Military Technology

Chapter 1798 Ace versus Ace

Compared with the relatively relaxed atmosphere the day before, the base on the second day was filled with a solemn and immersive atmosphere. It was like the silence before a war, which made people feel a little uncomfortable.

The halls of the Base Directorate and the Contract Operations Command Center are brightly lit, and all work is being carried out nervously and orderly.

In front of the contract command center hall, there is a whole high-definition screen covering the front wall. It is divided into windows of different sizes, which display various pictures, data, and information.

On the walls on both sides of the hall, in addition to some slogans, there are also some horizontal or vertical screens, which also display some data.

In the hall, in the front row, is a control and dispatch center with seven or eight rows of neatly arranged workstations. This center mainly controls the operation of all system facilities in the entire base, including the battlefield situation monitoring system in the entire area. Simulate the confrontation system, as well as the deployment and combat situations of the red and blue sides, etc.

Next, close to the walls on both sides, there are two functional areas. One of these two functional areas is the communication data center and the other is the director's decision center. At the regional work stations, all officers and soldiers wearing camouflage uniforms were working intensively.

The area in the middle of the hall is relatively empty, but there is a huge sand table in the center. What is displayed on the sand table is the mountains, rivers, and desert grasslands of the entire exercise area. On the sand table, a lot of data information is also marked.

On both sides of the sand table, that is, on the ceiling, there is also a rectangular display screen hanging. Various data information is displayed on all four sides of this screen. Facing the bottom of the sand table below, there is a huge high-definition screen, the same size as the sand table. quite.

What is displayed on this huge high-definition screen is a digital satellite map. What is displayed on the satellite map is the real-time dynamic information of the entire exercise area.

On a higher platform behind the contract command center hall is the leadership guest seat. Sitting here, you can look around the entire contract command center hall.

All rise!

Following an order, all the officers and soldiers in the contract command center hall stood up and stood at attention, and then a group of people trying on camouflage uniforms with stars shining on their collars walked in.

Behind this group of middle-aged and elderly people shining with stars, followed a young man wearing desert camouflage uniforms, but without any military rank or logo on the clothes. Among the many soldiers, especially among the senior leaders, there is such a person, which seems particularly unexpected.

This person was Wu Hao. As an invited guest, he followed many chiefs and leaders into the command center of this legendary and mysterious contract training base.

Of course, it is quite troublesome for non-active outsiders like Wu Hao to enter here. Even Wu Hao needs to sign a confidentiality agreement, which requires that what he sees, hears and touches this time cannot be spread, otherwise he will be severely punished.

They were followed by a large group of entourage, and among them were two young girls also wearing desert camouflage uniforms. Their good figures and delicate faces could not help but attract the attention of many people. And similarly, the camouflage uniforms of these two people did not have any military ranks or logos on them.

sit down!

With a cry of zero, everyone took their seats. Immediately, the host announced the official start of the exercise and began to introduce the relevant background, content and information of the exercise.

As a non-active guest sitting on the far side of the first row, Wu Hao's best choice now is to keep a low profile as much as possible. While looking at the entire contract command center hall, he listened to the host's introduction and related information. Notification.

"Currently, the blue army has occupied and controlled thousands of square kilometers of stations, airports, bridges, key passes, and some high-value targets in the entire exercise ground. It can be said that it has prepared its troops and is waiting for work, waiting for the red team's participating troops to attack. "

Where are the red troops participating in the march now? An old man sitting in the center with three stars on his collar heard the host's introduction and immediately asked.

"Reporting that the red team's participating troops have been assembled in the early morning of yesterday and marched to the exercise area through land maneuvers, train transportation, and air transportation.

In this exercise, the red side participated in the exercise with a strength of two and a half brigades. In addition, it also mobilized the air force, as well as rockets, combat equipment, and many other units to join in. Its overall strength can be said to be no less than that of an organized group army. .

At present, the two combined battalions of the red team participating in the exercise have arrived near the exercise area, and the air assault battalion has also arrived at the forward airport and is ready to launch attacks at any time.

A cruise missile battalion of the rocket is already in place and can attack the entire Blue Force target in the exercise area at any time.

In addition, the Air Force's two fighter squadrons have been deployed and can compete for air supremacy in the exercise area at any time and participate in strikes against ground targets. "

Who is the commander of the red team participating in the exercise? The old man nodded after hearing this, and then asked.

The reports are from Zhang Tiecheng and Dong Fangfang.

Zhang Tiecheng! The old man smiled when he heard this, and then smiled at the people around him and said: "I know this person, but he is a famous warrior. If I remember correctly, he won five victories in the base debate exercises he participated in before. An excellent record of one loss.”

Yes, it's him! Sitting next to the old man was Lu Qingfeng, an acquaintance of Wu Hao and the leader who had had contact with Wu Hao before.

At this moment, he smiled at the old man and replied: "In order to deal with this Blue Army, which is armed to the teeth, we specially brought him here this time, just to let him touch his old rival Zhang Kefeng.

Ace versus ace, this is what makes this exercise fun. "

Hahahaha... After hearing Lu Qingfeng's words, many of the leaders sitting there laughed.

The old man smiled and nodded and said: "I heard that this time the Blue Army, in order to strengthen its own strength, transferred a lot of the latest weapons and equipment from many troops and even localities. I even heard that there was a little conflict over this? "

Hearing the old man's words, Lu Qingfeng smiled and nodded and replied: "Yes, there were some minor conflicts with local military industrial enterprises due to negligence in work, but it will not affect the exercise. We will handle it seriously and properly after the exercise."

Well, the old man nodded when he heard this and said: "Our chief officers must pay attention to the methods and methods during their work, especially when they are in contact with the local government. They must not act recklessly, let alone act recklessly. This will not only harm us. Our image will also cause losses and significant impact to those companies that enthusiastically support our development."

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