Military Technology

Chapter 1794 The little girl’s courage

Shen Ning's answer left Sun Zhipeng speechless. He did not expect that the little girl in front of him, who was only a few years older than his own daughter, would be so difficult to deal with.

And this little girl gave such a reason all of a sudden, which really made him a little embarrassed to continue speaking. Otherwise, it would feel like he, a man of several decades, was bullying a little girl, and he would be unreasonable.

But compared to the serious and urgent matters in front of me, these things are nothing.

So Sun Zhipeng immediately smiled at Shen Ning and said: "Don't worry, we took the initiative to cause this matter, and it won't have any impact on you. And you guys can't stop us, I believe you, Mr. Wu He is definitely not the kind of person who is unreasonable."

Political Commissar Sun, even if you go up to see Mr. Wu now, I believe you won't have any satisfactory results. We, Mr. Wu, are very angry right now. How about you come back tomorrow?

Speaking of this, Shen Ning said with a smile: "As for the technical staff's holiday, I have explained to you before. This is a normal condolence holiday, not specifically for you.

I hope you will also be considerate of our technical staff. Your time requirements are quite tight. So many people have come here one after another in the past half month. As soon as they arrived, they were plunged into intense work without even a day's rest. . We, Mr. Wu, also saw the tired faces of the on-site employees, so we gave everyone a day off.

Don't worry, just take a day off, and when everyone is refreshed, they will definitely return to their respective posts in time to complete the relevant technical support and service work with quality and quantity. "

Shen Ning's words can be said to be full of emotion and awe-inspiring justice. The words first expressed their support for the work of the troops, especially the Blue Army. In order to cooperate with them in preparing for exercises and providing technical support and services for related weapons and equipment, many technical personnel were successively sent and got to work as soon as they arrived. , I have been working without a break until now. This is also a subtle criticism or accusation that the Blues treat them lightly and do not pay attention to or take care of these technical personnel. Finally, he talked about Wu Hao caring for his employees and giving everyone a holiday to let Sun Zhipeng and others understand.

In this regard, Sun Zhipeng looked at Shen Ning somewhat differently. Wu Hao's first secretary was able to serve as the secretary to the boss of such a large technology giant company, and he really had two skills.

Yes, yes, because we were busy preparing for the exercise during this period, we did not take care of it well and paid insufficient attention to it. This is indeed our problem. We must reflect deeply and actively correct it.

It's just Secretary Shen, the exercise will start soon, and now it's the final preparation stage. At this time, these technical staff are on vacation, and many of our preparations cannot be continued.

We can understand Mr. Wu's sentiments about caring for his employees, but at such a critical moment, can we let the employees work harder? Don't worry, when the exercise is over, we will definitely treat and take care of these great heroes.

Haha, that’s no longer necessary. When the exercise is over, they have to go back to work on the projects at hand. Shen Ning smiled and said: "In order to cooperate with your work, these people are the backbones we have transferred from various project team laboratories. Their departure has caused a certain degree of impact on the scientific research work of many of our projects, and everyone is looking forward to it." Hope they go back as soon as possible."

Seeing that Shen Ning refused to give in, Sun Zhipeng became anxious and angry. Then he looked at Shen Ning and said seriously: "Why are you so stubborn, comrade? Exercises are actual combat. The country has invested so much. If it is affected, , the loss will be immeasurable.

Do you know what you are doing? This is a sabotage exercise, and you will have to go to a military court. "

Faced with Sun Zhipeng's sudden anger, the staff behind Shen Ning, especially the girl, were obviously shocked, and their expressions changed slightly.

Shen Ning, on the other hand, rarely remained calm. Although she panicked when faced with the other party's sudden anger, her long-term professionalism made her calm down quickly. Then she looked at Sun Zhipeng and smiled and said, "I will definitely accept your words." I will tell Mr. Wu truthfully. If there is any reply, I will inform you as soon as possible.

As a technology company, Haoyu Technology has always been trusted by consumers and customers, and has accumulated a very good reputation. If you have any comments or suggestions about our services, you can lodge a complaint with us or the relevant department.

If you feel it is necessary, you are welcome to take legal proceedings, and we will definitely respond seriously. If it is really our responsibility, Haoyu Technology, as a responsible company, will definitely take it actively and face it, so please rest assured! "

Hearing Shen Ning's calm and professional answer, Sun Zhipeng opened his mouth and wanted to say something more, but in the end he swallowed it all. What are you arguing with this little girl in the lobby of the guest house?

Looking at the eyes around them that seemed to pay no attention to them, Sun Zhipeng tried his best to calm down, then smiled at Shen Ning and the others in front of him, then put on his hat, adjusted his clothes, and said to Shen Ning. : "Since Mr. Wu doesn't want to see us now, we can only come to visit another day."

salute! Sun Zhipeng shouted with murderous intent in his words, and then he and the officers behind him stood at attention, saluted them neatly, then turned around and left quickly.

When Shen Ning saw Sun Zhipeng and the others walking out, his body softened and he breathed a long sigh of relief. God knows how nervous she was when she faced Sun Zhipeng just now. Maybe if the stalemate persists for a while, she won't be able to withstand it anymore.

Like her, the people behind her also breathed a sigh of relief. Although Shen Ning's body was a little weak, she naturally had to take her image into consideration in the face of the surrounding eyes and in such a public place. You must know that at this moment, she not only represents herself, but also represents Wu Hao and Haoyu Technology, so she must be extremely cautious in her words and deeds.

Walk! Shen Ning took a breath and pretended to be calm, then Yun Danfeng said something softly, then turned around and walked out on high heels, and the people behind him quickly followed.

When they walked onto the elevator, a little girl following behind couldn't bear it any longer, and immediately said excitedly to Shen Ning: "Sister Ning, you were so awesome just now. If I were you, I would have been scared." Peed."

Go, what are you talking about? Be careful in public places. Shen Ning's face turned red and she immediately gave way.

What are you afraid of? This is in the elevator. The little girl didn't care.

Shen Ning glanced at the surveillance camera on the top corner of the elevator, and then said calmly: "If I remember correctly, this kind of surveillance can record sounds."


Upon hearing this, the little girl immediately turned pale and exclaimed.

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