Military Technology

Chapter 1788 Powered Mecha

It seems that you have put a lot of effort into this 'Peregrine' stealth drone. After listening to Wu Hao's introduction, Luo Kai couldn't help but sigh.

Wu Hao took a sip of water, then smiled and shook his head and said: "Actually, this is an exploration of drone technology.

No one has an accurate answer to what the future drones will look like, and what kind of drones will be suitable for the future battlefield and be able to exert their maximum power.

However, what is certain is that in the future, drones will not be limited to the current anti-terrorism war on security and ground strikes.

In the future, the development of drones should become increasingly intelligent, stealthy, and versatile.

In the future, drones will gradually replace manned fighters and become the main force in air combat in wars. Drones will also be used to perform high-risk, difficult and complex tasks.

Therefore, the requirements for drone performance will become increasingly stringent. This 'Peregrine' stealth drone is our attempt and exploration of the future direction of drone combat, and it may not necessarily succeed.

In fact, we still have a series of very complex problems that need to be solved during the development of this 'Peregrine' stealth drone project. Many of them do not have technical information or even theoretical references, and we need to do our own research and development.

Therefore, we have no idea when this 'Peregrine' stealth drone missile will be developed.

Maybe in the future, this project will die prematurely, or it may be cut off by us directly. "

Hearing Wu Hao's words, Luo Kai nodded to express his understanding. After all, project development is very risky and may fail at any time. And if the investment is too large, or the relevant project does not have much market value, it will be very easy to be cut off.

Private enterprises, in particular, are more dependent on the market and take the market as their guide for action. When the market does not need this product, then there is no need for this project to exist.

Tell me about the twelve mechas that the Blue Army borrowed from your laboratory this time? Luo Kai changed the topic and asked Wu Hao: "Is it the same as your heavy-duty mechanical exoskeleton protective armor, or is it similar to the kind of mecha in movies, TV series and cartoons?"

Haha, Wu Hao glanced at Luo Kai when he heard this, and then laughed. This guy beat around the bush and brought the topic to this point.

However, Wu Hao did not expose this guy, but said with a smile: "There are similarities and differences.

How should I put it? Our mecha, let’s call it mecha. Its concept and part of its principles are indeed derived from film and television dramas and cartoons.

But cartoons are just science fiction imagination, but we have to put it into practice. In this way, there is a very big difference between imagination and reality, which can be said to be a world of difference.

Through movies, TV series and cartoons, we only know what kind of thing is called a mecha, what it is used for, what its principles are, etc.

That's all, so when we start development, we must first find these movies, TV dramas and cartoons about mechas.

Look for some mechas in movies, TV series and cartoons that are more realistic, closer to the current technical level, and have a certain degree of feasibility.

Then eliminate those mechas in movies, TV series and cartoons that are too sci-fi, have no basis, and have no feasibility.

For example, in the cartoons we watched when we were children, the square Gundam transformed into a shiny, square shape under the background of BGM.

This kind of Gundam is also a kind of mecha, but it has no reference value. We can't make such a square thing.

Then there are film and television dramas like "Pacific Rim" and "Atlantic Rim", which seem to be covered in a layer of science fiction and are quite real, but this kind of mecha that is tens of meters high, this kind of It is really impossible to create it relying on the current technology of human society.

And even if it could be built, the cost of each one would be an astronomical figure. The question is why they were created, and there are no monsters on the earth. "

Hehehehe, Luo Kai laughed when he heard this. Wu Hao also smiled and said: "Of course, it is not completely useless. In fact, these films still gave us a lot of inspiration and enlightenment.

For example, brain-computer connection technology uses consciousness to control the entire mecha. This control method is very suitable. "

"There are also some that can be used for reference, such as the mechas in the movie "Avatar", which are closer to reality and have strong feasibility.

Another example is the mechas in "The Matrix", which also have strong reference value.

There is also the "Gang Iron Man" that we are most familiar with. The steel suit can be regarded as a mechanical exoskeleton armor or a mecha. The Hulkbuster armor is a kind of mecha.

There are many movies, TV dramas and cartoons that can be used for reference. Our R\u0026D team will individually cut out the scenes introducing mecha from these TV dramas and cartoons, then extract the key frames and details, print them out, and contact the relevant authorities. Purchase these digital models or physical models through various channels for discussion and research.

Then, we will separate out the more feasible parts or technologies of the mechas in these movies, TV dramas and cartoons, and then pick out those parts that can be learned from and have important value.

Immediately, we assembled these items into a new mecha model.

Then, we design our own mecha or humanoid robot according to our needs.

At present, our 'Xingtian' series mechas are divided into two types: AB. One is model A, which is also the basic model. This is a medium-sized powered armor. Its height can reach three meters and four meters and its weight can reach 1.5 tons. .

There is a special crew cabin in the power armor for the driver to get into and control.

Model B is an unmanned power mecha we developed based on model A, which can also be called a humanoid robot.

The biggest feature of this unmanned power mecha is that it does not require personnel to drive inside the mecha, so the entire mecha can be unmanned, which is conducive to performing some high-risk tasks.

Of course, this unmanned power mecha is not without personnel. It is actually remotely controlled, with the driver conducting remote control driving at the rear or in a mobile driving simulation cabin not far from the mecha.

Through our brain-computer interaction system and human-computer interaction system, the driver's movements and thoughts can be connected with the unmanned power mecha control system, so that the driver can easily control the unmanned mecha remotely. The mecha is doing work or fighting. "

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