Military Technology

Chapter 1793: The upright


Luo Kai walked over with some embarrassment, looked at Sun Zhipeng and said with a fake smile: "Why are you here? Didn't you prepare for the drill? It's not long before the drill."

Sun Zhipeng twitched when he heard Luo Kai's words. The man in front of him was obviously pretending to be confused. However, he was not in the mood to explore this with Luo Kai at the moment, and then said directly to him: "Director Luo, I came here from the station to apologize to Mr. Wu and explain that the situation has arisen.

But this little girl, no, Secretary Shen said that Wu Hao was not here, and she didn't know where she was. Isn't this obviously telling lies? This base is so big, where else can Wu Hao go. "

Luo Kai heard this and looked at Shen Ning, who was standing aside, and Shen Ning gave him a very clean smile. Luo Kai couldn't help but complain in his heart. This girl is indeed the subordinate of that bastard Wu Hao. She has such a beautiful face, but she is really thick-skinned. She can calmly tell lies with her eyes open to men like Sun Zhipeng. It's really true. very impressive.

Luo Kai originally wanted to help him to express his love, but when the words came to his lips, he needed to pay attention again. Then he glanced at Shen Ning and then gestured to Sun Zhipeng.

Sun Zhipeng understood and followed Luo Kai to the door and said, "Director Luo, you saw Wu Hao above, what did he say?"

"What can I say? I'm still angry and angry. I want to go to the headquarters to file a complaint. I managed to calm him down, but it seems that this bastard will not let it go easily. You must be prepared." Luo Kai took a picture of Sun Zhipeng. He glanced at him, and then said: "Don't go up to irritate him now. Go back first. If you want to apologize, wait until the exercise is over."

Hearing Luo Kai's words, Sun Zhipeng couldn't help but shook his head. It would be too late if they waited until then. It would be very detrimental to them to allow Wu Hao to file a complaint. Moreover, many of the new weapons and equipment they used this time came from Haoyu Technology. If Wu Hao was offended this time, then in the future The cooperation with Haoyu Technology, especially the cooperation on these new weapons and equipment, may be affected, which is what he least wants to see.

Thinking of this, he quickly said: "Director Luo, this is all a misunderstanding, a misunderstanding. We were too busy preparing for the exercise during this period, so communication and coordination were not in place, so this misunderstanding occurred.

Tell me, let me see Wu Hao, apologize to him, explain clearly, and settle this matter. I have to rush back today because there are a lot of things going on over there. Thousands of people are being mobilized, and I’m really worried if I’m not there. "

Luo Kai looked at Sun Zhipeng and shook his head and said: "It's not that I don't help, it's that I can't do anything. As you can see, this bastard is very angry now and doesn't want to see you at all, so he asked this girl to come down with someone to stop you. Woolen cloth.

If you force your way up there, you probably won't get anywhere. What's more, this guy is still angry. If you go up and cause any conflicts and intensify the conflict, I'm afraid it will end badly later. "

At this point, seeing that Sun Zhipeng still wanted to speak, Luo Kai quickly said: "I have to leave quickly. The base leaders are still waiting for me to report the situation. And the exercise is about to start, so I have to rush back. I have my hands on There is still a lot of unfinished work.”

Hearing Luo Kai's words, Sun Zhipeng couldn't help but smile bitterly and said: "Has this matter already alerted the base leaders?"

Luo Kai smiled and nodded: "Wu Hao ended his trip early, ran back from the training ground angrily, and gave the technical staff a holiday, how could he keep it a secret.

Okay, I won’t tell you anymore. Don't worry, I will definitely report it truthfully. As for you, please also prepare a detailed document. I believe the leader will come to you to understand the situation soon. "

"Okay, sorry for bothering you." Sun Zhipeng sighed and thanked him quickly. He knew that the extent of the development of this matter was largely related to Luo Kai's immediate report. If Luo Kai could say a few nice words, no, report truthfully and impartially, then this matter would be much easier to handle.

So when Luo Kai was about to leave, Sun Zhipeng quickly grabbed Luo Kai and said with a smile: "Director Luo, when will you go to our brigade to inspect the work? We have been looking forward to it for a long time."

Of course Luo Kai knew what Sun Zhipeng meant, but he smiled and waved his hands: "I definitely don't have time recently. Wait until the exercise is over. I will definitely go to your place with the chief. I heard that you got it from that boy Wu Hao." There are many advanced weapons and equipment, I am very interested in them."

After speaking, Luo Kai waved his hand and walked out. As for Sun Zhipeng, he couldn't help but frowned when he looked at Luo Kai's back. What Luo Kai said just now can be said to be watertight, without any statement or hint. This also meant that he couldn't figure out which side Luo Kai was leaning towards.

Thinking of this, Sun Zhipeng gritted his teeth and walked up to Shen Ning. Then he showed a kind smile to Shen Ning and said: "Secretary Shen, please let me go up and see Mr. Wu. We are really here to sincerely apologize." .”

"Mr. Wu, he really went out." Shen Ning said with a professional smile.


Sun Zhipeng's forehead was covered with black lines, and he thought to himself that this girl didn't even blush when she told lies. But now is not the time to worry about this, even though he knows that the other party is lying and trying to prevaricate him. But business is still important now, and then his face changed into a smile and he said: "Secretary Shen, you will know if Mr. Wu is in the room or not. This base is so big, and there are only a few of you. It doesn't take much to know the whereabouts." Simple.

We have checked and found that Mr. Wu has not gone out since he returned to the guest house. Why are you here hiding from me? "

When Shen Ning heard this, he did not panic because Sun Zhipeng directly exposed the lie. Instead, he kept smiling and said: "Since you know this, don't embarrass me. I am just an ordinary secretary and can't make the decision at all. And now Mr. Wu is here It is not a wise move for you to go up now when you are angry. Otherwise, you can come back tomorrow or after the exercise. By then, Mr. Wu will be relieved of his anger. I think your apology will be much more effective."

I can't wait that long, so you can put it up now. I'll apologize and explain clearly and then leave. It won't waste much of your time. As he spoke, Sun Zhipeng made a move to enter, but Shen Ning reached out to stop him.

Shen Ning looked at Sun Zhipeng with an embarrassed and pitiful expression and said, "Don't embarrass me. If I let you go up now, I will have to leave here tomorrow.

You also know that there is a lot of employment pressure for young people now. It is not easy for us little girls to find such a job. You don’t want us to lose our jobs because of this matter.

I had just scraped together money to buy a house, and I had just paid the down payment, and I was counting on this salary to pay the mortgage. "


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