Military Technology

Chapter 1808 Digital Special Synthetic Battalion Attacks

Having lost air supremacy and being on the territory of the Blue Army, even though the Red Army had very powerful anti-aircraft firepower, it still became a ground target for Blue Army fighters.

As for the Blue Army, they immediately began to counterattack. The four combined battalions, facing twice the opponent's strength, were still confident and faced the battle calmly.

However, under the powerful ground force offensive of the Red Army participating troops, it seemed very difficult. Although the Blue Army controlled the air, the Red Army's participating troops still completed the interweaving and integration before dawn. Relying on strong air defense firepower and the growing light of the sky, they were able to temporarily withstand the attack of the Blue Army's fighter jets.

At the same time, it seems that the red side is gaining more and more advantages in the war. Although the blue army has gained air superiority, it seems that it is gradually losing this huge advantage.

If the Blue Army does not come up with an effective fighting strategy, it is likely to be annihilated by the Red Army.

At this time, the digital special synthesis battalion that had been hiding behind finally showed its true face in Lushan.

This appearance was truly extraordinary, as it directly defeated a combined battalion of the Blue Army from the front.

Everything happened very quickly, leaving the red troops unable to react in time.

Even in the combined command center, everyone who saw this digital special combined battalion fighting for the first time showed expressions of extreme astonishment.

This digital special combined battalion is a multi-arms combined force, including armored assault troops, armored transport vehicles, and accompanying air defense systems. In addition, all accompanying combat infantry in this battalion wear heavy mechanical exoskeleton protective armor. As for the artillery and logistics units, they wear mechanical exoskeletons.

Of course, the most eye-catching thing is the twelve three- to four-meter-high Xingtian powered mechas. Not to mention fighting, these give people a great sense of oppression just by standing there.

And they are not weak in battle, they move very quickly, no slower than the traveling speed of armored vehicles, and their movements are very flexible, just like a well-trained and flexible warrior, doing various tactical actions.

With such a big body and so many flexible tactical moves, the impact on the battlefield is absolutely shocking.

Not to mention the weapons and equipment they carried. Although it was an exercise, the Blue Army also equipped them with powerful weapons and equipment, and installed a laser laser countermeasures simulation system that had been installed on armored vehicles before.

Although there is an emphasis on asymmetric warfare now, there are very few confrontations between infantry like this. However, in many wars, ground combat is also an indispensable and important part, especially in eliminating the remaining enemies, and is indispensable.

In order to limit the advantage of the Blue Army's armored forces, the Blue Army deliberately vacated the area on the first and second lines of defense suitable for armored forces to advance, and instead concentrated on the mountainous and hilly areas behind it. Therefore, when the Red Army's armored composite battalion arrived in this area, the attack speed It's much slower.

In this kind of terrain, this digital special synthetic battalion was able to take advantage of their flexibility and maneuverability, so the red armored forces came with a fierce force and collapsed at the first touch.

I really didn't expect this situation to be like this. I thought we could still fight one or two. An old man present laughed bitterly.

"This is the most elite armored synthetic battalion, the cutting edge in the army. I didn't expect that it would be so vulnerable in front of this digital special synthetic battalion." Another old man in the crowd couldn't help but sigh. This battle started from the beginning By the end, it simply overturned his understanding. Originally, he thought that such an armored synthetic battalion was already the backbone of the elite, the leading edge in battle. But he didn't expect that he would lose so miserably. He couldn't help but feel that he seemed to be behind the times.

Hearing the old man's sigh, the old man next to him quickly spoke out to comfort him: "This digital special synthetic battalion also takes advantage of the terrain. If it is really placed in the plains, this digital special synthetic battalion will Not necessarily an opponent.”

Another old man shook his head: "I don't think so. This battle was fought too easily. The battle was basically resolved in ten minutes. This is too fast."

In my opinion, this digital special synthetic battalion has not even used 50% of its combat effectiveness.

Fifty percent, I think even 30% of the combat effectiveness is not used. The participating troops from the red side were completely defeated in one blow and had no power to fight back.

After hearing everyone's discussion, Wu Hao laughed out loud and said: "It's not as exaggerated as what was said, but one thing everyone is right about is that the true combat effectiveness of this digital special synthetic battalion has not yet been unleashed.

In other words, the combat effectiveness of the heavy mechanical exoskeleton assist armor it is equipped with has not been fully exerted, let alone the twelve Xingtian power mechas.

I think the focus of the next battle is whether the other red troops who have received the news and are on defense can resist this digital special synthetic battalion. "

The old man in the middle of the battle heard this and said slightly: "The outcome of the war is actually obvious now. It depends on the next actions of the blue army and the response of the red army's participating troops.

How to win a battle is also a matter of knowledge. You can't just break the pot just because you lose. This is not acceptable. How to correct the favorable conditions and create the possibility of victory when the war situation is very unfavorable.

If they cannot win, how to preserve their strength to the greatest extent in the face of heavy enemy forces will test the level and strength of the red commander.

Zhang Tiecheng can also be regarded as a warrior who has been riding for many years and has achieved very good results in previous exercises. Let’s see how he copes with such an unfavorable situation. "

After the old man finished speaking, Lu Qingfeng also followed the old man's words and said: "Judging from the current battle situation, the blue army does not completely have the advantage. Although the red team's participating troops have been hit hard, most of the main force is still there.

Let’s see how the red team’s participating troops responded to the blue army’s strong counterattack, reversed the current unfavorable situation, and sought the possibility of victory.

Based on my understanding of Zhang Tiecheng, he will not give in so easily. "

He must be unwilling to admit defeat like this. This is not Zhang Tiecheng's style. Based on my understanding of this person, I think he will persist until the end and fight to the death. Another old man nodded in agreement.

However, there were still many people at the scene who had different opinions or even directly opposed the views of the three people.

"I don't think the red team participating in the exercise will have a chance to turn defeat into victory. This failure was too sudden and too fast. With this new unit and the news of new weapons and equipment, it will definitely be in the hearts of the officers and soldiers of the jumping unit. It creates fear and affects morale, so it may be difficult for the red side to win."

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