Military Technology

Chapter 1762: Running water does not rot the household hinges and does not cause beetles

What, what about me?

Wu Hao looked at this guy and asked, and then continued without waiting for his answer: "I have told Shen Ning about this a long time ago, but this girl is too stubborn and unwilling to go, so I can't help it."

Haha, Zhang Jun smiled, and then showed a shrinking smile at him: "You said that Shen Ning won't like you anymore, so why don't you accept it? This girl has a good appearance, figure and temperament, and she has It’s an absolute pleasure to be around someone like that.”

Get out! Wu Hao said angrily to this guy, but he didn't say anything else or make any excuses. In fact, in his heart, such thoughts were not absent. However, just thinking about this kind of thing, it is impossible for him to make such a mistake.

And to be fair, Wu Hao didn't really want Shen Ning to leave. Because this girl has been with him for a long time and is used to it. If it were someone else, she might not be as comfortable as she is now. So since Shen Ning doesn't want to leave, let her stay.

Walking out of the elevator, he nodded and smiled at the employees who greeted them, and said to Zhang Jun: "The company is expanding too fast at this stage, and it is inevitable and normal that there is a lack of cadres in the middle management. There is no need to worry about this. Rather than making hasty appointments, it would be better to leave the seat empty first."

Where is the space? Zhang Jun failed to follow Wu Hao's train of thought for a while.

Hello! Wu Hao responded with a smile to the employees who greeted him, and then continued: "Yes, there is space there. These vacant positions are not an incentive for the people below. I can tell you clearly and straightforwardly. For those below, as long as they are capable, these positions belong to them. There is nothing more motivating than promotion and salary increase."

But who will be in charge of the daily work? Zhang Jun couldn't help but ask.

Regarding this question, Wu Hao answered with a smile: "Let the deputy do it, or you can let the people below take turns. If the deputy does well, he will be promoted directly. If the deputy does well, he can be promoted."

What we have to do is to make the best use of people, give full play to their talents, and discover and train outstanding talents. "

Speaking of this, Wu Hao paused for a moment, and then continued to Zhang Jun: "I have asked Lin Jianliang to start shrinking the recruitment of administrative personnel. It is better to have a shortage than to recruit talents from outside. It is better to tap our own talents." Talents, and then cultivate them yourself. On the one hand, this can solve the current talent dilemma, on the other hand, it can also greatly stimulate the enthusiasm of middle- and grass-roots cadres and employees. Finally, it can increase the number of company employees, especially middle- and grass-roots leaders. The cohesion and loyalty of cadres maintain stable and healthy development within the company.”

After saying this, Wu Hao glanced at Zhang Jun, who seemed to be enlightened, and then changed his tone and continued: "Of course, external talent recruitment cannot stop. If we encounter particularly outstanding talents, we still have to actively recruit them. Come in.

In addition, for some departments and agencies that are too stable, fresh power must be put in appropriately.

The so-called asking the canal how clear it is is because there is a source of living water. This is true for large companies, as well as for small departments and grassroots units. If the personnel organization structure is too stable, problems will also arise.

We must pay special attention to this aspect. How a company can maintain its firepower for a long time depends on this aspect. "

When Zhang Jun heard what he said, he nodded slightly and said: "What you said makes sense. I will go back and think about this carefully. Then I will meet with people from various departments and come up with a specific feasibility report. I will discuss it with you then. Talk in detail.”

Wu Hao nodded when he heard this, and the two of them walked under the shade of the withered trees towards the restaurant.

What is Wei Xiaoya doing now? Wu Hao suddenly asked.

Hearing Wu Hao's sudden inquiry, Zhang Jun was stunned for a moment, and then said: "She is responsible for the research on the project at hand, nothing else.

I originally wanted her to resign, but she didn't want to, so I let it go. I have also figured out that I cannot deprive others of their ideals. "

Oh, it’s rare to understand the righteousness deeply. Wu Hao smiled and joked, and then said: "Haoyu Aerospace will be listed next year. Apart from Yu Chengwu, Zhou Xiangming, and Yang Xiaoyun, there are no other talents in the company who can take the lead alone. I want to bring Xiaoya up, too. Strengthen the leadership and management strength of the entire subsidiary.”

She, no, no. She is just a young researcher. It's okay for you to ask her to do technical research, but it's definitely not okay for her to participate in management. It would be too difficult for her. And... Zhang Jun paused, and then said to him: "And she is in a good working condition now. She can work and take care of her family. What should I do if you want her to be busy?"

What should I do? Isn’t this how Lin Wei and I came here? Wu Hao laughed at this guy.

Zhang Jun was not happy about this and came back: "You think everyone is the same as you and Lin Wei, workaholics. Besides, you and Lin Wei both work in Anxi, so there is no such thing as separation.

But Xiaoya is different. If she really wants to take care of things, she will have to travel between Anxi and the northwest. If she gets busy and stays in the northwest for a few months, what should I do if I go home and stay alone in the empty room?

Please, there are so many talents in our company. If we have too many talents, she won’t be too much. If there are too many talents, she won’t be too much. Don’t try to influence her. You have the right to think about your brother's happiness. I've been thinking about when to get married recently. It's okay to keep putting it off. My family has been urging me for a long time. "

What, have you had enough? Wu Hao joked with a wicked smile.

Come on, stop comparing me to you, I can't compare. But I recognized Xiaoya. She has been with me for so many years, so it’s time to give her an explanation. Although Zhang Jun said with a smile, his eyes were extremely serious.

Wu Hao smiled and nodded, then looked at the fat man in front of him and said seriously: "I think you should talk to Xiaoya about this matter and listen to her thoughts. You can't deprive her of it just because of your own thoughts. opportunities for advancement.

You have to know that this opportunity is rare, and if you miss it, you will really miss it. "

Hearing his words, Zhang Jun laughed and said: "Don't worry, I will talk to her, there is no problem, just listen to me.

In fact, she is quite satisfied with her current work and life. Unlike the one in your family, Xiaoya doesn't have that much career ambition. She is more traditional, caring for her husband and raising her children. "You have to know that this opportunity is rare. If you miss it, you will really miss it."

Hearing his words, Zhang Jun laughed and said: "Don't worry, I will talk to her, there is no problem, just listen to me.

In fact, she is quite satisfied with her current work and life. Unlike the one in your family, Xiaoya doesn't have that much career ambition. She is more traditional, caring for her husband and raising her children. "

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