Military Technology

Chapter 1754 Come to an end


After visiting Xinyuehu Aerospace Command and Control Center, Wu Hao accompanied these expert leaders to visit several places, and finally sent these people away.

Originally, Qin Xinghe wanted to take this opportunity to have a chat with Wu Hao, but the tour just now was so exciting that it took up some time. Qin Xinghe had to catch a flight back to attend the evening meeting, so he could only say goodbye with regret.

Of course, it is impossible for so many experts to leave in a short while, and some experts have made it clear that they want to stay for a few days to communicate and learn. Wu Hao naturally agreed to this, but this matter was left to the people below. He could no longer accompany them in person and do nothing.

After seeing these people off, I looked at the time and saw that it was already past four in the afternoon. It was almost time to get off work. If it were this normal time, he might just get off work. But not today. He just held a press conference today, and there are still a lot of things waiting for him.

Back in the office, Wu Hao took a short rest, and then began to immerse himself in handling things. It wasn't until Shen Ning reminded him that Wu Hao realized that it was already six o'clock before he knew it.

He picked up the water glass to drink water, but found that the water in the glass was gone. Seeing this, Shen Ning quickly took the water glass and went to help her pour water.

Wu Hao leaned on the sofa and moved his stiff neck a little. He looked at the documents that had bottomed out in a corner of the table. Then he stood up and took the water glass brought by Shen Ning, and then walked to the huge floor-to-ceiling window. Looking down at the distant scenery.

"Mr. Wu, do you want something to eat?" Shen Ning asked Wu Hao.

Wu Hao was stunned when he heard this, and then he felt that he had been hungry for a long time. The group of leadership experts who accompanied me didn't have a good meal at noon, and then they laughed and said, "Don't tell me, I'm really a little hungry. Just ask someone to bring some to you. It's easier."

"Okay, what would you like to eat?" Shen Ning nodded and asked immediately.

Wu Hao thought for a while and then said: "Let's have a bowl of dry noodles as the main dish. As for the rest, you can take care of it."

Okay, Shen Ning was about to leave. Wu Hao thought of something and asked him, "Where is Zhang Jun, what has this guy been doing all afternoon?"

Shen Ning stopped and smiled at him and replied: "Today's press conference was very successful, so I saw that Mr. Zhang was very busy this afternoon. Not long after you came back, he hurried out with his people, and I don't know where he went. "

Wu Hao waved his hand after hearing this: "Forget it, ignore him, go and do your work."

"Okay." Shen Ning nodded and walked out on a pair of high heels. Compared to the young and reckless man she met at the beginning, Shen Ning has now become very mature and feminine, and she is better at dressing herself up.

Wu Hao stretched his arms, returned to his desk, and began to process the few remaining documents. Now the company is getting bigger and bigger. Although he has the support of Zhang Jun, Tong Juan and others, he also has to be responsible for handling a lot of work. Especially recently, there have been a lot of things, so his work is relatively busy.

"Mr. Wu, dinner is here." Shen Ning knocked on the door, walked in on high heels, and said to him. A female staff member came in behind, pushing a dining cart, and was curiously looking at the environment inside the office.

When Wu Hao heard this, he glanced at Shen Ning and the female staff member, then lowered his head and took out the documents and said, "Leave it there first, I'll be ready soon."

Shen Ning nodded, and then immediately asked the female staff member to start setting up the dinner. After finishing this, Shen Ning greeted the female staff member and walked out lightly.

As for Wu Hao, he quickly finished processing the pile of tedious documents in his hand, and then pressed the call bell at the table, and Shen Ning soon walked in.

"I have processed all these documents. You can send them out as soon as possible. The ones I marked must be implemented as soon as possible. Just keep an eye on them." Wu Hao pointed to the pile of documents on the table, and then walked to the rest area.

"Okay, Mr. Wu." Shen Ning nodded, then picked up the documents and walked out.

Wu Hao, on the other hand, sat on the sofa in the lounge area and opened the lids of the meals on the table one by one. Fortunately, it didn't take long and these meals were still hot.

As for the bowl of noodles Wu Hao ordered, it was a bit lumpy. But it's okay, because it's been mixed with oil, so when I picked it up and shook it, the noodles fell apart. After pouring the noodles from another lunch box on top, Wu Hao started eating.

Not long after he was eating, he found that the door opened again, and Lin Wei walked in from the door.

Upon seeing this, Wu Hao quickly sucked the noodles into his mouth, then chewed and swallowed quickly while taking out a tissue and wiping his mouth: "Why are you here?"

"Eat slowly, don't gorge yourself, it's not good for your stomach." Lin Wei warned him while smiling at him and said: "I'm off work. I heard that you guys are very busy today, so I knew you might have to work overtime. So I asked After a while, Shen Ning turned out to be the case. I thought it would be okay to go home, so I came over to have a look.

"Why don't you go to the restaurant to eat? The food must be cold."

"Haha, no, it was just delivered not long ago. Have you eaten yet? I'll have someone give you one as well."

Lin Wei looked at the food on Wu Hao's table, then moved her lips, then shook her head and said, "No, just try these of yours. Do you have chopsticks?"

Wu Hao was stunned for a moment, then laughed, and then said to her: "I'll ask Shen Ning to get you a pair."

"You eat, I'll get it!" After saying that, Lin Wei ran out, quickly brought a pair of chopsticks, and joined the eating procession.

However, the girl ate very little at night. She wanted to eat rather than being hungry. Even if she is hungry, she will try her best to control herself and eat as little as possible at night.

Although Wu Hao persuaded her many times, she still chose weight and beauty over beauty and weight.

"Don't tell me, I just like to eat the soy sauce beef made by Master He in your restaurant. It's very authentic." Lin Wei picked up a piece of beef and ate it, and said to him: "You said I also asked Master He for the secret recipe. Why can’t it be done?”

"Master He has been making this soy sauce beef for nearly 30 years. It's impossible for you to reach this level of cooking." Wu Hao joked with a smile.

"Aren't they all the same recipe and the same operation?" Lin Wei was a little unconvinced and picked up a piece of soy beef again, tasting the taste carefully, and said to Wu Hao: "Your press conference today was very successful. , now the outside world has news about today’s press conference. There are also many employees discussing it in our company’s internal forum, and the Internet is even more abuzz."

"Haha, it can be expected. After all, such a scientific discovery can be regarded as making history." Wu Hao said casually with a smile.

"Tch, bastard." Lin Wei rolled her eyes at him, but it was still difficult to hide her proud look on her face. /

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