Military Technology

Chapter 1750 College Student Aerospace Innovation Project Support Plan

After Wu Hao's brief introduction, the experts and leaders present had a basic understanding of this aerospace command and control hall. But the more they understood, the more these people became frightened.

However, the comprehensive strength of this aerospace command and control hall may not belong to those comprehensive command and control halls in the aerospace system.

How do you make full and reasonable use of so many partitioned functional modules? As the leader of the aerospace department, Qin Xinghe heard a question that interested him the most.

Hearing this question, Wu Hao smiled and replied: "Actually, this problem is not difficult to solve. In this aerospace command and control hall, we have a very complete intelligent command and control system. This system can complete a large number of calculations and controls." Work, on the one hand, enhances the command and control response capabilities for various project tasks. Its response speed is far beyond the reach of manual work.

Secondly, it reduces the workload. This system can replace the manual work of verifying, monitoring, screening, etc. of data, so the staff can be freed from these tasks to complete problems that require more manpower to solve. .

Finally, in terms of related task scheduling, the system will perform overall scheduling to arrange various types of work into the corresponding partitioned functional modules, or even for each work station, in the hands of each corresponding technician. . In this way, the performance of the entire command and control hall can be fully and reasonably utilized. "

At this point, Wu Hao changed the subject and said: "Of course, the intelligent system alone is definitely not enough, so we also have a command and control center dispatching and command working group. The main role of this working group is to coordinate and Scheduling the work task sequence between each partitioned functional module and each project. It has a complementary relationship with the intelligent control system.

Of course, in the event of an emergency, this dispatching and command working group can also work independently and be responsible for the dispatching, command and coordination of all functional modules in the entire command and control hall and all task projects. "

Is your main task now still focused on the lunar patrol mission of the "Wangshu" intelligent lunar surface patrol rover? Someone asked immediately.

Wu Hao smiled and nodded, but then shook his head and said: "The main job here at present is to be responsible for the measurement and control command of the lunar patrol and detection mission of the "Wangshu" intelligent lunar surface patrol and exploration vehicle. Of course, here The work is not limited to this, but is also responsible for our other projects and tasks. For example, some commercial launch projects we are involved in, satellite spacecraft that have not yet been handed over to customers, and some ongoing projects.

For example, the picture in the window here is the Jianmu-2 reusable launch vehicle standing under a launch tower at the Northwest Space Launch Center. It is conducting a commercial launch mission and plans to put seventeen satellites into a predetermined orbit. "

"Seventeen satellites, so many?" some experts exclaimed.

"Are they all civilian and commercial satellites?"

Wu Hao smiled and nodded in reply: "Most of them are, and a few are from scientific research institutes and research institutions. In addition, there are also some companies and major universities.

For example, Penguin and hwei commissioned us to launch two experimental communication satellites this time, and several companies commissioned us to launch several remote sensing satellites.

In addition, it is these universities, because our launch price is relatively low, and we will provide relevant support and subsidies for the projects of these universities, so they are also willing to cooperate with us.

The dozen or so microsatellites launched this time were all developed by teachers and students from these institutions. The largest weighs one to two hundred kilograms, while the smallest weighs only a dozen kilograms. "

Okay, you are cultivating outstanding talents for our aerospace field. Qin Xinghe praised.

Haha, Wu Haowen showed a wry smile and said, "Actually, we are so entangled that we have no choice but to be moved by the sincerity and perseverance of these students."

Zou Huanyi next to him smiled when he heard this and asked, "Oh, is there a story in this?"

Wu Hao showed a helpless look and nodded with a smile: "In fact, you can't make any money at all by taking on projects from these colleges, and sometimes you even lose money.

Originally, no one was willing to take on such a project, and they were not willing to deal with these teachers and students. There are many main reasons. On the one hand, these teachers and students or the projects of these institutions do not have much money. They themselves lack funds, so they can afford even less launch costs.

Who would do a business that is losing money, so we were not willing to take over it at the beginning. "

But you still took over. What made you change your attitude? Qin Xinghe asked with a smile.

Haha, Wu Hao shook his head and said: "These are all forced. These teachers and students really do everything they can to convince us. Not only do they come to me every day, they even wait to block me at the door. In order to convince me to give me their plan. Then there is the bombardment of emails. Basically, I receive hundreds or even thousands of emails every day, including letters of solicitation. There are also some plans. Logically speaking, under normal circumstances, I should block them all and ignore them, or just change their email addresses or something. But, thinking that these are the hard work and expectations of these students, I You have to take a look at it as a sign of respect for them.

So, I picked some, looked at them, and sent them to our relevant experts for screening and evaluation.

Not to mention, there are really some excellent designs and projects here, so after research, we decided to give them a chance to meet them.

In order to seize this opportunity, these teachers and students are really well prepared. Although their projects may seem a little naive to professionals, we can see the sincerity and perseverance determination in these young faces. , and saw their persistence and yearning for unknown exploration.

So I decided to help them launch the satellite they developed at a very favorable price.

And all of a sudden, it spread within the university circle, so many teachers and students found us and used various methods.

In the end, we had no choice but to establish such a support plan for college students' aerospace innovation projects, which is specifically aimed at projects in this area. Every year, we will select an outstanding candidate from these outstanding projects of college students. This outstanding candidate will be given the opportunity to launch a payload of 50 kilograms or less than 100 kilograms for free.

As for the outstanding ones at the end, they will receive relevant subsidy support amounts, so this has also attracted many teams of teachers and students from universities and colleges to participate in the project. "

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