Military Technology

Chapter 1008 Fighting between Dragon and Tiger

After saying that, the old man glanced at Wu Hao, who was quietly watching the exercise screen on the big screen, and then smiled at Lu Qingfeng and said: "In addition, this kid also needs to be beaten hard and cannot be aggrieved at all. , just stick out your hooves, this is unacceptable."

What you're saying is that I plan to have a pep talk with him in person. Lu Qingfeng nodded and expressed his inner plan.

The old man shook his head when he heard this: "I'm afraid that alone won't have much effect. We still need to strengthen his ideological understanding, especially his understanding of XX. We must establish a correct value orientation in his heart, and let him know, understand, and Take on this glorious responsibility.

Only in this way can his heart be closer and closer to us, and his energy can be used together. "

This... Lu Qingfeng thought for a moment after hearing this, and then showed a look of embarrassment: "This kid is not in the system after all, so it's a bit difficult to handle."

"There is nothing difficult to do, as long as he is in the organization, it can be done in the name of this aspect." The old man waved his hand and said: "For such outstanding talents, outstanding entrepreneurs, and scientists, we must actively Unite and fight.

Of course, you should also pay attention to the methods. After all, this guy's identity is quite special, and his company has a certain influence internationally. If we handle it improperly, it is likely to cause and intensify the targeting of its companies overseas, which will severely impact it. "

Yes, after the exercise, we must conduct serious research and find a reasonable way to proceed. Lu Qingfeng immediately responded.

Well, the old man nodded, then looked at the exercise area situation map on the big screen and raised his voice and said, "What do you think of this exercise?"

Hearing the old man's voice, everyone talking nearby stopped, and then looked at the big screen in front of them.

As for Lu Qingfeng, he smiled and said: "It's hard to say. Although the red army's participating troops have an absolute advantage in strength, the blue army controls many advanced weapons and equipment, so who is stronger and who is weaker? It really doesn't matter now. Easy to say.

However, it can be seen that the red and blue sides are in a fierce battle, a strong showdown. This exercise is definitely very interesting to watch. "

After hearing Lu Qingfeng's words, everyone else present nodded in approval. The two sides haven't taken action yet, and it's hard for them to say anything until the situation becomes clear.

The old man smiled when he heard this, and then looked at Wu Hao, who was sitting on the edge and had been silent and had no sense of presence, and said: "Who do you think has a better chance of winning between the red and blue sides?"

Wu Hao, who was quietly watching the excitement, suddenly felt the gazes of the old man and others gathered around him. He was slightly shocked, but quickly calmed down, and then replied seriously: "Report, I have the same views as everyone else, Before the two sides fight, I can’t tell who wins and who loses, it’s hard to say.”

Oh, I thought you would think that the Blue Army, equipped with so many of the most advanced weapons and equipment you developed, would have a better chance of winning? The old man said a little surprised.

Facing the old man's words, Wu Hao smiled and said: "Although these weapons and equipment are all developed by us, it can be said that no one knows the true performance of these weapons and equipment better than us.

However, the outcome of a war is not determined solely by weapons and equipment. There are many factors that affect the outcome of a war. Any factor will lead to the ultimate defeat of an elite force.


Our weapons and equipment are advanced, but it depends on who uses them, how they are used, and for whom they are used, so at this stage, I cannot judge. "

After hearing his words, everyone nodded. Indeed, the more advanced the weapons and equipment of the army, the better, so that the combat effectiveness will be stronger, but it does not mean that advanced weapons and equipment will definitely lead to victory. This was the case for the Guo Army back then, the Japanese were like this, and the same was true for the so-called 'United Nations Army' on the peninsula battlefield. in this way.

Little naughty boy, the old man obviously didn't believe what Wu Hao said, but he didn't dig into it, instead he laughed and cursed.

During the chat, the live broadcast suddenly sounded: "Report, there are abnormal movements in the land patrol battalion of the red team's participating troops."

As the sound of the broadcast sounded, the large screen began to display the investigation effects on the satellite map, as well as related surveillance videos.

At the same time, relevant information was also marked on the digital sand table above the ceiling, and staff members also began to mark on the sand table below.

"The Blue Army reported that in area 275 of the exercise field, a special operations unit infiltrated by the red team's participating troops was found."

here! Lu Qingfeng pointed at the sand table and signaled to the old man.

"It looks like the Red Army's participating troops are still preparing to use the early stage special operations forces to penetrate into the Blue Army's hinterland. On the one hand, they will carry out destruction, and on the other hand, they will guide the Red Army's long-range strike force to carry out precise strikes.

Although the Blue Army deployed many false targets in the exercise area to confuse the Red Army's participating troops and cover the main force of the Blue Army. However, these false targets can hide from satellites in the sky and high-altitude reconnaissance aircraft, but they cannot hide from human eyes.

The red team's participating troops must have realized this, so they sent special forces to infiltrate and sneak in.

I have a hunch that the mission of this red team special forces cannot be just that simple. They must have big plans. "An old man sitting there with two stars twinkling on his collar spoke up and analyzed.

There are many different special operations modes, but at their core, there are just a few. What you call a big move is nothing more than a beheading operation. Another old man spoke.

Upon hearing this, the old man who just spoke smiled and said nothing, acquiescing to this statement.

This is indeed the most classic combat method in special operations, decapitation operation. Maybe when you think of special forces, you will inevitably think of such a task or this term, which is almost bound to the same.

But in fact, there are many ways to carry out beheading operations, which do not necessarily require special forces. However, special forces have specialized research and training in this area. There are even some special forces specially established for beheading or counter-decapitation.

impossible. An old man who looked a little young shook his head and said: "In the past series of exercises here, beheading actions have been the specialty of the Blue Army. Beheadings and counter-decapitations have been practiced many times. The commanders of both red and blue sides must know that this is very difficult to achieve.

It cannot be ruled out that the red side sent this special operations team to try to carry out beheading operations in a somewhat tentative or luck-based manner, but I think their main mission is definitely not this.

In addition, until now, we still don’t know how many such special operations teams the red side sent to infiltrate. Why were they not detected by the series of monitoring systems introduced earlier? "

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