Military Technology

Chapter 1787 The most fanciful drone design so far

The slowness here is just slower than the speed of the rapid approach before, but in Luo Kai's view, this speed is not satisfactory, it can even be said to be fast.

You must know that in the air, not to mention this kind of precision docking, even aerial refueling is also a very difficult project and requires special training to be competent.

And this kind of connection is completely between drones. This technology may be more difficult in comparison. You must know that in the air at speeds of hundreds of kilometers per hour, it is always affected by the surrounding environment, wind speed, air pressure, humidity and other factors. Therefore, if you want to achieve such high-precision and rapid docking, such technology is self-evident.

After the video played, the 3D model of the light blue "Peregrine Falcon" stealth drone suspended and rotating in mid-air reappeared.

Luo Kai couldn't help but sigh, then shook his head with a wry smile: "It's unbelievable, unimaginable, this idea or this design is simply unconventional, and can even be called deviant.

But I have to admit, this is definitely the most amazing drone design I’ve seen so far.

Regardless of its overall performance, just talking about this idea and this design, I think it is ahead of all drones in service and under development in the world. It is not an exaggeration to call it superior. "

Liked it instantly. Wu Hao smiled and waved his hand and said, "Actually, this drone is just an internal verification project within our company.

To be honest, its technical difficulty is too high, and so far we are not sure we can develop it.

This is one of the reasons why we develop it secretly.

I just didn't expect that he would still be found out, and he was still an enemy. This was quite disturbing and uncomfortable. "

Haha, Luo Kaichang laughed twice, then looked at him and comforted with a smile: "This also proves your strong strength from the side. There are so many domestic technology companies, why do these people only stare at you, and It's so tight, it means they are paying close attention to you."

Speaking of this, Luo Kai looked at Wu Hao and smiled and said: "Actually, I don't think there is any need to hide this matter from us. You can tell us openly, and you can get the support of the military.

Especially the Air Force, I believe they will be very interested in this brand-new concept of the "Peregrine" stealth drone. "

Wu Hao nodded: "I know, but we still don't want to make too much noise before we are sure.

But now it seems that it is unnecessary. In this case, it is better to show off directly. It's just the right time to win a wave of support. To be honest, the R\u0026D investment in this project is relatively large. If we just rely on ourselves, it will still be a little difficult. "

Hearing Wu Hao complaining about poverty, Luo Kai ignored it. He did not believe that a technology giant with annual revenue in the trillions and profits in the hundreds of billions, one of the leading domestic and even international technology giants, would be out of money.

Although those big companies may not necessarily be rich, they are definitely not like Haoyu Technology. This kind of company with strong technical strength has made a lot of money relying on the digital products they have launched in the past few years. Not to mention other aspects, such as the upstream technology industry supply chain, the new Internet, two major virtual digital platforms, games and entertainment and other projects, the combined income of these is unknown.

So Luo Kai simply ignored Wu Hao's words and instead looked at the 3D model of the light blue transparent "Peregrine Falcon" stealth drone that was still floating and rotating in mid-air.

"I have a few questions. First of all, according to what you said, each drone is an independent combat unit, so does each drone carry ammunition?"

"Yes, there is a built-in magazine in the belly of the aircraft. Each small drone can carry six to eight enemy precision-guided bombs or enemy attack missiles. In addition, it can also carry air-to-air missiles according to different tasks. It is used to attack enemy air fighters. The bomb load of each small attack drone can reach about 1.2 to 1.4 tons. The combination of these four small drones becomes the total load of the "Peregrine" stealth drone. The bomb capacity can reach five to six tons, which is very impressive."

At this point in his answer, Wu Hao paused for a moment, then softened his tone and said: "Of course, it is limited by the size of each small drone, so the four small drones that make up the "Peregrine" stealth drone The space of the built-in magazine above is not large, so the ammunition that can be accommodated is limited in size. They are all medium and light attack ammunition and cannot carry heavy ammunition.

Of course, if you have to carry it, you can only plug it in. Of course, if it is externally mounted, it is limited by the spliced ​​fuselage, center of gravity and aerodynamic structure. It can only externally mount very few heavy ammunition. It can only be used in emergency and special operations fields. This is not recommended for conventional operations. "

Luo Kai nodded very satisfied with this answer. No weapon and equipment is perfect. They have many advantages and naturally have their own shortcomings. As for what Wu Hao said about not being able to carry large and heavy ammunition, it is not actually a shortcoming. Because basically all drones cannot carry such heavy ammunition, they are all light or medium ammunition. It's even a small-sized attack ammunition specially developed for drones.

"What about the voyage?" Luo Kai asked him this question, and then expressed his worries or problems. It is limited by the small size of the individual drones that make up the "Peregrine" stealth drone, coupled with the built-in magazine. Therefore, the fuel that drones can carry is very limited, which also results in their limited range.

"If the docking combination is combined, then only the drone at the tail is driving the flight, and the range is also limited. As a result, its combat range is very limited unless aerial refueling is performed.

But aerial refueling by drones is too difficult. "

You are right to worry. Wu Hao first admitted this, then smiled and explained with a confident look.

We are naturally aware of this problem, but this problem is actually easy to solve. That is why the fuel in the other drones cannot be directly supplied to the tail drone during the overshoot of the docking combination. Up there.

After speaking, Wu Hao glanced at Luo Kai and continued: "The fuel of one drone is limited, so the fuel of four drones combined is very considerable. After docking and combining, the four drones will The fuel for man-machine only needs to supply the engine of one drone, or part of the engines of three drones. In this case, the fuel consumed will be reduced, and the range will naturally be greatly increased.

This also has an advantage, that is, we can use this docking and combination method to allow the "Peregrine" stealth drone to fly to the relevant predetermined airspace, and then separate and perform their respective tasks. This can greatly extend the service life of these small unmanned aerial vehicles. The combat radius of the aircraft. "

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