Military Technology

Chapter 1801 Finally

Chapter 1802 Finally "take action"


After the old man's reminder, everyone also reacted. Yes, didn't I say earlier that the blue army's layout was like an iron barrel? How could this allow the red side's special operations team to infiltrate without anyone noticing?

Many people turned their attention to Wu Hao, hoping to hear his explanation.

Facing everyone's gaze, Wu Hao said with a smile: "No matter how tight the defensive monitoring network is, there will always be loopholes or weaknesses, so now we don't know whether the red side's special operations team has found the weakness of this battlefield monitoring system.

Second, special forces have specialized and targeted training and research on this type of monitoring device system, and know how to avoid these reconnaissance and monitoring systems. So it's not surprising that they were able to infiltrate and appear in area 275 without anyone noticing.

Third, the Blue Army surveillance system may have discovered these lurking Red Side special operations units that had infiltrated. Why did they not take action? What might they be waiting for? "

After hearing Wu Hao's analysis, everyone looked at the big screen and sand table thoughtfully. Yes, if the blue army knew that these red side special operations teams had infiltrated, why didn't they take action? What were they waiting for?

"Then could this be a smoke bomb released by the red side's participating troops, or could it be asking for directions? The blue army saw through the red side's participating troops' strategy, so they chose to stay put." Someone analyzed.

After hearing this analysis, everyone at the scene nodded and shook their heads. Everyone disagreed.

Lu Qingfeng raised his voice and asked: "What is the Blue Army doing now?"

"Report, the Blue Army site is in a state of radio silence. Except for a few radars and communication systems, others are either shut down or silent."

"He is calm and has the air of a general." The old man praised him.

"The battlefield dynamic perception system reported that the Red Army's cruise missile launch site launched twenty-one Type 100 cruise missiles and began to fly towards the Blue Army's defense area. It is expected to arrive at the exercise area in ten minutes."

Oh, after hearing this announcement, everyone cheered up and began to look at the window screen on the big screen.

In the picture, six cruise missile launch vehicles are parked at a launch position, and the missile launchers on the six vehicles have been raised. With a burst of fire, three cruise missile jets were pushed out of the barrels, then ignited and flew into the distance with tail flames.

Although this exercise is a real-force confrontation exercise, it does not mean that all of them need to use real ammunition. This is impossible, so the exercise is conducted using a combination of soldiers and simulations. The launch was a simulated launch of twenty-one cruise missiles, but only three cruise missiles were actually launched.

Finally taking action, everyone could not help but breathe a sigh of relief. The period before the actual start is the most painful. No one knows when it will start, and everyone hopes to start as soon as possible, so everyone is very anxious.

But when it really started, everyone relaxed.

"Is there any reaction from the Blues?"

"Report, still no."

After hearing the report, one of the old men was a little confused: "It's strange. It's impossible that the Blue Army doesn't even have this detection capability. How could it be indifferent."

Everyone has the same feeling about this old man's doubts. The Blues are a little too calm, which is too abnormal.

Looking at the cruise missile flight path displayed on the satellite map, everyone couldn't help but start talking about what was going on and why there was no movement from the Blue Army.

While everyone was discussing, suddenly, several targets appeared on the big screen, flying quickly towards the cruise missiles that were penetrating at low altitude. Soon these targets overlapped with the cruise missile icons, and then all disappeared.

Seeing this, everyone understood that this was the blue army's air defense system activated to intercept the cruise missiles of the red team's participating troops.

Soon, a surveillance picture captured by an on-site ground surveillance system was displayed on the big screen. I saw multiple firelights flashing in the sky at once. This should be the scene when live ammunition was intercepted.

"What happened? When did the Blues intercept?"

Just when everyone was confused, the broadcast sounded again: "The Exercise Directorate's Guidance and Adjudication Center reported that at 18:40 and 7 seconds, the blue army intercepted twenty-one cruise missiles from the red side. This time The interception achieved very good results, and all three live ammunition were successfully intercepted. The Guidance and Adjudication Center of the Exercise Director's Department ruled that 20 of the 21 cruise missiles attacked by the red team were shot down, and one successfully hit the target. , a light field area air defense system of the Blue Army was 'destroyed' and withdrew from the exercise."

"Hiss, this interception rate!"

"So, the ones that intercepted these cruise missiles this time were those light field area air defense systems." Someone at the scene said while showing the missiles.

"It seems so, but is this system so responsive?"

"Is there any live footage?"

Soon a video was played on the big screen. In the video, an unmanned light field area defense system suddenly launched several interceptor drones to intercept and attack the incoming targets on the screen.

The ballistic trajectory of the entire interception attack is very weird. These interceptor drones do not fly directly to the cruise missile, but first fly over the route where the cruise missile is expected to pass, hover, wait for the cruise missile to approach, and then dive to launch an attack. This is a bit like fighting an ambush battle, setting up an ambush in advance, and then attacking when the enemy reaches the ambush circle.

When the red cruise missile flies into the predetermined airspace, six interceptor drones will intercept the cruise missile from all directions. It greatly increases the success rate of interception, allowing these valuable cruise missiles to be hit, or explode in the air, or fall.


Seeing this, everyone couldn't help but take a breath. It's not that I'm amazed at the high interception success rate of this air defense system, but I'm amazed or afraid of this lightweight field area air defense system. From combat duty, to finding the target, deciding to intercept, and the entire interception process is unmanned. . There is no human intervention and control at all, and the entire warning and interception process is carried out autonomously.

"This is a bit too scary. Aren't the Blue Army afraid of accidentally injuring friendly forces? They trust the performance of this system so much?"

"Nonsense, if it was the red fighter plane that launched the attack this time, would it also be shot down? This would be too dangerous."

"Although the exercise is actual combat and everything is based on actual combat, this is too risky and must not be done."

While everyone was talking, everyone looked at Wu Hao sitting next to him. As for Wu Hao, after feeling the gaze, he immediately showed a helpless expression.

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