Military Technology

Chapter 1802 The Blues counterattack!

Facing everyone's gaze, Wu Hao explained with a smile: "There is no completely autonomous weapon system. In fact, the autonomous operation of this light field area air defense system also requires certain conditions.

First, authorization from the user is required. Without authorization, it is impossible for the system to operate autonomously.

Secondly, set relevant autonomous operation permissions, such as autonomous duty, autonomous identification, tracking, and reporting of discovered targets, and then autonomous attacks.

Judging from the anti-missile interception battle just now, it is obvious that the Blue Army has given authorization and allowed this light field area air defense system to conduct autonomous attacks.

Regarding your concerns about whether our light field area air defense system will accidentally damage friendly aircraft or targets, or neutral aircraft or civilian aircraft after it is allowed to attack autonomously, you don't have to worry about this at all.

Because within the scope of authorized attacks, there are already relevant setting permissions, that is, which targets are authorized for this light field area air defense system to attack.

Such as cruise missiles, conventional glider bombs, enemy fighters, helicopters, etc. After the light field area air defense system discovers and captures the target, it will immediately compare it with the data information in the database and only launch an attack after confirming that it is an enemy target.

When it is confirmed that it is your own aircraft or target, as well as neutral parties and civilian aircraft, they will not take the initiative to launch attacks.

Of course, in order to prevent enemy fighters from deceiving the system by pretending to be civilian or neutral aircraft, when these camouflaged targets launch attacks on our light field area air defense system targets, the system will automatically determine that they are enemies. It camouflages fighter planes and launches counterattacks, while also transmitting data and information to light field area air defense systems in other areas.

In addition, this system is also equipped with an identification friend or foe system, which can identify our fighters in real time and adopt a multi-pronged approach to ensure the safety of our aircraft and related aircraft. "

After hearing Wu Hao's explanation, everyone nodded. However, there is still a lot of controversy over the system's ability to launch attacks independently and the Blue Army's bold move.

"Report, the Blue Army has the latest trends. At 19:00, fifty Guangfeng series swarm suicide attack drones suddenly occurred somewhere in the Blue Army. These fifty Guangfeng series swarm suicide attack drones occurred After taking off, quickly form an air formation in the air and fly towards the red cruise missile battalion. The target should be the cruise missile battalion that just launched the attack."

The reaction speed is so fast, but it is too late to fight back at this time. This cruise missile battalion will not stay there and wait for you to destroy it. It will escape long after the launch. Someone said at the scene.

After hearing this person's analysis, everyone nodded, and some of them raised their own doubts: "Logically speaking, the Blue Army also has its own long-range strike weapons, why would they choose the Guangfeng series swarm suicide attack drones.

The Tornado series swarm suicide attack drones are only suitable for large formation saturation attacks to destroy the enemy's air defense system network, or for ground strike missions after seizing air supremacy.

Aren't these fifty Guangfeng series swarm suicide attack drones deliberately given to the red side's participating troops for free? "

After hearing this person's analysis, everyone here felt that it made sense. Indeed, the Blue Army's reaction was a bit strange. I couldn't figure out what they were thinking and what their intentions were.

"Could this be an active test by the Blue Army, or is it that we are currently in an environment where the Red Army and the Blue Army are testing the real and the real?" someone at the scene analyzed.

"There is a possibility that the red team's participating troops will come first, and then the blue team will respond. Both sides will test each other's reality and find each other's flaws."

"So this is a bait. If the red side's participating troops take the initiative to expose their anti-aircraft firepower, then what awaits them will be the next wave of violent strikes. If the red side's anti-aircraft firepower is not exposed, then this unit that has just left the launch position will It may be difficult for the Red Cruise Missile Battalion to escape the pursuit of this Tornado series swarm suicide attack drone.

You should know that compared with flying wing bombs and cruise missiles, the biggest feature of this Gustav series swarm suicide attack drone is that it can stay in the air for a long time. Relying on this advantage, it can think about finding this transferred red cruise missile battalion. "

I don't think it can be that simple. One of the old men shook his head and then raised his voice and asked, "Does the Blue Army have any other moves?"

"Report, according to the detection of the Blue Army's battlefield situation awareness system, the Blue Army's special operations brigade has taken action."

"Sure enough, I still can't sit still."

"A few mice ran into the house. Who would be comfortable if they were left alone? It seems like they should be exterminated."

"Is there any on-site monitoring? Give a window to continue to pay attention."

yes! Immediately, a brand new window was displayed on the big screen. In the window, a special operations team was seen riding on a 20 helicopter, taking off and starting to fly into the distance. At the same time, the trajectory, route and movement of these 20 helicopters are also marked on the digital sand table of the satellite map displayed in real time.

We are approaching a red team special operations unit and the battle is about to begin.

What are they doing?

I originally thought this was a hand-to-hand encounter between special forces, which would be nice to watch, but what I didn't expect was that after getting off the plane, this blue army special operations team did not get close to fight, but immediately opened several The suitcase, and then took out something similar to a rocket smoke launch nest. After the installation was completed, antennas and control equipment were set up, and two special forces members put on a very sci-fi smart VR glasses. Holding something similar to a game controller in his hand, he started to control it.

As the team commander's order was issued, the 24-unit rocket launch nest was quickly launched. Many rockets were launched, but they did not fly far, but flew into the air and suddenly turned into a drone. Fly away.


Looking at these transformed drones, everyone whispered to each other about what they were.

Seeing this scene, the corner of Wu Hao's mouth twitched. The Blue Army wanted to know more about the bottom line. He was addicted to picking up wool and even got this thing.

Who is this Blue Army special operations team tracking and recording? The referee's director's department and recorder pointed the camera at a laptop screen over there. Numerous video picture windows were displayed on the screen. These windows were officially launched just now. of those small drones.

As the mode switches, it is still a low-light picture at first, and then it turns into a thermal imaging picture. Under the tracking of thermal imaging, the red side special operations team that was hiding and hiding at a distance of four to five hundred meters was soon exposed to the tiny pictures of these drones.

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