Military Technology

Chapter 1748 N emergency escape plans

Although the leader said this, Wu Hao understood the implication, as did many people present. Cooperating with the state is just a pretense. The real meaning or purpose of this leader is to ask him whether he will hand over this project or this set of design plans to the state.

After so many years of experience, facing Wu Hao like this again, Wu Hao will naturally respond with ease. He then smiled and replied: "If the country needs it, of course we are willing to make our due contribution. And, as a team, People, as a company, we will be honored to participate in such a major project and make our due contribution to it."

After Wu Hao finished speaking, everyone present nodded. There is nothing wrong with what he said, it is very upright and there is nothing wrong with it. As for Wu Hao, this aerospace vehicle is still in the pre-research stage anyway. If they want it, they won't suffer much loss if they get it.

However, Qin Xinghe looked slightly embarrassed after hearing his answer, and then said with a smile: "Ahem, this project is very good. I think we need to strengthen communication and cooperation with each other. There is a shortcoming. Each of us has our own strengths and weaknesses. Only by working together can we achieve a win-win situation.

As for this project, if you officially launch it, we can help you apply for a fairly objective support fund. The state has always been very supportive of major private scientific research projects. In recent years, more and more investment has been made in this area. Major cutting-edge technology projects like this will definitely receive priority attention. "

"Thank you, Director Qin." Wu Hao smiled and thanked him.

The implication of Qin Xinghe's words is that this project is still carried out by themselves, and they have no intention of forcing it. As for other aspects, equal cooperation is absolutely possible, and they will also provide relevant support and help.

Not only Wu Hao, but everyone at the scene also heard Qin Xinghe's words clearly. Although many people were a little disappointed, in such an occasion, no one would say anything. After all, it's not good to say it, but it offends both sides, which is not worth it.

Although Wu Hao and the others are only a private enterprise, the strength demonstrated by this private enterprise has made them not to be underestimated. Many experts have even had the idea of ​​cooperation in their minds, and some have even begun to wonder whether they can join these projects. Come to the group. I heard that Haoyu Technology's salary and benefits are good, and its scientific research conditions are also excellent. Maybe we can really have a second career here.

With everyone having different thoughts, the atmosphere at the scene was slightly awkward. Just when everyone was thinking about how to open up the topic to ease the embarrassment, Zou Huanyi asked Wu Hao: "Xiao Wu, I have a question, have you ever thought about the safety of this aerospace vehicle when it is launched.

Although your space shuttle is different from that of Lao Mi, there are many similarities. You are also aware of those accidents, including major accidents that occurred during launch.

How do you think about this aspect of your aerospace vehicle? What are the special measures to deal with it? "

This question seems to be asked casually, but it is indeed a very professional, leisurely and relevant question. Indeed, no matter who you are, when you see this aerospace vehicle, you can't help but compare it with Lao Mi's space shuttle. As a result, the accidents caused by the space shuttle have naturally become a topic of concern to everyone.

Currently, all types of manned spacecraft, whether they are older generation manned spacecraft or new generation manned spacecraft, have emergency escape systems during launch. Some rely on the escape tower at the top of the rocket to escape, while others use the return capsule of the manned spacecraft to activate its emergency escape system and ignite the rocket to quickly escape.

As for this aerospace vehicle, there is no emergency escape design, which makes people a little worried. In case of an emergency during launch, how should the passengers in the aerospace vehicle escape?

For such a problem, the project pre-research team naturally has research, so Wu Hao, who was well aware of the case, smiled and said openly in front of everyone's eyes: "Actually, we have also considered this issue during development. Currently, the project pre-research team has So many ideas.

First of all, in the low-altitude stage, the tail propulsion system of the aerospace vehicle is still used. Once there is a problem with the first-stage rocket or booster, the aerospace vehicle will quickly start the emergency response procedure, and quickly ignite and start in a very short time, and then break away. The malfunctioning rocket then adjusts its attitude in the air to glide back to the ground.

The second option is to reserve an emergency escape route. When an aerospace vehicle malfunctions, the passengers in the aerospace vehicle cabin can quickly escape from the aerospace vehicle through the emergency escape channel, and then land by relying on the special parachute they carry. "

When they heard this plan, everyone shook their heads. In such a long period of time, it is probably unrealistic to expect the passengers in the cabin to evacuate quickly and independently.

The huge overload has already made them unable to move. How can they move out of the warehouse? And when skydiving at such a high altitude, even if you wear an anti-pressure suit inside the cabin, safety may not be guaranteed.

As for Wu Hao, after seeing everyone's reaction, he did not rush to argue, but continued with a smile: "The third option is actually an upgrade on the second option, taking into account the problems during launch and malfunctions. At that time, it was difficult for people to move inside the cabin, so we involved a sliding escape method.

Passengers in the aerospace vehicle do not need to leave their seats. When encountering a positive situation, they only need to pull the emergency escape ring, and the member seats will slide along the preset track, along with the members on the seats. Thrown out of the cabin.

The seat is connected to the cabin anti-pressure suit worn by the passengers, which can provide the necessary pressure and oxygen, so there will be no problem even if the parachute is thrown from high altitude.

The only thing the members need to do is to wait until the appropriate height and abandon the seats. "

After hearing him finish explaining this plan, everyone present nodded. It was obvious that this plan was basically approved by them.

Wu Hao, on the other hand, did not stop and continued: "The fourth plan is to continue to upgrade based on the third plan.

This time, instead of ejecting the crew members, the crew module was separated from the malfunctioning aerospace vehicle, and then an emergency evasive escape was carried out.

The crew cabin and the aerospace vehicle are joined together, and the entire crew cabin is airtight. If you encounter an emergency during launch or return, you only need to press the emergency button and the entire crew cabin will separate from the aerospace vehicle. The crew module will throw out the parachute group and then slowly fall to the ground to escape. "

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