Military Technology

Chapter 1757 Blurry photos revealed

And just after everyone was wondering what the lunar commercial scientific research station of Haoyu Technology was like, another netizen posted a few very blurry photos for a long time. Although the photos were blurry and messy, they still stood out from the crowd. I saw a model of a lunar commercial research station.

This photo also quickly attracted the attention and forwarding of netizens, and it ranked at the top of the hot search list. For a time, the entire hot search list was filled with news about Haoyu Technology.

It’s actually a bubble glass dome protective cover. Is this technology really possible?

So beautiful, boss, is this really the lunar commercial research station of Haoyu Technology?

It’s too science fiction. Can it be realized with the current technology of the earth?

There should be no problem in constructing this kind of large round-arched glass building with current technology. However, just because something can be built on the earth does not mean it can be built on the moon. Let’s not talk about other things, but how these building materials are transported from the earth.

Yes, if you want to build a lunar scientific research station of this scale, the cost will probably be astronomical. Let alone Haoyu Technology, it is difficult for many big countries to support such a project.

It is indeed very beautiful. If it can be built, it will not be a dream for humans to stay on the moon for a long time.

"Ahem, I don't know if it was the guy who posted the photos of the scene. Since someone has posted the photos, let me tell you. The model of the scientific research station in the photo is just one of many models. Haoyu Technology's Lunar Business The scientific expedition detection project is divided into a three-step plan. The first step is to conduct a detailed exploration of the lunar environment, landforms, resources, etc., and select a suitable location for the scientific research station. In fact, this time the 'Wangshu' 'The intelligent lunar surface patrol and exploration vehicle is the first step in the entire plan.

As for the second step, it is to establish a short- to medium-term scientific research station at the identified location for reliable short-term occupancy and transition of personnel. This short- and medium-term scientific research station uses the same inflatable inflatable capsule as Haoyu Technology’s previous Oasis space experiment module. The advantage of this technology is that it can be compressed and expanded, easy to transport, low cost, and easy to deploy quickly.

As for the third step, it is to build a permanent lunar commercial research station based on this short- to medium-term lunar commercial research station and rely on lunar resources, which is the model in the photo. "

666, Boss Niu B, thank you for popularizing the science.

After hearing this explanation from the boss, I feel it is much more reliable. Let me just say, with Wu Hao's consistent style, it is impossible to come up with such an unreliable project all at once.

I still think it’s unreliable. Let’s not talk about the difficulty of building the moon. Is it possible to rely on the resources on the moon for construction?

How is it impossible? The moon is very rich in resources. Relying on resources on the moon to build scientific research stations can greatly reduce construction costs. This can be said to be a very reasonable way.

You are right, but are these resources on the moon really so easy to obtain? How to collect it, how to refine it, how to process it, these are all problems.

Yes, if you want to collect these resources, refine them, and produce them, you will need a lot of engineering equipment. Moreover, in a vacuum environment like the moon, processing and production will be more difficult. Calculating this, the cost is probably not much lower than transporting materials from the earth.

Haha, this is the great thing about Haoyu Technology. They have developed a very reasonable technical solution. The cost budget of this plan is very low, and it has been unanimously praised by many experts present. And this is nothing. There is something more shocking than this. I wonder if that man took any photos.

What’s even more shocking?

Boss, what exactly is it? Can you tell me?

Two big guys, can't you please be more relaxed? I'm so worried.

"The management at the scene is quite strict and not many photos were taken." The mysterious boss sent two more blurry photos. In these two photos, three huge bubble-type glass domes actually appeared. Inside the glass dome, a huge lunar city actually forms, and there is a circle of glass pipes surrounding the glass dome, and inside the pipe is a fast-speeding rail train.

Moon City, this is the Moon City!

As soon as the photo was released, it quickly caused a stir. Are these the future lunar cities designed by Haoyu Technology?

Really or not, is this the lunar city planning and design blueprint of Haoyu Technology? The scale is too big.

After carefully looking at the proportions of the objects, the diameter of these three huge bubble glass domes is probably up to one thousand meters.

Kilometers, how is it possible? Let alone the moon, who on earth can build such a large glass dome building.

How is it impossible? The terminal building of Jingcheng Star is not bigger than this.

Come on, the Big Star terminal is not all glass dome. And that terminal took tens of thousands of workers four years to build, costing tens of billions. If you want to build such a building on the moon, the cost may be dozens of times that of this terminal, reaching hundreds of billions or trillions. Let alone a company, even in big countries like us and the United States, no one dares to spend so much money to invest in such a project unless they are crazy.

That's right, such a project is simply impossible, that's what Wu Hao thinks.

Haha, this is just a gimmick thrown by Wu Hao and the others. Without this gimmick, how would you raise funds and make money?

I also think it’s impossible, this project is too adventurous. Unless the technology matures in the future, this will be possible.

Haha, everyone’s reaction was the same as when we saw it. However, after some answers from Mr. Wu on site, we were all convinced one by one. This lunar city is composed of three bubble glass domes in the shape of a finished glyph. The scale of a single bubble glass dome is not as large as mentioned before, with a diameter of about four to five hundred meters. The gravity on the moon is small, so it is more conducive to build such large buildings on the moon, excluding other factors. In addition, what I want to tell you is that the raw materials for building this lunar city also come from the moon, so the construction cost is not as high as everyone thinks.

Boss, why do you want to build three large bubble glass domes? Are there any considerations for this?

Yes, why three seats.

It seems that the buildings in the three bubble glass domes are all different.

This is not simple. It must be too difficult to build one, so we build them separately.

Haha, there is a part of the reason, but it is not entirely correct. The reason why it is divided into three bubble glass domes is of course to reduce the difficulty of construction and facilitate construction, and on the other hand it is also to control the construction cost. The most important thing is that the functions undertaken by these three bubble glass domes are also different.

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