Military Technology

Chapter 1796 This guy is really extraordinary

In addition to the most eye-catching transparent screen, it is also ultra-thin. It uses their own developed superconducting heat dissipation technology, which can quickly transmit and dissipate heat, so there is no need to install a heavy and space-consuming cooling fan, and it also It can keep important core components such as the laptop's CPU at a lower operating temperature.

The use of the latest generation of new lithium batteries as power source also gives this transparent laptop a longer battery life. Even in full standby mode, it can maintain a long working time of eight hours.

The one Wu Hao has is an internal test product. In fact, there are many such internal test products, which are products developed by the company's various project teams and laboratory research institutes. They will not be released for sale immediately, but will be handed over to internal personnel for trial use and to find relevant information. problems and deficiencies.

As the company's largest BOSS, Wu Hao is also a well-known technical expert, so he is naturally favored by these project team laboratories. Whenever they have a new product, they will send one to Wu Hao and let him help try it out.

As for this transparent notebook, he had never used it before. I happened to wear it this time on a business trip, thinking I might need to use it occasionally for work.

Seeing Shen Ning come back, Wu Hao handed her the water glass on the table, glanced at Shen Ning's expression, and then asked with a smile: "Why, is he still here?"

Shen Ning took Wu Hao's water glass, then walked over to pour him water, then handed the water glass back to his hand and said: "No, I have left. But it is too difficult for the other party to deal with it. If he continues to stay for a while, I'm afraid I can't stand it anymore.

The other party exudes a chilling temperament, which makes people feel inexplicably scared. That kind of unquestionable voice makes it difficult for you to refuse. "

"Haha, it's normal. They have been in the army for a long time and have a strong military spirit. You have little contact with them, so it is normal that you cannot adapt to this for a while.

Don't worry, don't be afraid, I'm here. "Wu Hao comforted with a smile.

Shen Ning nodded, and then said to Wu Hao: "Mr. Wu, the other party's face looked a little ugly when he left. Is there any problem?"

It's okay to be ugly. If their faces look good, then my face will look ugly. Wu Hao turned around, held the water glass and said with a smile.

"I'll tell you something."

You say! After hearing Wu Hao's words, Shen Ning quickly put away her smile and said seriously.

Haha, relax, it's not a big deal. Wu Hao said with a smile: "You arrange for people to go to nearby cities, towns or herdsmen's homes to buy beef and mutton. Buy more. In addition to some used to improve everyone's meals at night, you can give the rest to the base on behalf of the company. It's ours." A little bit of care."'

Okay, I'll make arrangements right away. Shen Ning nodded at the thoughtful words and walked out immediately. Wu Hao looked at his back and smiled, then continued to devote himself to his work.

The so-called showmanship and comprehensiveness, since he said that the other party does not pay attention to caring for these technical personnel, then he must set an example to let them see what caring for employees means. So Wu Hao asked Shen Ning to arrange for people to buy beef and mutton and arrange for everyone to have a dinner together in the evening. Of course, this is also Wu Hao's intention. After all, everyone has worked hard for so long. When he comes, he will naturally entertain everyone and improve everyone's food.

After realizing Wu Hao's intention, Shen Ning did not delay and immediately started to act. She arranged for several people who arrived early to drive to nearby cities and towns to buy beef and mutton.

Such a large base naturally spawned a very developed beef and mutton trading market nearby. After all, there are too many troops training in this base from north to south, and what is the most distinctive thing here is beef and mutton. Now that you've come here, how could you not try it? So since the army has this demand, it must be met locally. In addition, it is also a kind of revenue, so there are several such large beef and mutton markets in nearby towns and cities, not far from the base.

As for Shen Ning, after staying with Wu Hao for a long time, she naturally behaves in a more energetic manner. Since Wu Hao asked her to buy more, in addition to giving everyone extra meals, he also wanted to express condolences to the troops. So she simply bought a little more, not much, just bought all the meat from several nearby beef and mutton markets, and the box truck alone pulled five or six trucks.

In addition to leaving a car for improving his own meals, Shen Ning personally sent all the other beef and mutton to the base.

When the leaders of the base saw this, they immediately received him warmly.

And this news immediately reached the head of the base. At this moment, Luo Kai was sitting on the sofa. The person he was helping to sit was Sun Zhipeng, and opposite him sat an old man with some gray hair, wearing a camouflage uniform with a star on his collar badge.

Look, what people do is so grand. The old man said to the two of them: "Not only did he improve the food for his employees, but he also sent it to us.

I heard that all the nearby beef and mutton markets have been sold out. It’s such a big deal. "

After hearing what the old man said, Luo Kai said with a smile: "Haoyu Technology has developed rapidly in various fields in recent years. According to estimates by relevant professional organizations, if Haoyu Technology's market value reaches hundreds of billions of yuan, if it is listed, I am afraid that this The number will double several times, and I am afraid it will soon reach the trillions scale.

So this little money is just a drop in the bucket for this kid, not worth mentioning. On the contrary, this kid's little calculation makes people a little angry. This is clearly done for us to see. "

After hearing what he said, the old man waved his hand and said, "Let us see what's wrong. People just want to tell us that we don't care about their people. He cares about them and feels sorry for them. This is a response to us and also This guy is very good at winning people's hearts."

When I first met this kid, he was very immature. None of us expected that this kid could grow to this point in just a few years. Although this is inseparable from our support, it also has a lot to do with his own success. If he fails to live up to his expectations, it will be useless for us to support him. I heard that this kid lives a very frugal life. He and his girlfriend are the only ones at home, and they don’t even have a nanny. And he rarely enters high-end consumer places, and rarely even appears in the public eye. Every day at work, at home, or in the laboratory, people outside commented that he really lived like an ascetic. Luo Kai said with a smile.

Oh, to be able to not lose himself in the face of such great achievements and money rights at such an age, and to be able to be so self-disciplined, this kid is really extraordinary. Remember the website address of this website, www. Biquxu. Com for easy reading next time, or enter " " in Baidu to enter this site

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