Military Technology

Chapter 1751 This world is still yours after all

Now the total number of satellite launches from these universities has increased, reaching more than 40% of the total weight of our entire payload launch and transportation, and it is still increasing. Speaking of this, Wu Hao breathed a sigh of relief and said: "Of course, because the scientific research technology level of universities is uneven, and the funding and personnel are limited, these satellites are basically tiny satellites, and most of them are within a dozen or so. Jin, around dozens of kilograms, hundreds of kilograms less, hundreds of kilograms less, and even more tons.

And most of them are relatively basic technologies. The technical level needs to be improved, and the failure rate is also high.

So in this area, we have also sent a dedicated team of satellite technology experts to provide them with corresponding guidance, and we will even open our universal satellite platform to them. In this way, they no longer need to worry about the satellite platform and only need to focus their attention on the experimental payload. "

Regarding his introduction, Qin Xinghe gave him a high evaluation. He first praised him and then said to him: "School-enterprise cooperation has always been something we are looking forward to. The school has talents and technology, but It's just that there is no platform and corresponding opportunities for practice. I think you can dig deeper and carry out more in-depth cooperation.

Although these students have little knowledge and experience, with a little training they will definitely be outstanding talents. If you can bring them into these projects of yours, you will definitely be able to take the strength of the scientific research teams of your various projects to a higher level. "

Wu Hao answered with a smile: "Actually, we have already begun to implement this aspect. We have established cooperation mechanisms in this area with major relevant universities to provide these students with abundant internship opportunities, and to display their abilities. Our ambitions are on the same stage. Through our talent introduction mechanism, we have introduced many outstanding young talents for our various projects.

These people have joined these project teams and have grown very rapidly. Now, some of these people are able to assume the role of independent project leaders, and many of them have become the backbone of various projects.

Here at our place, there is no such thing as ranking based on seniority. Only those who are capable are qualified. As long as you have the ability, you can be entrusted with important responsibilities and show your ambition. Therefore, many of our project leaders, supervisors, and chief engineers are young. The overall average age of each project team is also around 27, 8, 30, making it a very young scientific research and technical team. "

Okay, you have to be young to be energetic? The great man once said that this world is ours and yours, but it is still yours after all. We are also very pleased to see a group of thriving young people like you. Qin Xinghe said with a smile.

After hearing Qin Xinghe's words, these experts nodded one after another with smiles on their faces. Of course, unlike Qin Xinghe, the people present here have different thoughts, some are surprised, some are confused, and some are even jealous and unhappy.

Naturally, we were surprised that such a young team could create such remarkable results in just a few years. This surprised everyone, or in other words, everyone who knew Haoyu Technology was surprised. This is also the reason why they are confused, why, why they can progress so fast.

As for jealousy and dissatisfaction, they are the inner activities of individual people. In their opinion, why can this group of young people who are still young be able to achieve such results? Why not them. They have worked hard all their lives, but why are they still so mediocre?

Of course, Wu Hao and the others don't know what these people are thinking, and they don't need to know, so don't worry about them.

Finally, after looking around, Qin Xinghe finally focused his attention on the picture in the huge window on the big screen.

In the picture at this moment, it is the panoramic selfie shot of the "Wangshu" intelligent lunar surface patrol and exploration vehicle. This was taken by a panoramic camera located on the solar panel of the "Wangshu" intelligent lunar surface patrol and exploration vehicle. It is mainly used to monitor the status of the entire "Wangshu" intelligent lunar surface patrol and exploration vehicle.

At this moment, in the window surveillance video, the "Wangshu" intelligent lunar surface patrol and exploration vehicle is not driving, but parked on a slightly raised mound.

Where is this intelligent lunar surface patrol and exploration vehicle "Wangshu" now? Qin Xinghe looked at the big screen and asked.

At this time, Zhou Xiangming, the general person in charge of the project, at Wu Hao's signal, began to introduce to Qin Xinghe and many experts and leaders: "Our current location is here, about a hundred meters southwest of the Manilius Crater in the northeast of the air sea. First trim at fifty kilometers.”

Trim? An expert asked.

right! Zhou Xiangming responded, and asked everyone to zoom in on the lunar map on one side of the big screen and mark out the coordinates of the 'Wangshu' intelligent lunar surface patrol rover at the moment, while answering to everyone.

"Although our intelligent lunar surface patrol and exploration vehicle 'Wangshu' is equipped with an isotope thermoelectric battery, its main source of power is the solar cell sail panel on top of it. The isotope thermoelectric battery can generate The power is too small and can only be used for backup power and stable power supply, but relying on it to drive the "Wangshu" intelligent lunar surface patrol and exploration vehicle is inefficient and cannot be supported at all.

Therefore, most of the main driving energy of this intelligent lunar surface patrol and exploration vehicle "Wangshu" comes from this solar cell panel to charge several super solid-state batteries mounted on the vehicle.

Several previous maneuvers and scientific exploration missions have basically exhausted the super solid-state battery pack on the 'Wangshu' intelligent lunar surface patrol and exploration vehicle. So now the vehicle needs to be stopped for repairs and recharging of the super solid-state battery pack to prepare for the next stage of maneuvering and scientific exploration missions. "

A white-haired expert in the crowd immediately asked: "How long will it take to repair it, and when will it start moving again?"

Normally, it takes ten to fifteen hours. This car started to be repaired and charged at 6:24 this morning. It is expected to be completed from 10 to 11 o'clock this evening before the next mobile travel plan can be carried out.

Speaking of this, Zhou Xiangming said with a smile: "Actually, this is also a good thing. During this repair process, it will also help us organize the data accumulated from the previous stage of travel and detection. Some of them are still in the vehicle. Xanadu is still transmitting to the earth."

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