Military Technology

Chapter 1795 New product, transparent laptop

As Sun Zhipeng left the guest house and got into the car, the more he thought about it, the more he felt a headache. He didn't expect that not only did he not see Wu Hao this time, he was scolded by Luo Kai and a little girl one after another, which was really unpleasant.

No, we can't just go back. Sun Zhipeng thought about it for a while, then made a decision. Then he picked up the car's satellite phone and immediately connected the call to the Blue Army headquarters.

This is Sun Zhipeng, let the brigade commander answer the phone.

Not long after, Zhang Kefeng's voice rang on the phone: "Old Sun, how is the situation over there? Have you seen Wu Hao?"

Hearing Zhang Kefeng's question, Sun Zhipeng couldn't help but smile bitterly: "I haven't seen anyone, so I hid in the guest house room and refused to come out.

However, I met Luo Kai when I came out. "

Luo Kai, is he back from the training ground? Zhang Kefeng said a little surprised.

Yes, I rushed back just for this matter.

Sun Zhipeng nodded and said: "Looking at the dusty appearance, he should be here to persuade Wu Hao. However, the effect does not seem to be ideal. Luo Kai also said that Wu Hao plans to go to the headquarters to file a complaint."

"Just go, I'm afraid of him. I would say we were too polite to them. These businessmen have no overall perspective at all. They need to be dealt with properly." Zhang Kefeng said with anger in his words. The reason for his anger was On the one hand, it was because Wu Hao was trying to dismantle him and removed his people for a holiday before the exercise. On the other hand, it was because of the equipment. In his opinion, it was just a small matter, a little misunderstanding, nothing serious. Now they all came to apologize in person, but they still refused to forgive him, and they couldn't even see anyone. How could they keep him from being angry and furious.

Lao Zhang, you can’t say that. We were originally wrong in this matter. If he was allowed to go to the headquarters to complain, I'm afraid both of us would have to walk around without food. And more importantly, the development of our brigade will also be affected, especially the replacement of new weapons and equipment. Although it is said that there will be no restrictions or suppression on us, in this first-come, first-served order, we definitely cannot be ranked first.

Having said this, Sun Zhipeng looked a little solemn and said: "You have to know that Haoyu Technology is currently the most successful technology company in the country. It is among the best in terms of scientific research strength and the overall strength of the company, and its influence is huge.

Of course, this aspect has nothing to do with us, but there is one thing we cannot ignore. That is, Haoyu Technology has developed rapidly in the field of military industry and has advantages in military technology. In recent years, it has launched a series of advanced weapons and equipment. Take this exercise as an example. Many of the advanced weapons and equipment we seconded and borrowed from other fraternal forces and units came from Haoyu Technology, and Haoyu Technology also participated in the research and development of some.

For example, the twelve large-scale powered mechas that caused the incident this time, as well as the series of intelligent mechanical exoskeleton equipment in the digital special synthesis camp that we are more coveted, all come from them.

Old man, offending such a company is definitely not a good thing for us. "

After hearing Sun Zhipeng's analysis, Zhang Kefeng, who was still furious just now, calmed down instantly as if a basin of cold water was poured from his head.

Yes, if Wu Hao is really offended, then it may not be their turn to conduct trial installation and trial work on such new weapons and equipment in the future.

"No, it can't be like this."

Thinking of this, he immediately said: "How about I come over and the two of us come to apologize in person, I don't believe that Wu Hao is still hiding.

If it didn't work, I asked someone to kidnap him. I didn't believe that he could still be controlled in our territory. "

Sun Zhipeng also had black lines all over his forehead when he heard his partner's naughty words. This is nothing. He really thinks he is the king of the bandits and kidnaps people to apologize. How can this be possible?

Okay, don't come. It's useless to come. They've made it clear now that they don't want to see us. Sun Zhipeng rubbed his temples and said, "Practice is the most important thing, so you should focus on the practice.

As for Wu Hao, I'll go to the base director's department first. No matter what, let's report it first, explain the matter clearly, and see what the chief's opinion is. "

Okay, thank you for your hard work. When the exercise is over, I’ll treat you to a treat and let’s have a nice drink. Zhang Kefeng thought for a while, and it seemed that this was the only way he could do it for now. Especially under such circumstances, the drill must be won. Otherwise, if he is punished and punished after the drill, he will really not be able to bear the burden and walk away.

After hanging up the phone, Sun Zhipeng thought for a moment, then waved his hand and said: "The base director's department!"

yes! Immediately, the sergeant sitting in the driver's seat in front started the car and quickly drove away.

On the other side, Shen Ning, who breathed a sigh of relief, finally opened Wu Hao's door with the room card and walked in.

I found Wu Hao sitting at his desk, working on a transparent laptop.

This transparent laptop is their latest product, and Wu Hao is testing it internally.

This transparent laptop is a new digital product proposed and developed by the company's marketing department after repeated research.

After the hard work of the project team, this product was finally polished. In fact, it is easy to develop a laptop.

You only need to contact the component manufacturers in these laptops, negotiate, agree on a supply contract, and then assembly and production can begin. And they don’t need to do the production themselves. There are OEMs for everything, and they just need to put their labels on it.

Even all of this does not need to be such a hassle, because there are people doing the whole process, and the price tags related to the entire industry supply chain are already clear, so you only need to sign the contract and pay, and these supply chain foundries will have it all covered. And it's done beautifully.

Of course, if you have any special requirements, such as new designs or new concepts, let's talk about that separately.

The laptop in front of Wu Hao belongs to the second or third method. Although many parts here come from various suppliers, the important parts, including the overall design, are done independently by them.

Even some of the important production and organizational processes are carried out by themselves, which can greatly ensure the quality of these products and improve the texture of the products.

Among them, Wu Hao and the others need to focus on research and development and polishing. In other words, the most eye-catching thing about this transparent laptop is naturally the transparent display screen on it. This is a major highlight and a major selling point. Remember the website address of this website, www. Biquxu. Com for easy reading next time, or enter " " in Baidu to enter this site

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