Military Technology

Chapter 1789 The

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With that said, Wu Hao raised his voice and said: "Coco, call up the test video of the Xingtian Power Mecha."

"Okay sir, I have called up the test video 01 of the Xingtian Power Mecha for you."

As Coco's voice sounded, a test video started playing on a light blue transparent screen appeared in the air.

Although the picture projected in mid-air through this holographic projection method was not very clear, Luo Kai still saw the whole picture of this Xingtian series power mecha.

Especially when this Xingtian powered mecha is compared with scientific researchers, it shows even more how tall and powerful this Xingtian powered mecha is.

Let's not talk about its overall performance. This Xingtian power mecha stands here, like a tall and powerful giant spirit god in mythology, with extraordinary power and explosive combat power.

Luo Kai finally understood why this power mecha was called Xingtian.

The first is the Xingtian Power Mecha Type A. It has a crew cabin, but the entire crew cabin is inside its torso. The entrance or door to and from the crew compartment inside the torso is not on the chest, but on the back. There is an extra energy backpack on the back of this mecha, and behind the energy backpack is the door to and from the cab.

In the video, the driver got in through the door on the back, and the entire door was relatively wide. After the driver enters, the door closes and the energy backpack rises to block the door.

Seeing the confused expression on Luo Kai's face, Wu Hao also knew what he was thinking. Without waiting for him to ask questions, he immediately explained with a smile: "The reason why the door to enter the cockpit is placed behind you instead of on your chest is In order to ensure the integrity of the chest and trunk part, thereby enhancing its frontal impact resistance.

If the door is set up here, its overall integrity and overall structure will be destroyed, which will affect the protective ability of the chest armor.

If you set the door behind you, you will be less likely to be attacked by weapons and ammunition fired from the front. Of course, the door on the back is also a weak point, so we added this energy backpack on top of it. It can be regarded as an additional energy supply system. In addition to being equipped with batteries, it will also carry some additional oxygen, food, and water sources, thereby extending the working time of this power mecha.

At the same time, this extra energy backpack can also provide additional protection for the door.

Of course, when designing, we also took into account the emergency escape needs of the driver inside the cabin. Therefore we have specially designed an emergency escape system. When the driver needs it, he only needs to pull the emergency escape rope, and then the extra energy backpack on his back will be quickly thrown away. The high-pressure gas will push the door open, and the personnel can quickly get out of it.

In fact, in general daily use, there is no need to equip and carry this extra energy backpack. It will only be equipped and used in continuous combat situations. "

The situation inside the cockpit was also shown through a demonstration. The inside was covered with anti-flame-retardant and skin-friendly soft materials. There were some screens and key switches directly in front of the driver.

After the driver enters, he will step on the pedals and leg and foot drive systems on both sides of the lower part. This part of the system automatically snaps after detecting the entry of the driver's legs and feet, and connects to some interfaces on the driver's jumpsuit.

"The driver is fixed in the cockpit in a half-suspended, half-sitting, and half-capped manner, and the whole body is stressed. This design is to maintain the comfort of the driver's ride, and also to enhance the shock resistance. In this way, even if the external The armor was severely damaged, but the members inside were not affected by the impact shock.

The waist part is also fastened by the torso drive system, which is a bit like a loose waist guard. The upper body and chest are covered by a medical detection system, which is covered with many human vital and physiological sign monitoring systems, which can detect the driver's vital and vital signs in real time. The mecha intelligent system will make timely adaptive adjustments and relevant suggestions and reminders. In addition, these data will also be synchronously transmitted back to the rear command and control center so that commanders can know the information of frontline members at any time.

The arms of the driver are also tied to the upper limb drive system, which is more like the motion capture system in our smart VR games.

The style is a bit like two long gloves, and the driver only needs to put his hands into them. Also after detecting the driver's hands, the upper limb drive system will also begin to engage the driver's arms and hands, giving appropriate pressure, which is more conducive to maneuvering.

This is actually similar to the drive system in a heavy-duty mechanical exoskeleton, but it is technically more complicated.

As for the head, the driver wears a full-width helmet. On this helmet, we not only integrate our smart VR glasses system, but also allow the driver to see the external environment of the mecha very clearly and comprehensively through virtual reality.

In addition, we have integrated a brain-computer interaction system on the helmet. The driver can control and manipulate the mecha through his brain consciousness, thus making up for the lack of hand and foot control.

Of course, the biggest role of this brain-computer interaction system is to control the control system of this Xingtian power mecha, as well as related data information.

The driver's hands and feet are restrained, so he can only use the brain-computer interaction system.

In addition, the driver's eyes can also control some menus and play a related auxiliary role.

In addition to these, this helmet also integrates the head drive system of this mecha. "

"Head?" Luo Kai was stunned for a moment, and then looked at the head of Xingtian's power armor in the video.

Compared with the huge body of the mecha, the head of this mecha is very small and disproportionate. It doesn't even look like a head. No wonder it is called "Xingtian".

Wu Hao nodded and explained: "In the small head of this Xingtian power mecha, we integrated its main photoelectric imaging system, environmental sensors, microphone array, sound system, etc.

Used to simulate the robot's eyes, nose, skin, ears, and mouth.

Of course, in order to obtain a more comprehensive picture of the outside, we also installed some high-definition cameras in other parts of this mecha for blind blindness and emergency use.

When the driver turns his head, lowers his head, or raises his head in the cockpit, the head of this Xingtian powered mecha will also follow the movement.

Moreover, the sensors in front of the eyes in the helmet can also record the zoom of the driver's eye pupils at all times, thereby controlling the focal length of the photoelectric imaging system on the head of this Xingtian Power Mecha.

When the driver needs to look far away, the pupils dilate, and the system detects that the driver wants to look into the distance, and then the photoelectric imaging system starts to zoom in and enlarge the picture for the driver to observe.

When the driver's pupils return to normal, the focal length of the photoelectric imaging system will also return to normal. "


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