hearing Wu Hao's introduction, everyone present couldn't help but nodded and started talking. From what Wu Hao said, this design plan really has great development prospects. Especially in terms of cost control, it can be said that Wu Hao and the others have controlled costs to the extreme. In the future, whether rockets, boosters, or aerospace vehicles can be recycled and reused, the only thing to consider is the cost of fuel and related Launch service fee is charged.

By then, the cost for humans to enter the sky will be very low and very convenient, which will inevitably lead to frequent space activities.

Soviet astronaut Konstantin Tsiolkovsky, the father of modern aerospace, famously said: "The Earth is the cradle of mankind, but mankind cannot live in the cradle forever."

Just like the Age of Discovery, the desire for the unknown will prompt humans to continue to leave the earth and explore the unknown deep space. And Wu Hao and his aerospace vehicle will undoubtedly become the vanguard and leader for mankind to step out of the earth and enter the space age!

In this regard, once this aerospace vehicle is successfully developed, it will be of great significance.

But precisely because of its significance, many experts present had some doubts or worries. Is it really possible to carry out such a major project solely by relying on this young and shameless guy in front of me?

Can such a private enterprise really undertake such a large project and develop such an aerospace vehicle?

So thinking of this, a leader immediately said: "Xiao Wu, have you ever thought about cooperating with the country?"

Um? Wu Hao was stunned for a moment when he heard this, and then he reacted. However, he did not speak immediately, but looked at the leader with a puzzled expression. Now that he brought it up, don't be so hesitant and say it directly.

Seeing Wu Hao's appearance and everyone's gaze. The leader glanced at Qin Xinghe and then said to him: "I mean such a big project, it would be very difficult for you to take care of it by yourself. Have you ever thought about cooperating with the country to promote it together?" The development of this project. In this way, it will be much better than if you fight alone. More importantly, it can promote the first flight of this aerospace vehicle as soon as possible. "

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