Military Technology

Chapter 1799: Jade cannot be used until it is polished


"Yes, we must handle it properly so as not to chill the local comrades." Lu Qingfeng responded quickly.

Well, the old man nodded, then looked at the big screen and said, "What about the Blue Army? What's going on now? They are not really preparing to fight a positional defense battle with the Red Army's participating troops who have superior strength."

"The report, on the surface, shows that the Blue Army is deploying all its forces dispersedly in important areas such as these passes, bridges, airports, stations, etc., in preparation for layer-by-layer defense.

But in fact, this is just an illusion. The real strength of the Blue Army has been hidden in this area. They are like a hidden poisonous snake, waiting for its prey to enter the ambush circle, and then deliver a fatal blow.

In addition, this time the Blue Army has a series of advanced weapons and equipment in its hands, including Haoyu Technology's light field area air defense system deployed near some high-value targets. Once the red team's participating troops raid these high-value targets, they will be attacked by these hidden air defense firepower.

In addition, the biggest advantage of this light field area air defense system is that it can build a large-scale regional air defense network and achieve regional joint defense. The blue army spread these light field area air defense systems throughout the exercise ground, forming a huge regional air defense network. Once the red side's air power breaks in, it will be surrounded on all sides and exhausted.

In addition, the Blue Army conducted coverage monitoring of the entire exercise area long before the exercise. Relying on the intelligent unmanned patrol security system developed by Yu Haoyu Technology, the Blue Army scattered many unattended intelligent sentry devices throughout the exercise area.

These smart sentry devices are integrated with a variety of sensors that can collect relevant dynamic information in nearby areas at all times and transmit them back to the Blue Army command center as soon as possible.

In addition to these fixedly deployed smart sentry systems, the Blue Army has also deployed surface and underwater unmanned patrol warning systems in rivers, lakes, and swamps. In the air, aerial patrol drones may not necessarily patrol the entire area. There are also drones that stay in the sky for a long time at high altitudes. In addition, the Blue Army also mobilized a number of reconnaissance satellites to continuously scan and monitor the exercise area, including nearby areas.

It can be said that the Blue Army has now made the entire exercise area look like an iron barrel. As long as the red team's participating troops step into the exercise area, the blue team will know immediately. We even know whether the soldiers from the red team participating in the exercise stepped in first with their left foot or their right foot. "

After hearing this introduction, everyone present started talking. No one believed it. This was too outrageous and exaggerated.

Hearing this, the old man smiled and shook his head slightly and said: "There is no absolute defense. Any defense has its loopholes and weak points. It depends on whether Zhang Tiecheng can find the loopholes and weak points and launch an attack."

Lu Qingfeng nodded and said: "Although the Blue Army seems to be fully defensive and has made the entire exercise area look like an iron barrel, this cannot cover up their own disadvantage of having a small number of troops.

For the red troops participating in the exercise, they have an absolute advantage in strength. Now it depends on where they will start. "

"Not necessarily." An old man sitting on the other side said: "A general with many soldiers may seem very powerful, but if he encounters a powerful enemy with well-equipped equipment, he may be vulnerable to a single attack.

The Blue Army has more than just these cards. I heard that they have drawn a series of good things from various units.

I don’t believe that in this exercise, they were just waiting to be beaten and did nothing?

Don’t forget, the Blue Army also holds a trump card, our army’s first digital special synthetic battalion. If the combat effectiveness of this battalion is used well, it is not impossible to defeat a hundred soldiers with one battalion. "

Everyone here knew more or less about this digital special synthesis battalion, so when the old man mentioned it, they couldn't help but nodded.

The old man nodded and smiled and said: "Relying on this digital special synthetic battalion alone is like defeating a group army. This Zhang Kefeng is a little too crazy.

What other trump cards does he have? "

After hearing the old man's question, the leader in charge of presiding over the exercise immediately reported: "In addition, there are the Blue Army's original two armored combined battalions, air assault battalion, special operations brigade and other conventional forces.

The Blue Army also controls powerful air forces. In addition to conventional air force fighters, the Blue Army also controls twelve Fujia intelligent attack drones developed by Haoyu Technology, as well as the Tornado Swarm Attack System.

In addition, there are some trump cards, including twelve large-scale power mechas that were seconded from the Northwest R\u0026D Center of Haoyu Technology not long before the Blue Army exercise. "

Hey, when the relevant information pictures were displayed on the big screen, everyone present looked surprised, and then whispered to each other, telling their curiosity and surprise.

After looking at the photo of the large-scale powered armor on the big screen, the old man also showed a very interested expression, and then chuckled at Lu Qingfeng beside him and said, "This is what Zhang Kefeng offended that boy for."

Hearing this, Lu Qingfeng smiled and glanced at Wu Hao sitting next to him, then nodded and said, "This is the power armor. It is said that this kid was very angry when he found out about it and threatened to go to the headquarters to file a complaint."

"Hahaha, it seems that this Zhang Kefeng's eyes are really poisonous, and he caught this kid's lifeline at once." The old man laughed heartily, and then said: "To be cherished so much by this kid, and to be so cherished by Zhang Kefeng It shows that the performance of this weapon and equipment is indeed excellent. I am looking forward to their performance in the exercise.

But this matter needs to be handled well. Don't let this kid think that we are protecting the calf and alienate us. This will be a bit uneconomical.

It is not easy to cultivate such a talent and such a company. If this guy gives up his career and really plans to give up the research and development of military technology, it will be a huge loss for us. "

"You are right. We also plan to deal with this matter seriously after the exercise and strive to resolve it properly." Lu Qingfeng nodded.

Well, the old man nodded and then looked at the big screen and said: "Zhang Kefeng is a general and cannot be discarded. However, it needs to be polished. A jade cannot become a weapon if it is not polished, and a sword cannot be sharp if it is not sharpened."

Especially in terms of the overall situation and details, he is still far behind, so through this incident, he must be deeply aware of his mistakes and the serious consequences that may result.

Clean away the fluke mentality, superiority and arrogance in his heart. We are the people's soldiers. We come from the people and serve the people. What sense of superiority do we have? Being a member of such a glorious unit is something to be proud of, but we must not be arrogant or conceited.

As comrades and comrades-in-arms, we must help him correct these mistakes. Only in this way can he grow and we can rest assured to put him in an important position. "

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