Military Technology

Chapter 1753 The ability to “climb a tree” cannot be taught

"We have designed two intelligent robotic arms, large and small, for the Wangshu intelligent lunar surface patrol and exploration vehicle. The two robotic arms can cooperate with each other to complete a series of related scientific research tasks.

In addition, these two intelligent robotic arms can also take care of the 'physical examination' of the 'Wangshu' intelligent lunar surface patrol and exploration vehicle itself. After discovering the fault, you can also perform 'surgery' on yourself. "

Speaking of this, Wu Hao took a breath, and then continued, "We have studied all previous failure cases of extraterrestrial planet exploration and patrol vehicles. We believe that the probability of direct downtime of these exploration vehicles is very small. Most of them are Because there is a problem with some systems, the entire vehicle system will eventually be affected and the operation will eventually be terminated due to failure.

Among them, 90% of the faults can be repaired through simple maintenance. Therefore, we have not only re-optimized the design of each system component of the "Wangshu" intelligent lunar surface patrol and exploration vehicle, so that it can be easily replaced and repaired.

In addition, this intelligent lunar surface patrol and exploration vehicle "Wangshu" also carries some easily damaged parts and repair materials. For easy use during maintenance.

In addition to these, these two intelligent robotic arms, one large and one small, also have a function, which is to help the "Wangshu" intelligent lunar surface patrol and exploration vehicle get out of trouble during its maneuvers.

After all, when you have to travel such a long distance and experience a variety of terrain conditions, it is difficult to ensure that the vehicle can fully adapt to these terrains. Therefore, for the sake of safety, we designed an escape system for it. Relying on these two intelligent robotic arms, we can complete escape in most complex terrains. "

Wu Hao paused for a moment, and then continued, "In addition to the two intelligent robotic arms, one large and one small, carried by the 'Wangshu' intelligent lunar surface patrol and exploration vehicle, the small exploration robot carried on it It can also perform full-body detection of the 'Wangshu' intelligent lunar surface inspection vehicle and help with maintenance.

There are some parts where the two intelligent machines may be unable or inconvenient to carry out maintenance operations. At this time, the small detection robot must be relied on to perform its function.

In addition, this small exploration robot also has the function of helping the "Wangshu" intelligent lunar surface patrol and exploration vehicle get out of trouble.

When the 'Wangshu' intelligent lunar surface patrol rover becomes trapped and cannot escape, this small exploration robot will come into play. First, it will be released, and then it will conduct inspections around the trapped "Wangshu" intelligent lunar surface patrol and detection vehicle, and transmit relevant live information back. In this way, the scientific research and measurement and control personnel on the ground can study the escape plan based on the on-site conditions.

If the "Wangshu" intelligent lunar lunar surface patrol exploration vehicle cannot get out of trouble by relying on its own strength, then this small exploration robot will be needed. The small intelligent robotic arm on it has a strong lifting ability. Under the lunar microgravity, it can lift the "Wangshu" intelligent lunar surface patrol and exploration vehicle to help it get out of trouble.

In addition, the cables connected to it also have a certain degree of toughness. This small detection robot can pull this --\u003e\u003e

An intelligent lunar lunar surface patrol and exploration vehicle "Wangshu" was used to get out of trouble. "

After listening to his introduction, everyone present nodded in praise.

Zou Huanyi sighed at him at this time and said, "We just heard that your intelligent lunar surface patrol and exploration vehicle 'Wangshu' is going to race on the moon and can travel more than ten kilometers per hour on the moon.

We shook our heads repeatedly, wondering if this was impossible or if we heard it wrong. After repeatedly confirming that the news was true, those of us immediately shook our heads and thought you were too rash. So far, so many extraterrestrial patrol probes have been launched, but no one has dared to try this.

Traveling more than ten kilometers per hour is really daring to think about. Let’s not talk about the lunar environment, but let’s talk about the complex terrain of the moon with pits everywhere. If this car can run so fast, it won’t be afraid of overturning or malfunctioning.

Even today, those of us still have such thoughts, and even think about choosing a time to talk to you and advise you to be more cautious. After all, it took a lot of effort to send this rover to the moon. Don't let problems arise after working for a long time. "

Speaking of this, Zou Huanyi looked at the 'Wangshu' intelligent lunar surface patrol rover in the large window on the screen, then glanced at everyone present, and then smiled and said, "Now it seems that our worries are To be honest, you have already made complete preparations in this regard, and you are very mature and imaginative."

After finishing speaking, Zou Huanyi turned to Qin Xinghe and said, "I think we can learn from their maintenance system and apply it to some of our patrols in the future. In this way, we can avoid the regret of the Yutu." "

Although Qin Xinghe is the leader of the aerospace department, facing a respected veteran expert like Zou Huanyi, he still respects him very much and said, "What you said is that we will start researching it when we get back. Not only this maintenance escape system, I think they This 'Wangshu' intelligent lunar surface patrol and exploration vehicle is still of great reference value, and some of the above technologies and functions can also be applied to our other projects."

Qin Xinghe's words resonated with many experts and leaders present. Indeed, the advanced technology and performance displayed by this car had already conquered them. For now, the overall performance of the 'Wangshu' intelligent lunar surface patrol and exploration vehicle is definitely ahead of the extraterrestrial planet patrol detectors developed and launched by various countries and major aerospace giants. , it can be said that it is no longer a technical product at the same level.

Afterwards, everyone got to know some of the items displayed on the big screen. Wu Hao, Zhou Xiangming and others also gave detailed introductions to everyone.

Of course, the things they introduced are also those that do not involve core technical aspects. The so-called core technology will not be displayed here. Of course, some people asked questions at the scene, but they were beaten by Wu Hao and passed away.

The cat must not spare any effort in dealing with the tiger, and the ability to climb trees must not be passed on to him, otherwise he will be in danger. These core technologies are the basis for their survival in the aerospace field, but they cannot be taught by others.

Of course, most experts and leaders also knew that they did not expect to get anything substantial from Wu Hao and others.


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