After hearing this plan, many experts present couldn't help but nodded. It was obvious that compared to the previous plans, this plan was the most feasible and safer. The entire separation plan of the aircraft's crew compartment was not the first of its kind by Wu Hao and others. Rather, relevant aviation experts had proposed such a design idea a long time ago.

But this is not for spacecraft, but for aircraft. After seeing frequent aviation accidents, especially major air crashes, these scientists came up with an overall escape plan that could separate the crew cabin from the aircraft.

In this design plan, they are combined together during normal flight. When encountering an emergency, you only need to pull the emergency life ring, and the entire member compartment will quickly detach from the aircraft and then land via parachute.

When landing, the bottom of the crew cabin will quickly inflate and expand to form an air cushion. On the one hand, it can absorb shock, reduce inflation, and avoid injuries to members in the cabin. On the other hand, it can be used for landing in water to reproduce the buoyancy of the crew cabin.

However, although this solution increased safety, it undoubtedly increased the development and operating costs of the aircraft, so it was eventually abandoned by major aircraft manufacturers.

However, this abandoned plan has many merits. From now on, it may be more suitable to apply it to higher-risk spacecraft.

Seeing that everyone was talking a lot, Wu Hao did not interrupt, but waited for the crowd to become quieter before speaking out.

"Actually, we have not yet determined which of these plans is feasible and suitable. The final choice of which plan needs to be determined by more practical conditions at that time.

Moreover, we also have some internal disputes about this project. We will not rush to launch such a project before reaching a consensus on these disputes. "

After hearing Wu Hao's words, everyone present nodded to express understanding.

Zou Huanyi said to Wu Hao and everyone at this time: "From a technical point of view, your manned orbiter is still very feasible, but during the specific development process, you will definitely encounter many difficulties.

However, if the difficulties can be overcome and successfully developed, the benefits it will bring in various fields will definitely be unmatched by current manned spacecraft.

Elon Musk has built a starship. I think your talent, Wu Hao, is much higher than that of Elon Musk, and you should not lag behind him. "


Wu Hao showed a helpless expression when he heard this, and everyone present laughed.

Amid laughter, Wu Hao invited leading experts such as Qin Xinghe and Zou Huanyi to leave messages on the log in the exhibition hall.

Then everyone went to the Xinyuehu Space Command and Control Center, which they had been waiting for for a long time, and walked into the hall. Everyone was immediately attracted by everything in the hall. Everyone is like Grandma Liu entering the Grand View Garden, full of curiosity about everything.

To everyone, compared to the regular atmosphere of the major command and control centers in the aerospace system, Wu Hao's Xinyuehu Aerospace Command and Control Hall appears to have a more sci-fi feel.

First of all, the entire aerospace command and control hall is very large inside. The hall is not completely isolated from the outside world, but is blocked by huge floor-to-ceiling windows, so the outside scenery can be seen.

Outside the floor-to-ceiling windows on one side is a huge artificial lake and koi pond, and the scenery is very beautiful. Let’s talk about the four walls first. In addition to these huge floor-to-ceiling windows and columns, there are huge high-definition display screens hanging on the four walls. These screens are very large, in the shape of vertical bars, displaying various screen data information from top to bottom. These vertical screens are arranged one in each section, just like walls, or posters, decorative paintings, etc.

On the innermost wall, there is a very huge high-definition screen, which completely covers the front wall. On this large screen, various screen data information is displayed, which is divided into many modules. But what interests everyone the most is of course the "Wangshu" intelligent lunar surface patrol and exploration vehicle in one of the large image windows.

In addition, images of several different projects are also displayed, including images of related project tests being carried out in a laboratory, and a Jianmu-2 rocket being prepared for launch on a tower at the Northwest Space Launch Center. of static images.

As for the ceiling at the top of the hall, it is also very industrial and not completely flat. However, these lights are very transparent and bright, illuminating the hall brightly, but not dazzling. The lights are very comfortable. In addition, there are some small spots of blue or other colors in the light. These small spots are gathered into a starry sky scene, which is very gorgeous. There won't even be a meteor passing by quickly, which is very vivid.

The furnishings in the hall are not divided into neat rows of tables, chairs and equipment like those seen in command and control centers. Instead, they are divided into several areas, which are separated by corridors. Each area presents a 'back'-shaped arrangement, which is a functional module. Then these many partitions together constitute the entire Xinyuehu Aerospace Command and Control Center.

These partition modules are very powerful. Just this functional partition module can be independently responsible for a project. The dispatching and command working group of the command and control center will adjust each partition module according to different tasks. If the project is large and the tasks are complex, the partition module can be added. If the tasks are simple and simple, the partition module can be appropriately reduced, giving a strong degree of freedom.

Each independent partition module is actually a small command and control center. These partition modules vary in size, but they are also distributed in the hall in an orderly manner.

Compared with the neat desktop consoles that everyone has seen in the command and control hall, the desktop console here seems a bit messy. On the desktop in front of everyone, there are several screens, some have two, and some Some have three screens, and some have four screens connected in parallel. There was even a person who had six screens placed on the table in front of him.

These screens display various data and information. In response to their arrival, these staff members just looked up, gave them a smile, and then went about their business.

It can be seen that everyone is very busy at work. Although busy, the work pressure is not high. You can still see the smiles on the faces of the employees and chatting with the employees next to them while holding cups of coffee.

On the whole, although it seems a bit free and undisciplined, it seems that everything is being done in an orderly manner.

And this is the corporate culture of Haoyu Technology, which is freedom, focus, professionalism, optimism and positivity!

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