As for Starlink, Haoyu Aerospace currently has no plans in this area, but it seems that some other institutions and commercial enterprises are very interested in it and want to cooperate with Haoyu Aerospace. The details are unclear. One thing is certain, that is, Haoyu Aerospace itself is not bad in satellite technology, and it is said that the universal satellite platform they developed and launched is very popular.

The last one is the starship. I would say both. Haoyu Aerospace seems to have related plans. During today's expert group visit, Haoyu Technology exhibited a new spacecraft model. The specific information is unclear, but I heard that it is also a manned spacecraft that can travel between heaven and earth. "

Let me go, what a surprise, the floor leader is not going to Haoyu Technology to attend the press conference.

Definitely, to know so much inside information, he must have participated. Is he an aerospace expert or a leader?

Don't guess, he is just a research monk, and he went with his mentor this time. There were too many people when I visited, so I didn’t squeeze in, but I still learned a lot of things. However, due to some reasons that everyone knows, I can’t tell you these things. All I can say is that it was eye-opening and mind-blowing. In my opinion, as a half-time professional, Haoyu Aerospace can be said to be ahead of Musk's SPX in the field of aerospace technology. In some technologies, it has even surpassed the current world's cutting-edge technology by a lot, and is not on the same level at all.

Let me go, if it is true or false, please tell me, the floor leader, if you can tell me.

That's right, if a commercial company has any secrets, let's talk about it.

It's okay, I've already shown it to you, so naturally I won't keep it secret. I'm not dead after all.

Haha, please don’t embarrass me, I still want to perform well and strive to participate. Besides, I, as an outsider, can’t say these things unless they publish them. This goes against our professional ethics, so please forgive me.

Okay, if the floor leader doesn’t want to say anything, then don’t force others to make mistakes. Floor leader, I am interested in that new rocket that is 100% recyclable and reusable. Can you give us a brief introduction? Tell us what you can.

The same request, 100% recycling and reuse, how is this possible?

How is it impossible? It is said that Haoyu Technology has carried out a return landing technology of a two-stage rocket.

Haha, I can only tell you that it is indeed 100% recyclable. The first-stage rocket, booster, second-stage rocket and fairing can all be recycled and reused.

There is nothing else about it, there are all successful cases, that is, how to recycle and reuse this second-stage rocket, or use a parachute.

Don't guess, it's a new technology that no one can imagine, and everyone will know it by then.

The owner of this floor is not kind and says to keep half of it, which is really annoying.

Okay, okay, we can't make things difficult for others.

Floor Master, can you tell me what a super rocket is?

Don’t ask me, I don’t know, but I heard it’s a new type of rocket and it’s very powerful. There were too many big guys at the scene. As research monks, we could only follow behind and didn’t know much about many things.

Feeling distressed, I touched my head.

Layer Master, what is the new manned spacecraft that travels between heaven and earth? Can you tell me about it?

Yes, what kind of manned spacecraft is it? Is it similar to a starship?

How should I put it, it is similar to Starship, but also very different. From a professional perspective, it is more reliable than a starship, has a very low cost of use, and is completely recyclable. One thing I can reveal to you is that Wu Hao said at the scene that they are determined to reduce the price of round-trip tickets to space to one million or even lower, so that most people can have the opportunity to travel in space.

Millions, dollars?

No, rb!

Wow, obviously I am not one of those people, the price is too expensive for me.

That is, most people don’t have millions in savings, let alone spend millions on a space trip.

Sure enough, this is still a toy for the rich.

Don't be so pessimistic. This is just their preliminary goal, and it may be even lower. And you have to know that the current passengers in space have spent tens of millions of dollars on one trip. The million-dollar round-trip ticket is definitely a bargain.

For rich people, what is the difference between tens of millions and millions? They are nothing more than numbers.

For the poor, what is the difference between tens of millions and millions? They are nothing more than extravagant hopes.

How should I put it? There is still hope. In the past, we didn't dare to think about it. Now, if we dare to think about it, it depends on whether you dare to realize it. Although one million may seem like a lot, it is actually not that much. You can still earn it, as long as you work hard.

This is not a matter of hard work. As for me, my monthly salary is 8,000 yuan, which is about 100,000 yuan a year. I need to save one million yuan for ten years without eating or drinking.

An eight thousand boss with a monthly salary of five thousand is passing by.

A boss of five thousand and a scumbag with a monthly salary of three thousand bow down.

Three thousand boss, my monthly living expenses are only 800, why don't you support me with two barrels of instant noodles.

Instant noodles, since I wrote the book, I haven’t eaten instant noodles for a long time. They are all boring.

Well, I actually think it’s worth spending ten years saving money to fulfill my dream of traveling in space.

If it were me, I would be willing to go to space. This is something I never dared to think about before.

Actually, it’s very easy. If you start saving money from now on, if you save 3,000 a month, it will be 36,000 a year, 360,000 in ten years, and 1.08 million in 30 years. You will be able to take a trip to space. Travel.

Thirty years, save three thousand a month, kill me.

Don’t give up, maybe in more than ten years, the ticket price will be even lower.

By the way, boss, is there anything else you can share? Tell me more.

That's right, I'm listening with great enthusiasm. Let me tell you more.

Plus one, plus one, boss, what else did you see and hear?

Um, don't make things difficult for me, I'm just a little scumbag, following a bunch of big guys, and I really don't know much. And there are some things that I really can’t talk about. I have basically shared all that I can. By the way, there seems to be another thing I can tell you, that is, Haoyu Aerospace will build the world's first commercial scientific research station on the moon.

I've heard about this before, what's the deal?

Yes, hasn't this been announced a long time ago? What kind of secret is this?

Haha, don’t worry, these are announced, but what we know is naturally more detailed.

Oh, boss, do you have any inside information?

Yes, hurry up and say it, I’m so anxious.

Hey, this time we saw the model of the lunar commercial research station exhibited by Haoyu Technology, which is very detailed. Moreover, some designs and ideas are so unconstrained that they can be said to have subverted all our previous perceptions and imaginations.

Is it true? Does the boss have any photos?

Yes, do you have a photo? Send one.

Forget it, photography is not allowed inside the exhibition hall.

What can be kept secret about this? What does the lunar commercial research station of Haoyu Aerospace look like? Can you describe it to someone who can see it?

Anyway, it is very different from the current lunar scientific research stations announced by various countries, and it is very beautiful.

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