Military Technology

Chapter 1763 The

The two of them arrived at the restaurant while they were talking. The lunch peak had just passed, and there were still many people in the restaurant. Everyone was not surprised to see Wu Hao and Zhang Jun come in. Because they have seen this kind of thing a lot, everyone knows that Wu Hao and the others are easy-going and easy to get along with, and they don't have any leadership arrogance.

So after many people said hello to them, they started eating separately.

"What do you want to eat?" Zhang Jun asked Wu Hao.

Let’s take a look first and then talk. Wu Hao smiled slightly and shook his head. The two of them walked along the window of the restaurant, passing by something they liked, and immediately ordered one. Before they walked far, the plates in their hands were already full.

Wu Hao ordered a portion of rice and then several dishes. This kind of personal meal has smaller dishes but richer varieties, so you can eat more dishes. Of course, if you like it, you can also order more of the same dish.

Wu Hao ordered a portion of twice-cooked pork, a portion of boiled beef, a portion of squirrel mandarin fish, a mushroom and broccoli, a flavored eggplant, a cucumber, and a cold okra, and then there are I ordered 10,000 tomato and egg drop soup and a small portion of rice.

As for Zhang Jun, he ordered a bowl of dry noodles, and the noodles were a very unique donkey hoof noodles. The so-called donkey hoof noodles are not because there are donkey hoofs in the noodles, but because the noodles are shaped like donkey hoofs, have a chewy texture, and have the stubbornness of "donkey", so they are called donkey hoof noodles.

Generally speaking, the toppings for this kind of donkey hoof noodles are either oily or conventional noodle toppings such as miscellaneous sauce or tomatoes and eggs. However, the noodle shop attracts and caters to the public, and the master chefs have innovated the toppings, specifically adding large pieces of donkey meat toppings.

The taste of donkey meat is similar to that of beef, but it is denser and has a unique aroma. Therefore, although many outsiders, especially southerners, may not be able to accept this very strong noodle for a while, once they get used to it, they still like this kind of noodle very much.

Of course, although this kind of noodles is strong, it also has a shortcoming, that is, it is not easy to digest, so people generally eat more of this kind of noodles at noon and less in the afternoon. People with poor digestion should also avoid eating this kind of noodles, because it is really easy to put a burden on the stomach. The important thing is that this kind of noodles tastes very smooth, and you will feel full if you don't pay attention.

Zhang Jun likes to eat this kind of noodles very much, Wu Hao also likes it, but he eats less.

Taking two bottles of Bingfeng, Wu Hao and Zhang Jun started drinking. This kind of glass bottle ice peak is also a unique feature of Anxi. Although canned Bingfeng has been available for many years, it is much more convenient and hygienic than this one. But people in Anxi still like this glass bottle Bingfeng very much. It may taste the same, but with the blessing of the glass bottle, what you drink is no longer a taste, but a feeling.

Many new people coming to Anxi will gradually be affected by this and fall in love with it.

By the way, it’s National Day soon, do you have any plans? Zhang Jun took a sip of Bingfeng, and then asked Wu Hao while drinking it.

Wu Hao shook his head slightly: "Not yet, I might take a rest, or I might take Lin Wei and Xiaotong back to my hometown. What about you, what are your plans?"

Zhang Jun shook his head and replied: "I haven't thought about it. I've been busy for a while and haven't thought about it. But I heard from Xiaoya that her parents are coming over on November 11. I think there is a high probability that she will accompany her. His parents."

That's fine, it's not easy for an old man to have a daughter. I have been working and living in Anxi for so long, and I haven't gone back a few times in total, and I have only stayed there for a few days. When they come this time, you, the son-in-law, have to behave well.

it is necessary. Zhang Jun responded, but then he said distressedly to him: "Take care of Xiaoya's parents and be filial to them, that's nothing to say. We are not the kind of unkind and unjust people. I can say that I have a clear conscience when it comes to filial piety to the elderly.

Besides, we don’t lack those things now, it’s just a matter of whether we are dedicated or not. Over the years, I have cared a lot about them and honored them materially.

The two old men were easy to talk to, very sensible and open-minded. But, Xiaoya’s brother and sister-in-law are a bit like that..."

Zhang Jun didn't finish his words, but Wu Hao already knew what he meant. This kind of thing is very common, and it is not surprising. So Wu Hao smiled and persuaded: "If you have to be tolerant, just be patient. After all, she is Xiaoya's brother-in-law.

Besides, there is no shortage of three melons and two dates, so it will save you money. "

Ha, I think so, but others may not think so too. I heard Xiaoya say: "Her brother and sister-in-law are trying to get Xiaoya to ask me for shares. They say that men become bad when they have money. My money must be managed by women."

Of course, I won’t say anything about this. His brother and sister-in-law are actually planning to make money from me. If you are serious about doing something or doing some business, I will definitely help. But he actually focused on our company's business. Moreover, he did a lot of evil things in Xiaoya's hometown under the guise of Xiaoya and I.

So, if you talk about promoting Xiaoya, I'll give it a try. At that time, I still don’t know how her brother and sister-in-law acted like monsters. "

Wu Hao also had a slight headache after hearing this. This kind of relative is the most annoying and the most helpless. You can't get into trouble or break up with your girlfriend just because of this kind of relative. So this matter must be solved, but a more reasonable solution must be found.

Thinking of this, Wu Hao helped Zhang Jun come up with an idea with a smile: "You should talk to Xiaoya about this matter. As long as you two can be consistent, it will be much easier to deal with them."

After talking about it, Xiaoya was also very angry, but there was nothing she could do. Zhang Jun smiled bitterly with a hint of anger. This brother and sister-in-law made him angry. For those bad things, he also wiped their butts. So when he mentioned this matter today, he was still very angry.

Then tell the second elder and let the second elder advise. If the second elder's advice is of no use, then go to them directly and make it clear that you need to warn them. If it really doesn't work, just have less contact. Speaking of this, Wu Hao looked at Zhang Jun and said: "Dang Duan is constantly being disturbed. You have to make a decision on this matter as soon as possible. Otherwise, the longer it is delayed, the more difficult it will be to deal with it.

There are too many bloody things like this. I don’t want to see my relatives seizing power in the future, or my relatives using your name to do some illegal things. "

Seeing what Wu Hao said, Zhang Jun thought for a moment, then nodded heavily and said: "Okay, this time I will show off my cards directly. If they continue to be ignorant, I will directly ask the lawyer to send them a lawyer's letter. I can't let them do it anymore." The nonsense goes on."

Seeing Zhang Jun make his decision, Wu Hao smiled, and then said with a smile: "That's right, hurry up and eat the noodles, they are already cold!"

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